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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Can you be more specific? It's pretty much the same as asking how to remove the body on a CIÉ loco... there are several different kinds!
  2. RPSI volunteers have steamed 131's boiler for the first time since 1963. Photos on the society's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.779882512077140.1073741844.715053831893342&type=1
  3. Nederlandse Spoorwegen is to trial a 'laser railhead cleaner' which will be placed on the chassis of its stock, facing downwards, and which will shoot a beam which remove leaves and dust from the rail and dry it before the wheels pass over it... http://businessetc.thejournal.ie/dutch-trains-are-trying-out-lasers-to-blast-rail-debris-away-1826350-Dec2014/?utm_source=twitter_self Could save a lot of money in the long term.
  4. Nice post, Richie... should put an end to all the speculation! Re. DCC-ing the Atlas chassis... it's a simple process of removing the circuit board and dropping in a Digitrax DH165A0 decoder.
  5. No problem! If you're really stuck, click the 'insert image' button (third from right just above where you enter text when you're writing a post, then click 'from URL' and uncheck 'Retrieve remote file and reference locally'.
  6. Hi Tuby, I've put all your image links into one post and embedded them by placing the links between tags.
  7. Nope, it should fit just fine.
  8. Hi Tuby, Nice photos! You can include multiple links in one post... it's neater.
  9. Serious piece of German heavy metal there, Nelson... nice work!
  10. Ha, it's for a C class, Richie. You'll have to do a bit of 'cutting and shutting' with the Deltic chassis.
  11. No, you'd have to sacrifice a 141...
  12. The snail and lining are eau de nil - a pale green colour.
  13. You missed Warbonnet's follow-up post...
  14. There's one cement bubble left in Limerick... the rest were cut up before the Mk3s were touched.
  15. Thanks for that, Kirley... nice to see it stretching its legs at Downpatrick.
  16. I think they also produced a whitemetal version, although I'm not sure whether that was before or after the resin one (gut instinct says before)...
  17. Garfield


    I was expecting continental footage...
  18. Folks, A timely reminder of the following forum rule: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/79-Website-Guidelines-Rules The heavy gang will be called in next time.
  19. No worries. Like I said, if you feel you're going to be asking questions quite often, it's best to stick them all in the one thread as it'll be easer for you to keep track of the answers, etc.
  20. Again, you asked a similar question last year: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3572-Stripping-paint-away Please avoid starting duplicate threads as it can get confusing for people searching for specific posts. I'd also recommend starting one thread and asking all questions in there if you have quite a few of them.
  21. You asked a similar question last year: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/2327-Ex-gatwick-Nir Can you please avoid starting duplicate threads? Thanks.
  22. And not forgetting that Queen's Island in Belfast was originally called Dargan's Island...
  23. Hi Cinnead, can you explain the relevance of that link?
  24. Happy Birthday, Dave!
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