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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. To be fair to Inda, he was reading off a script given to him by 'researchers' who should have done their jobs properly. I very much doubt Mr Kenny's general knowledge on railways would go far beyond 'Thomas' and 'choo-choo' trains.
  2. Good to see the record set straight after that travesty of a tv series!
  3. Needs "Thomas" paint scheme, face and fake chimney.
  4. Something new for teens to take their angst out on.
  5. The Macroom purchased Ex GS&WR 266, which was inherited from the WL&WR (their No 13 Derry Castle) Saw a pic of it once in C&MDR days, the numberplate (6) looked suspiciously like a GSWR plate with the '2' and the second '6' ground off! 6 was in turn renumbered GSR 491 and singleton of Class 491 but its erstwhile WL&WR classmate No 14 Lough Derg/GSR 267 became the sole member of Class 267.
  6. Something something old timey choo choo train engine is all most people understand!
  7. Looks like it spent a few months in the open, it's not heavily rusted. I doubt it, there's hundreds of these things doing the rounds, even a mini version if you dont have space for a full size one.
  8. Looks like it but has been duplicated and sold at every car boot in the country. The original disappeared some years back.
  9. What were stationary boilers supposed to do?
  10. Lots of fakes in that particular auctioneers, even their apple isnt real!
  11. This is the issue here, they're planned by people who haven't cycled since they were in short pants and who expect ALL cyclists to flock to them. Urban routes especially begin and end at random and are more of a box-ticking exercise for councils. Like fast walkers and slow walkers on narrow footpaths, team lycra and the non lycra clad cyclists cannot coexist peacefully, with each other or with other users...walkers, dog walkers, runner, joggers, kids, and now scooters. The room simply isn't there for all comers to freely do as they wish. Whatever about motorist vs cyclist hate, I think we can agree on the fact that electric scooters are hated by pretty much everyone else.
  12. I haven't seen a GSR/CIE cast D wagon plate with M suffix, yet. Have seen A (departmental stock), N (ex GNRI) and C (West Clare section) Thousands upon thousands of wagons went to the scrappers without anyone salvaging anything from them. A small number may have been sold off privately for sheds and the like so may be a source of surviving material. Identical Mgwr D plates from 1319 and 1428 appear to have survived. All 10 tons which may be a clue as to what they may be off of.
  13. Any MGWR or even a later wagon list with M suffix available? I think there was just a carriage list on the Shepherd MGWR book, the wagons would have numbered into the low 1000s at least. The GSWR had up to 5 digit wagon numbers.
  14. If it were fake, we'd see a lot more than one (or two) on the market.
  15. The only(?) Ng Irish line with a subway between platforms instead of a footbridge or barrow crossing at Carrigaline.
  16. Easier access to cylinders I guess. Less rural than the C&L or T&D, no need for a hulking great buffer beam and cowcatcher. Only one ungated crossing at Passage.
  17. People lived in Ford Motor Company boxes at one point, and old buses and railway coaches. 'Glamping' before that term was invented.
  18. I imagine it's a simplified valve gear, it does make it look more like a toy than a proper model.
  19. It looks like a company cottage rather than a 'station'.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1091856854755068/?ref=facebook_story_share
  21. Happened to hear mention on the radio of an Animals of Dublin exhibition in the Little Museum of Dublin and cute story, the BnT livery was inspired by artist Patrick Scott's orange/black/white cat. My go-to book On The Move (O'Riain) does not say how it came about and my other go-to book Railway Heraldry (George Dow) mentioned that the change from green to BnT was "on the advice of Scandinavian industrial consultants". So anyone know the definitive answer? Jhb looking at you.
  22. Fully grown adult MEN, not kids, who you'd think would have sense. This activity appears to be tolerated on the continent, there should be severely fined here to make an example of them.
  23. Mound of earth and sleepers, topped with what looks like a tin shed. Likely nothing left.
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