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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. You should see Longford at throwing-out time on a Saturday night!
  2. The Irish Army used those Landswerks, too.
  3. I'd take one, too. Kicking myself I missed out the first time around...
  4. That's not the one. Maybe it was a fictional film based on it. Edit: Found it... 'Attack on the Iron Coast'. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_the_Iron_Coast
  5. Ha! Wasn't there a film made based on that raid? I think I remember seeing it years ago...
  6. So much to get through whenever I get around to visiting UK air museums! Cosford would be worth visiting for the TSR2 alone...
  7. Ha, no it's not me! Those Falcons are a bit on the small side... need a Challenger or a Gulfstream so I can stretch my legs!
  8. My dad has a helicopter PPL... must tell him that one, although I daresay he knows about it all too well!
  9. Yep, empty weight is 8,340 lb (3,767 kg), which would include the powerplant and all other equipment. If that's the weight he's quoting, then it must include the engine. It should be possible to be made airworthy, in theory. The fuel bill would make your eyes water, though! Then again, a guy in Mullingar is (or was) able to afford to operate a Westland Whirlwind...
  10. At a private residence? You'll have to get something fancier so... like a Harrier!
  11. I actually saw that on MilWeb, Seamus! Wouldn't mind an AML or a Ferret to take out for a spin at the weekends!
  12. ...You could buy this for your garden: http://www.ebay.ie/itm/130823654360?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_2270wt_1037
  13. Ah, I stand corrected. I only ever seen photos of the wagons with the gantries in situ... never really paid attention to the wagons themselves.
  14. I think this is a case for The Wanderer...
  15. Don't know what that is, but it's definitely not a Donelli track-laying crane...
  16. Welcome aboard, Karl! Spent a weekend in Falcarragh once. It was quite an experience!
  17. Garfield

    Bye bye MK3s

    Looks like someone found an old press release in their inbox and didn't check the date. The Mk3s fate has long been sealed in any case.
  18. Just the DFDS liners from the West restarting, I think.
  19. This photo of B113 lying around Inchicore in 1994 was uploaded to Flickr a few days ago...
  20. Actually, it's no more expensive - in a lot of cases even cheaper - than other scales. The train in those videos was built from brass etchings, placed on RTR chassis.
  21. They'll stabilise soon... Ryanair are in discussions with them about ordering 200 new aircraft: http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/ryanair-in-talks-with-boeing-for-200-new-planes-3347205.html
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