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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. I think there was a photo posted here not so long ago of that weedkiller being hauled by a Sulzer, but for the life of me I can't remember exactly where...
  2. The same man once blamed a dip in the team's form on the fact the players no longer sat down together for a slice of toast in the mornings before training... and when asked in a takeaway if he wanted his pizza cut into eight slices he said "no, cut it into four because I'm not that hungry."
  3. Rich, maybe it's another incident I'm thinking of, but I seem to remember he took the penalty and sent it wide...
  4. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    Folks, on page 2 of this thread I posted a photo of the new logo as found on a poster in Longford station earlier today. It's definitely real.
  5. Saw that story yesterday... fair play to him!
  6. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    Just saw my first 'in the flesh' example in Longford: Bring back the flying snail! (Edit: sorry for the sideways pic. On my mobile and can't fix it)
  7. Yikes! I'm almost glad the baby GMs are all withdrawn... at least they won't have to suffer wearing that!
  8. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    It's surprising, but it's definitely happening... it's been on the cards for some time.
  9. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    Well, something needed to be done in this instance because IÉ's corporate branding has been all over the place for some time. The 'plug and socket' was pretty much pushed aside... it's nowhere to be found on the exterior of the 22ks, 201s, De Dietrichs, etc., and it's missing from a lot of station signage. It would've been pretty straightforward to 'get the house' in order without having to go for a complete re-design, though. What's even more bizarre is that they chose to do this so soon after the delivery of the last batch of 22ks, meaning some of them will probably spend less than 12 months in the livery they were delivered in!
  10. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    IÉ have replaced the 'plug and socket' with a 'double arrow'-type logo. (Spotted it earlier on one of the new timetable PDF files: http://www.irishrail.ie/media/01A-DublinCork1.pdf) Should be appearing on rolling stock soon enough. Personally, I think it's bloody horrible...
  11. From the horse's mouth: http://www.nowthisnews.com/news/lance-armstrong-to-oprah-i-doped-during-tour-de-france-victories/ He admits taking EPO, blood transfusions, testosterone, and other performance enhancers. There is something unnervingly psychopathic about Armstrong and the way he has dealt with all this, including this interview... even now he seems unrepentant, only feeling sorry because he was caught.
  12. More likely to happen when it's an all-new design... teething problems, etc.
  13. Brilliant idea! This line really confused me, because St Pauli aren't in the Bundesliga at the moment. Then I looked at the date...
  14. In fairness, there are reasons for some of those complications which had nothing to do with IÉ. The line into the port is Dublin Port's baby, and to be fair to them, there is limited space available. A traverser is used to move the loco onto the loop to let it run around its train as there's no room for points and a headshunt. The traverser is also the reason 201s don't work on the Taras, as it's not long enough to accomodate them. Until the '90s it was also too short to hold 071s, which is why an A class loco was always used to haul the Taras. As for the Sligo timber having to be split... that was because of the gradient on the branch from the docks. Nothing IÉ could do about that as that's the way it was when they inherited it. Even if they wanted to rebuild it with a gentler gradient, they couldn't because there isn't enough room available.
  15. A train cleaner in Sweden took a commuter train for a spin and ended up crashing it... http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jan/15/cleaner-injured-train-building-stockholm?CMP=SOCNETTXT6966
  16. The Food Safety Authority has published results of tests it carried out on several brands of beef burgers available from supermarkets here. Most also contained pork meat, but many also contained horsemeat! http://www.fsai.ie/uploadedFiles/News_Centre/Burger_results_2013_01.pdf Further proof that the best burgers are homemade burgers, using meat from the butcher!
  17. Ah here... what next? A Gresley A4 with a flying snail on the tender?
  18. Looks like Lance Armstrong will finally confess that he used performance-enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France: http://espn.go.com/sports/endurance/story/_/id/8844549/lance-armstrong-admits-doping-interview-oprah-winfrey-report-says It'll be interesting to see what happens on Thursday. Edit: And it looks like he may want to drag others down with him, according to CBS News on Twitter...
  19. The building is definitely safe from demolition... in fact, if the developer hadn't bought it when he did, it was going to be knocked down.
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