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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. Knew about that one, Broithe... unfortunately it's not an all-revving, all-shooting R/C model...
  2. A Comet would be the business... you'd have to paint it up as an Irish army Cav machine, though!
  3. I think HobbyKing sell them... http://www.hobbyking.com.
  4. Garfield

    New Arrival

    Congratulations to you and your wife, Steve!
  5. Get the bibs out again... [video=youtube_share;375Mfj-knxk]
  6. Have seen that video a few times before... you can feel the excitement jumping off the screen!
  7. I thought this was on the cards for a while? What happened to the efforts to preserve a class 80?
  8. Wouldn't be a problem because it would be classed as a vintage vehicle... €48 for the year! The engines in the CIÉ E class locos were almost identical to those used in the Tigers.
  9. Just checked, and there's nothing wrong with it.
  10. Still don't see anything strange about it... just doesn't seem to have been much activity around it, that's all.
  11. Doesn't look like anything too unusual...
  12. Very interested to see how this project develops, John!
  13. Brilliant customer service, Des! Still waiting for Silverfox to release a solution for their duff Metro-Vick cabs...?
  14. That made for great viewing, Anto. Love the P&T Bedford...
  15. Yep, there is... in Model Rail.
  16. I'd strongly recommend that only those who would definitely buy a model of 461 should vote for it (difficult to confirm when a price isn't available, I know), because the flipside of Flexiscale's business model is that if they receive a lot of votes for something because the link is posted on a forum, and then only a small number of people actually buy the kit when it's made available, they'll be reluctant to produce anything similar in future (i.e. Irish models). In a worst-case scenario, it could even put the company out of business.
  17. The only difference is the CIE logo. When they were delivered it was an all-white version, which was replaced later on with the proper version.
  18. That makes sense... note to self: remember to put on my glasses before viewing photos.
  19. Interesting shot, this. Is it a mixed train, or is the Cravens coach just in the consist as part of a shunt move? I presume there's a genny van behind the coach if it's part of a service train...
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