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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Noel, that's looking just mega, well done, mind me asking what size is your layout, & did you have the first track's actually down before you changed your plan, thanks I advance, & again well done, lot's of trains running on that,
  2. Eoin, they look bloody mega, I could have swore a DART just passed me,
  3. Kieran, well done they're looking just great,
  4. Hi & thanks guys, I have to say I may need advice on where those gears, bearings, valve gears & rods are, in the meantime I'll be playing around with a couple of loco's for practice purposes, thanks again,
  5. Was kinda hoping to get some kind of an answer to this, but it seem's to have slipped by ! Don't know if maybe everyone's on holidays & leaving the site reletively quite maybe the reason why it slipped by
  6. =DJust imagine, Dublin, Hollyhead, Folkstone, Calais, Paris, Europe, in about 8 hours, & 20 years !
  7. Not only was there no Policital will, there was no intelligence languishing in the walls of power either, then or now, this video ( on an earlier tread ) show's what may have been possible, it was the lack of funds then, http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3724-CIE-promo-video-from-the-70s?highlight=CIE+FREIGHT+VIDEO
  8. The " More Details " about this model says it has the " FLYING SNAIL"logo, but it actually has the CIE ROUMDAL on it ! just saying,
  9. Are you sure about that, did you check that figure, you never know, you might've missed something !!
  10. IT this is the way they go ! The car go's eeerrrruuummmm, the plane go's zzzzuuurrrrrmm, the train go's CHOOCHOO, CHOOCHOO,
  11. On EBay for those who like BIG things http://www.ebay.ie/itm/271906058374?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  12. Bachmann sale on in Marks Models, don't know if this is very recent !!
  13. Well done IT, I have to say I had to keep my eyes closed when listening to those two, as I feel movement may ! give a better albeit more ralistic sound to the motors, I don't know if this is making sense but I think the 141 has the lead, but only just on this test,
  14. Guys, am I missing something here, I don't think this is a part of an actual RAILWAY STATION, but !! This is on EBay now, along with about 12 more from same guy, same price of course !! http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Hornby-loco-17-/201379170515?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2ee32248d3
  15. Wonder was that the WIFE
  16. When the sign says this parking space is for Wheelchair User's only, that's exactly what it means,
  17. Watch the trains in Mumbai India http://www.independent.ie/videos/world-news/video-cctv-terrifying-moment-train-overshoots-platform-and-crashes-as-passengers-try-jump-off-31338212.html
  18. Maybe the LONE RANGER been keeping him busy
  19. Sad day for railway modellers, Ian Allen RIP
  20. Tony, they look bloody magic, very well done,
  21. Great, Kieran, very well done, you must have spent a few late nights listing that lot, forgot ak what a out the Harvourt Street Line !
  22. Hi Clive & belated happy birthday, hope you had a good one, some show's coming up soon,
  23. Hi John83 & welcome to the site, as it's supposed to be summer time there's not too many guys on here, but don't worry about that they'll be along soon enough. In the meantime you could pick up loco's on EBay, may even get some cheap, for practice etc. I've never done anything like what your planning, as yet but I do have some plans in mind, there will be guys on here with lot's of examples of work they carried out with the various kits which can be got to enhance loco's, carriages etc. Have a look at the workbenches & you should see plenty of examples of repainting, weathering, etc. Anthoney's workbench is definitely worth a look,
  24. Quote: Warbonnet, Are you going to rename yourself 'burnthebody' as a tribute? No thanks, I'm very happy as I am, my burning is retained for boxe's, & not the Crematiourm type !
  25. No More Smoking On Japanese Trains http://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/asia-pacific/two-die-on-japanese-bullet-train-after-man-sets-himself-on-fire-1.2267850?utm_source=lunchtime_digest&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news_digest
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