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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Welcome, Maitland... your J26 looks great, as does the drawing! There seems to be a lot of interest in the SL&NCR here lately.
  2. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    Thanks Des, I'll pass it along.
  3. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    The archive is now complete up to and including the May 2012 issue: http://newirishlines.org/archive-2/ Going forward, digital editions will be uploaded 12 months after the print version is published, i.e. the PDF of the November 2012 newsletter will be added to the archive next month, when the November 2013 issue is published.
  4. Yes, if not longer. Ahead of her in the queue to return to traffic is No. 4, Merlin, and Slieve Gullion. Maybe even 131...
  5. Take a bow, guys... they look great!
  6. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    Cheers! I'll be in touch with you about that. I'll mention the donations button to Alan O'Rourke, although the only costs normally incurred relate to printing... I also must add a word of thanks to Dennis Mowatt, who scanned and converted the files.
  7. Garfield

    New Irish Lines

    Another update to the New Irish Lines archive. It now includes editions from 2005-2007: http://newirishlines.org/archive-2/ More to follow during the week!
  8. I've heard some people say they prefer the old Jouef Mk3 to either the Lima or Hornby version. Perhaps someone with knowledge of this model could offer an opinion?
  9. Aye, they would have been A class diesels as the maximum power for that class wasn't specified.
  10. They were looking for the Madonna with the very big boobies...
  11. Aye, and then they went missing again. There's a rumour that they were thrown into a well supplying water for one of the C&L's water towers.
  12. My deepest sympathies to you and your family for your loss, Eamon. RIP.
  13. Remotely controlled by a pilot in a ground station There's still a lot of Phantoms flying... they're still in service with the Hellenic Air Force and the Luftwaffe only retired theirs back in June.
  14. 1 - C&L number 9, King Edward (had a nasty habit of spreading the rails, too) 2 - the loco's tricolour lining
  15. The Dublin & Blessington Steam Tramway?
  16. Target practice. Nothing new about retired aircraft being converted but I believe this is the first F-16 to receive the treatment.
  17. Nope... I'd like one of those G scale Rustons for the shelf, though.
  18. Found their website a while back... lots of tasty stuff in their range. The little Ruston loco looks fab, but seems to be out of stock for a while now. Wouldn't mind getting one to paint in BnM colours.
  19. [video=youtube_share;rJk4fBcaOYA]http://youtu.be/rJk4fBcaOYA Almost as cool as the pilotless F-16 itself is the fact that one of the chase planes is an F-4.
  20. A workench thread and tutorial all in one... love it! Looking forward to your next update, George!
  21. Never mind painting that one up in Isle of Man colours... turn it out in Ballymena & Larne livery!
  22. If can lay your hands on a copy of Iain Rice's book 'Etched Loco Construction', you'll find some good pointers in that as well. It's no longer in print, but second-hand copies turn up on Amazon and eBay...
  23. Great stuff as always, George!
  24. Or given a good kick...
  25. Doing it right...
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