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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Came across a user on Twitter called 32Milepost, who recently posted this fantastic photo of one of the two pioneer Sulzers under construction at Inchicore: https://twitter.com/32Milepost/status/302504636546428928/photo/1
  2. Hopefully they won't! As much as I don't like seeing infrastructure rotting away, that section would only be another financial noose around the taxpayer. Best to concentrate on keeping the current network from being cut back...
  3. True, JB... there are photos of black Ds being scrapped at Inchicore.
  4. I was hoping to post a link to a photo of a D in Black and Tan livery that I saw some time ago, but it appears it is no longer online (could've been on Fotopic). Should've saved a copy!
  5. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    No offence to Noel, but I'd be more inclined to go along with the Wanderer's info on this one...
  6. Looks fab, Fran... the 'bloody nose' livery really suits it.
  7. Too good to be true after all. Or is it...?
  8. Came across that collection a while back... brilliant stuff!
  9. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    Love it... puts the 071s in touch with their American heritage. Have to say, I was never a fan of the black and silver 'freight' livery... always looked like an ill thought-out bodge to me.
  10. Nice catch, Noel! Not the only failure today... a 22k failed at Sallins this evening and caused all sorts of mayhem. Edit: Heard there may have been another failure at Kilbarrack, too?
  11. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    Roger that... clarification received.
  12. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    I don't doubt it, Dave. Someone else a few pages back reckoned it wasn't true, though...
  13. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    So the rumours that NO locos have been repainted could turn out to be false?
  14. You're really making progress now, John!
  15. Nope, you should be using HDR mode... you just have to mess around with the screen (tapping the intended target, etc.) to get the camera to focus properly.
  16. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    I like the look of that livery... it screams 'North American'.
  17. It came take them a while to get to emails, but they usually do reply.
  18. Cheers for that, Steve. Lots of railway-related programming from the BBC lately...
  19. iMovie ain't to be sniffed at... it's a good piece of kit.
  20. Garfield

    New IÉ logo...

    You'll have to commission the CIA or MI5 to obtain some, Seamus!
  21. Impressive stuff all the same, JB! I doubt the Per Way dept was best pleased, though...
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