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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. And if they stop running, say it's to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Lockout!
  2. Lovely loco, Richie, but unfortunately that's not the C&L loco. It's a GNR tank.
  3. I can hear knives being sharpened in Westmeath! Would love to see more photos of your Mk1 genny if you have some, FL
  4. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but... fantastic work! Lovely atmospheric photographs, too!
  5. That's one hell of a video! Thanks for posting.
  6. Garfield


    How's a band going to stop them?
  7. Are you sure you're not confusing that pic with the photo he posted of the tank loco getting its tubes washed out in Broadstone?
  8. That looks more like Inchicore to me, Fran!
  9. The journalist and Eurovision songwriter John Waters was a clerk at Castlerea station.
  10. The Shell Mex wagon at Dunsandle has identical plates, except someone attacked it with a sledgehammer at some point... http://m.flickr.com/photos/garfieldsghost/5278053247/lightbox/
  11. That's a great pic, Dave... love it!
  12. I don't know... it all depends on whether or not they paint the Death Star UTA green!
  13. Great news! Union Pacific have announced they've taken back ownership of Big Boy 4014 and intend to return it to steam within the next five years: http://www.railwayage.com/index.php/mechanical/locomotives/up-a-return-to-steam-for-big-boy-4014.html
  14. Yeah, the plan is to get another in blue and one more in multi-service!
  15. This arrived in the post today via eBay... About time I got one of these. I love the En Voyage livery and it suits the BB 67000s particularly well, I think. Must fix that hand rail...
  16. Great pics again! Just out of curiosity... Have you had any issues with station staff or the SNCF police when taking photos at the station?
  17. Great video here. Staff snatcher in operation shown from approx 2 minutes 10 seconds in... http://www.euscreen.eu/play.jsp?id=EUS_524B0F1DFF9D4311A5271797E7849D5E
  18. A nice tribute, Chunkrail. May he rest in peace.
  19. Maybe not depot re-allocations, but maybe route re-allocations. Still strange...
  20. If you haven't seen Sybics at all, I guess it's possible that there were depot re-allocations and 22ks are being concentrated on the depot serving the Nice region. Edit: Also, the reason for the delays may be due partly to the train with the two 22s up front. They're not working in multiple... one's dead! The pantograph is down...
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