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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. Final Day of the Show is today Still plenty to see and buy
  2. Safer to bring money, just in case. Will always be the one you want stuff from
  3. No need to speculate, damage is done. He had invested quite a lot of money for this weekend too - and nothing to do with toy trains either. All paperwork
  4. The upgraded one
  5. Yes - when Mister Murphy dropped the 201 out of nowhere complete with a sample
  6. Its going to be there on display, somewhere....
  7. Find out on Saturday Morning at the MRSI Show - There is an announcement coming I can say that
  8. What are you singing about? I can't say anything on here without you getting all high and mighty. Keep it up, it's hilarious
  9. My 9 year old niece can do better paint crops than that...... And she is a dab hand at photoshop too
  10. Just over a week to go - the website has been updated yet again with an up to date list of Exhibitors and Trade For the first time Card Payments will be accepted for Admission, Rail Side Cafe and the MRSI Pre-Owned Sales Stand https://www.modelrailways.ie/events/exhibition-2022
  11. I c what you did there, sure throw some Turf on the Burner and have an oul Sambo, did you hear Pat is coming too?
  12. Not to mention Westhill making all of the accessories in 3D printed form - tool cabinets, barrels, trolleys, access steps etc
  13. Push it forward a decade at least Mk3 Cortina and Mk2 Escort make it the late 1970's
  14. Finally the Dapol ones are on their way, only took 7 years, but not the longest wait for a RTR loco either
  15. They did get to Derry at least once, a pair visited with a rake of Ferts but this may have been in lieu of a 141/181 or two. There was a video on youtube but sadly gone Also the first 'farewell' tour featured 101 from Coleraine to Derry, along with plenty of other things from 3 decades ago
  16. Its traditional almost that there is engineering work taking place all around the network on the October Bank Holiday weekend, been the same for years. The motorcar has never been more practical
  17. From experience it wont be long, you may have them by the end of the week
  18. Marks doesnt as much, he said the artics dont sell as well compared to the cars, light commericals and buses I've the Tinnelly Demolition Scania TCab tipper here, but thats a keeper Another one to watch out for is the Alfred Hymas DAF 2800 - all depends on what cab you want
  19. You are aware that there is the biggest model railway show in Ireland taking place on the same weekend in Dublin
  20. The NEW MRSI website is now online with details of the 2022 show https://www.modelrailways.ie/events/exhibition-2022
  21. Like a lot of NR liveried stock, launched in a blaze of glory to spend a lot of time lying around the place. The only 73's NR have in use now are their 2 Minions - the rebuilt 73/9's
  22. Every day is a school day
  23. 'Pushes glasses up nose' - the 3 NIR 111's have the NIR logo - its the 071's that have the flying snail..... With the sheer amount of pubs being closed down and cleared out lately expect more 'signs' railway or not to appear for sale
  24. The 'Modelling Irish Railways and collecting and selling and discussion and wishlisting and criticising and buses' page on Truth Social is getting popular now
  25. Remember the giant kinder eggs the size of easter eggs? This was the bit inside with the toy. Handy for storing small things
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