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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. 'Trains, Coal and Turf: Transport in Emergency Ireland' by Peter Rigney has a few photos of such trains... including an overhead shot. The vehicle in the foreground of the above photo is one of the GSR's Drewry railcars.
  2. Wouldn't mind this: http://www.platinumfighters.com/#!ta-4j-skyhawk/masterpage_37 It's a tad more expensive, mind you!
  3. Great stuff! I'm currently uploading photos from my trip to France last month...
  4. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    Details here: http://newirishlines.org/about/
  5. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    New Irish Lines subscribers will no doubt be aware that the May 2014 edition is now well overdue. However, it should be ready to go within the next couple of weeks. I recently came on board to look after the design of the newsletter, and we encountered a few snags which pushed back the deadline. However, that's all sorted now, so here's a sneak peak of what to expect...
  6. Ah here, already used that one!
  7. It has definitely run out of steam...
  8. It has definitely run out of steam...
  9. Caught this having a nap in Longford about 20 minutes ago... it's the second time I've seen the weedsprayer on the Sligo line in recent weeks.
  10. Great to hear! Must get a few more 40fts...
  11. Shem, try uploading to tinypic.com, then copy the link and paste it into your post... He already acknowledged that above.
  12. Mod: Not really relevant, Steven... they're entitled to hold it whenever they want. No need for that...
  13. Oh, go on so... PM me your PayPal details and we'll take it from there.
  14. The postman delivered this on Friday morning... an old Joeuf DU 65 'draisine'. These little permanent way vehicles can still be seen scurrying along on railway lines over France. The model is showing its age, the 'windows' are grey plastic to hide the motor inside, and there's some bad overspray on the factory paintjob. Should make an interesting detailing/upgrade project at some point, though...
  15. They are... coaches are often placed on temporary bogies when receiving attention.
  16. Suarez gets a four-month ban from "all football-related activity", a ban for nine international matches, and a fine of 100,000 Swiss Francs. Now, if only FIFA would also take action against players launching their elbows at opponents...
  17. Garfield

    Zs 666

    Yes, they're also 'GMs'. The manufacturer referred to that cab design as the 'Irish cab'...
  18. Mod: User 177 has been banned permanently as it's a duplicate account used by a member who's already serving a ban for abusive behaviour.
  19. Hi Sean, just to clarify... he's advising you to use weathering powders to get a brake dust effect as it would look more realistic than paint...
  20. Garfield

    MK3 Scrapping

    Easier for them to install a new genny before they seal the roof again, so....
  21. Garfield

    MK3 Scrapping

    They need to keep one of the generator sets to power the whole shebang... and I'm not sure what H&S would have to say about accommodating crew adjacent to a big tank of weedkiller! Anyway, I propose that the new weedsprayer train should be known as The Orient Express.
  22. You could just have said he was mistaken.
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