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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. They're not alike at all, to be honest. GM's GL8 model, of which the 121 class is a variant of, was designed specifically for the export market. As far as I know, nobody produces a ready-to-run model of this loco. If there is one available, some alterations would still be needed...
  2. It's already looking like a fine model. Looking forward to following the build.
  3. Great book with good info and lovely photos.
  4. I wholeheartedly approve of this (the French layout, not the homicide).
  5. Two fantastic layouts. Bosko, there's more where that video came from... there's a website/blog for that layout: http://www.biscatrain.fr/
  6. They're the last ones (to date), Anto! I think B103 may hold the distinction of being the first mainline diesel to be preserved...
  7. Major milestone reached in the loco's restoration... well done to the ITG volunteers who've worked tirelessly to reach this point!
  8. Holy moly! RRR push-pulls now available ready-to-run! http://www.jura-modelisme.fr/coffret-3-elements-rames-reversibles-regionales-rrr-region-rhones-alpes-livree-rouge-inox-logo-nouilles-logo-ter-5-phares-n-60.html If the bank manager calls, I've moved to Venezuela...
  9. Judging by the mortgage calculator on the auctioneer's website, a 25-year mortgage on the building starts from €431 a month. If only I'd seen it sooner...
  10. And why wouldn't she? It's a stunning piece of architecture. They sure don't make 'em like that anymore...
  11. Still listed on Hume Auctioneers website... looks like they've used one of EireTrains' photos in their listings.
  12. Ah, Monasterevin... no problem going there. Wonder how much it finally fetched? €100,000 is not a bad price, notwithstanding its present condition.
  13. Wow! I'd almost move to Portlaoise to live in that. Almost...
  14. Stunning work, David. Looking forward to the next installment.
  15. At the monthly party rally? Lovely looking models, Seamus!
  16. RIP... probably the finest Irish outline modeller of them all.
  17. Nice one... make sure to thank him for us, Broithe! It looks like the mystery hasn't been solved yet, so.
  18. May he rest in peace.
  19. Cheers for that, Broithe! From those links it's apparent that the logo is based on the CIÉ version, and the Dutch enthusiasts even refer to it as a 'Flying Snail'.
  20. I'm afraid I can't take credit. Details arrived in my email inbox from an acquaintance. JB, you should have mail about it as well...
  21. The photo is of a trolley bus that ran in the city of Arnhem. According to Wikipedia, the trolley bus network there began operating in 1949... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolleybuses_in_Arnhem ...Which would suggest they ether copied it from CIÉ, or as JB suggests, a coincidence derived from the London Transport roundel.
  22. Well JB, if you ask me they should have kept the Flying Snail... it's a timeless design.
  23. True, although 'reverse' Flying Snails were used on the right-hand side of loco tenders...
  24. More photos on Google Images... https://www.google.ie/search?q=ARNHEM+TROLLEYBUSES&client=firefox-a&hs=YQj&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=8uqTUdCkIeTE7Abn64Bg&ved=0CDEQsAQ&biw=1608&bih=830#imgrc=J_dgDLFgqERf3M%3A%3BBPpbKHfofJtVoM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffarm3.staticflickr.com%252F2512%252F3918702365_0193040983_z.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.flickr.com%252Fphotos%252Farthur-a%252F3918702365%252F%3B640%3B480
  25. So, it turns out the Flying Snail wasn't unique to Ireland. Here's a photo of a preserved 1940s Dutch trolley bus wearing one... (Photo: Voogd075 at nl.wikipedia)
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