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Everything posted by Garfield

  1. A few quick pics I took this evening. It's Longford signal cabin, as it was in the 1960s...
  2. Garfield

    071 photo

    What date is it again?
  3. A transaction recently took place in which I took possession of one of Glenderg's latest creations. He handed it over amid much cursing and referencing to numerous attempts to get it right. I got the feeling he won't want to make another one in a hurry! Will post photos when I get a chance.
  4. Some weird and wonderful stock running about the place...
  5. Still just the one train... it's just good old multiple working, except the locos are radio-controlled by the driver (sorry, 'engineer') in the lead unit.
  6. Cuirim wheat beer is tasty stuff... and possibly the only decent thing ever to emerge from Bagenalstown.
  7. Broithe, I fail to see what this has to do with Downpatrick?
  8. Seamus, if you look through photos of Metro-Vicks down through the years, you'll see many of them had 'wonky' horns at one point or another... seems to have been pretty common. I'm not sure whether it was done on purpose or if it was a case of the horns being loosely fitted.
  9. Garfield

    071 photo

    Apart from the godawful UIC numbers, I think it looks good. Good to see they had the sense not to stick on a full-colour logo!
  10. I think the question was why did they refuse to grant permission, rather than why is permission needed...
  11. I'd say it would be a good candidate for a die-cast model... a few livery variations to entice collectors to purchase a few apiece: blue & cream, tan, and green. Maybe even the Smarties bus, too (or was that a different class)?
  12. Definitely overdue, especially when considering how popular container yard layouts are in the UK as well. I'll be surprised if they don't fly off the shelves...
  13. True, Fran... but it's the BBC. The guys filing the stories aren't the same one clicking 'publish'. Anyway, we're getting off topic here... fantastic news for the RPSI. Looking forward to seeing work commencing!
  14. No excuse for it... shoddy sub-editing!
  15. The short answer is that they didn't change... the colour depends on the loco.
  16. Spot the Gnat... ...A few of them were used throughout the first Hot Shots film For me, it's hard to beat the looks of a Mirage F1: http://www.military-today.com/aircraft/dassault_mirage_f1.jpg Or a Saab Draken: http://www.aircraftinformation.info/Images/Draken_05.jpg - what the Swedes were developing whilst the Americans were still churning out Thunderjets and Sabres.
  17. Re. a 20' flat model... isn't Mayner working on producing one?
  18. Congratulations to you and your wife, Gareth!
  19. Nice find, Seamus! The Matilda looks good, too...
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