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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Happy Christmas, folks... hope it's a good one for you all!
  2. Can't see any RTR steam locos being turned out any time in the near future, I'm afraid. As Horsetan pointed out, a J15 just might shade it because there were so many of them and because they had a long innings, plus two have survived and have run in the diesel era on specials. The WT would be a riskier investment as, though they lasted in service into the early '70s, and No 4 is still knocking around, they were a small class and, judging from modellers I know and what I've seen at exhibitions, the Northern Irish steam era is a minority within a minority within a minority among modellers here. An AEC railcar set could possibly have some mileage, as they carried a wide range of liveries (Two variants of CIÉ green, black and tan, GNR and UTA), turned up in all corners of the island, and ran from the 1950s through to the early '80s either as powered or hauled (push-pull) stock.
  3. Navan is similar to the one produced by Bachmann... http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/content.php/210-Bachmann-Irish-Signal-Box The only visible difference is the windows. *** Being pedantic for a moment... 'signal box' is a term used in Great Britain. Over here they're called 'signal cabins'.
  4. The wind which destroyed the canopy is being described as a "mini tornado"... http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/mini-tornado-destroys-part-of-kent-station-roof-253112.html
  5. It's possible it's a protected structure. If it is, they'll have to rebuild it rather than replace it.
  6. Threads merged
  7. I'll close this thread as it's already been covered in the thread Broithe has linked to above.
  8. Three people have suffered minor injuries, according to the Irish Times: http://www.irishtimes.com/news/environment/three-injured-after-roof-at-cork-train-station-collapses-1.1631691 Could have been worse!
  9. A closer shot (again via Twitter) here: Looks like a railcar (2600?) set got caught up in it...
  10. Part of the roof has been blown off: Edit: NewsTalk have just posted an image of the damage on Twitter:
  11. Fixed your post.
  12. It's about 14 quid too dear!
  13. Resist temptation to weather her? Could a complete respray!
  14. The man hasn't been heard from since he finished his exams last Friday... obviously one hell of a joint celebration! Happy Birthday!
  15. The Piko Vossloh arrived in the post today... The detailing is basic compared to a lot of other models, but it's DCC Ready and cost €70 + P&P. (I need a proper camera...)
  16. Can I kindly refer you to section 9 of the forum's rules? http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/79-Website-Guidelines-Rules Cheers
  17. Hi Des, put my name down for one of those Wickhams!
  18. There's info on the CIE Guy Big Js on the Irish Transport Museum's website: http://www.nationaltransportmuseum.org/cv009.html
  19. I reckon that's what happens alright, Bosko.
  20. Arrived into Connolly this evening and found 074 asleep on platform 3 with the RPSI Cravens rake. Not often you see this scene these days... remember when it was an everyday occurance? *sigh*
  21. *cough* ^^^
  22. You could always carry it around in your pocket and sneak a peak when no one's looking... Vossloh demo livery.
  23. There's a Piko Vossloh G1700 winging its way to me as I type...
  24. You'll be waiting a bit longer, I'd say... still plenty of 071s and 201s to shift!
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