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Everything posted by Sulzer201

  1. Well done Jason, I'm following you workbench with great interest some lovely projects here.
  2. lovely work here rich, the shed, the wagons and the whole scene look great.
  3. Thanks Bos.
  4. Thanks Eamonn and delighted with 039 a very smooth runner since the transplant and thanks to your skills there. Delighted with that latest sound chip and next would love one for a 141 but hopefully the 121s will intervene before that happens!
  5. An engineers train is seen running along the D.S.E.R. single track sections and enters the loop at Wicklow mainline to cross a returning Arklow bank holiday relief service. Big GM 112 has been visiting Inchicore for minor modifications and was sent down on a test run to Arklow. After exchanging staffs the engineers train continues on its journey to Beleece to be loaded with ballast for the next possession - in the Wicklow - Rathdrum section.
  6. Any thoughts on these?...https://www.donedeal.ie/hobbies-for-sale/piko-schicht-locomotives-carriage-tracks-etc-/10595283
  7. Great reading down though this thread to learn that the arrival of the Yanks may not be too far off. As usual I'm skint but the old plastic will have to be used to secure a pair of these wonderful machines.
  8. Apologies there burnthebox and I hope someone salvages it.
  9. An interesting piece of kit here hopefully it will find a suitable home. https://www.donedeal.ie/collectibles-for-sale/railway-bridge/9015406
  10. Great photos Eamonn and great to see the line being used again. Hopefully they will work out something to keep the permanent way intact and maybe one day... we must live in hope.
  11. Getting a bit more done at my attempt to represent Wicklow Mainline, lots of details to be added and improvements needed, a work in progress.
  12. Another expensive one here. http://www.ebay.com/itm/LIMA-205159-IE-CIE-IRISH-RAILWAYS-CLASS-201-LOCO-216-RIVER-DODDER-MINT-BOXED-nc-/331422674305?hash=item4d2a54ad81
  13. Started laying out the platforms for 'Wicklow' and want to get the back-scenes and maybe attempt a scratch build of the old red brick and glass waiting room. A short engineers train made a trip through Rathnew (closed) and Wicklow mainline.
  14. Many thanks hurricane and dive, I should have remembered the famous 46 mile box smash. I was just trying to think of a serious incident at that time when these locos were still almost new and the damage looked very substantial for any level crossing tangles the Metroviks might have had up to that point. Thanks again.
  15. Hi all, hoping someone out there might be able to answer the following question? Recently looking through Irish Traction in Colour by Derek Huntriss, a lovely book with some very interesting and rare photographs of Irish Railways, on page 11 there is a great photograph of Sulzer B108 in pristine condition but in the background, on an adjacent line in the loco shop there is a Crossley A or C Class in sliver livery (I'm not able to determine which), with major front end damage - does anyone know what loco that is and what was the cause of the damage? Date given on photograph is May 1964. Many thanks I was unsure of the copyright protocols so do not wish to post the particular photograph. Thanks in advance. Tommy.
  16. Well done Eamonn the 071s look amazing and so realistic. Very busy workbench, love the fire brigade scene and I see the plough vans are nearing completion of their overhauls!
  17. Apologies, if this posted up twice maybe one of the mods could make the necessary adjustments. Many thanks.
  18. Recently I had a go at attempting to represent a couple of D.S.E.R. stations, Rathnew and Wicklow Mainline. Rathnew was a single platform station with a short siding which was lifted in the early part of the 20th C the station closed in 1964 along with numerous other smaller stations on this route. The station is located in a cutting and the station house is now private, the platform was removed during the installation of the mini ctc. Less than two miles to the east is Wicklow Mainline which is still in use this station has a loop and short PW siding, located just before the bridge over the Vartry river. Unlike, Rathnew station, Wicklow is a fair distance from the town centre and it was opened later than Wicklow Murrough, now long since closed. I will try and improve this work as I go and I'm attempting to develop my skills. Wicklow will be next and I would be glad of any advice for modelling the unusual signal box and footbridge and the lovely old red brick and glass waiting room on the 'up side' which has been closed off to the public for many years - also any ideas on platforms? Thanks for having a look. [ATTACH=CONFIG]19918[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]19919[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]19920[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]19921[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]19922[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]19923[/ATTACH]
  19. Recently I had a go at attempting to represent a couple of D.S.E.R. stations, Rathnew and Wicklow Mainline. Rathnew was a single platform station with a short siding which was lifted in the early part of the 20th C the station closed in 1964 along with numerous other smaller stations on this route. The station is located in a cutting and the station house is now private, the platform was removed during the installation of the mini ctc. Less than two miles to the east is Wicklow Mainline which is still in use this station has a loop and short PW siding, located just before the bridge over the Vartry river. Unlike, Rathnew station, Wicklow is a fair distance from the town centre and it was opened later than Wicklow Murrough, now long since closed. I will try and improve this work as I go and I'm attempting to develop my skills. Wicklow will be next and I would be glad of any advice for modelling the unusual signal box and footbridge and the lovely old red brick and glass waiting room on the 'up side' which has been closed off to the public for many years - also any ideas on platforms? Thanks for having a look.
  20. After going through your workbench tread from start to finish Rich, great work and inspirational examples of modelling for novices like myself to attempt at some stage. Well done. Your A and C class look great as do the buildings and the fab signal box.
  21. Came across this from the RTE archives and hope it will be of interest to some members. http://www.rte.ie/archives/2014/1116/659451-dalkey-train-crash-1979/
  22. Good man Eamonn, looking forward to seeing the finished tankers. The SSM detailing finishes them off lovely - I must have a go at the Dapol tankers again as the first few I did.....well lets say I may put them down to experience! Mine are stabled in a siding as they derail constantly when running but I still enjoy having them parked up.
  23. Following on some inspiration from Tom's (Riversuir) workbench, I had a go at improving my lone Lima 201. The best donor I had to hand was a Hornby Class 59 so I had a go today and changed over the Chassis. Obviously there are differences between the chassis on the 59s and 201s but I just want to be able to run the Lima model instead of seeing it gathering dust in a siding. Anyway, I'm happy with the representation and I gave the loco a run tonight on a dc line and she is running absolutely fine, great slow and high speed running and I'm sure she'll be a decent hauler. I will post a vid in the next few days - it's getting a bit hot to be in that loft! Thanks again to Tom and I'm delighted to have a loco that now runs so well.
  24. Lovely bit of work on 183 Tom and she looks great. Have been browsing back over your workbench and some great projects with the Tara's and GVs. Curios to know are you still running the MIR and Lima 201s?...did you ever upgrade the chassis and how are they performing? I have one Lima 201 River Dargle, one of our own Wicklow rivers, and she never runs too well, but with intensive cleaning and continuous running she can put in a few decent laps of the layout.
  25. Thanks for this josefstadt and to Dive and Robbie for very interesting information and website.
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