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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. There's also a model of CC1 on Adavoyle (or at least, there was when it was shown at the SDMRC exhibition a few years back)...
  2. 3D printers require a CAD drawing to work from.
  3. They're still a common sight in IÉ and Bus Éireann yards, etc. Personally, I can't remember seeing any Bell reefers on liner trains, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did turn up on them. Hopefully someone can provide photographic proof.
  4. To be honest, I think a model of any Bell prototype would sell. You've probably seen these before, but here's a photo of Bell Bulk containers, which may be of interest: http://www.matts-place.com/intermodal/part4/belu0036266.jpg
  5. I believe one or two did receive the Black and Tan livery... I'll see if I can find a photo for you.
  6. Wow! Excellent work, Des! Will the bogies be available separately?
  7. The A class looks great George... love the paint job. If I could be awkward, though, the GM rebuilds had extra gubbins on the roof.
  8. Looks spot on, Des!
  9. That's certainly the way it looks alright.
  10. Hi David, I've sent you a PM with details which I hope will be of benefit to you.
  11. I think they also had one or two self-propelled steam cranes.
  12. Heard that story a few times before from various people, but none could provide further info, so it's possible it's nothing more than a myth.
  13. Irish Sugar also used ex-CIÉ G class (Deutz) diesels...
  14. That model of Railcar B is the work of Neil Ramsey, a regular contributor to New Irish Lines. I can put you in contact with him, if you wish.
  15. The November 2012 issue of New Irish Lines has just been added to the archive: http://newirishlines.org/archive-2/
  16. I think Tri-ang/Hornby may have produced a model of this wagon. There could be a kit available, too.
  17. Ah Jawfin... you should've said hello! JB... it was a great day out!
  18. Haha! Fortunately, it's just perished Lino!
  19. Hi David, I paid a visit to Downpatrick today. It was lashing rain and Railcar B is wrapped up in a tarpaulin but I stuck my phone through to get two photos... not sure if they're of any use but they show a panel with a scumbling effect and a blue surface on the floor...
  20. Garfield

    Peco Smartswitch

    They look like sturdy little units... a lot of thought has gone into the design. Could be a better option than Tortoise or Cobalt.
  21. The Minister is correct... it's OOn3. HOm track (metre gauge in HO scale) equates to 3ft in 4mm scale, and Peco and Tillig produce it, so you don't have to fiddle around with hand-built trackwork if you don't want to. You can also use TT gauge track but the sleepers won't look right.
  22. Wow, fantastic photos! Always love seeing photos of the Bulleid railcars:
  23. As the thread title says: Mk3 scrapping at Dundalk. Not North Wall, not Waterford, or your layout. Any further correspondence on this issue should be taken up with either myself, Boskonay or Warbonnet via private message to avoid bringing this thread any further off-topic.
  24. I'm posting this here as you haven't acknowledged previous PMs sent to you by moderators... If you want to post photos of models on your layout, do so by creating a thread in the layouts section. They have nothing to do with the discussion taking place here.
  25. Mullingar could have six if you included the disused Galway platforms and the goods transfer platform (or racecourse platform)...
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