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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. I would say they would have been a rarity until Ireland had joined the then EEC and farmers got Brussels money to improve their farms and acquire fancy new breeds.
  2. Works now, just not at the outset.
  3. Computer says no?
  4. It was all spit and polish then. I remember reading somewhere that shed foremen on the Midland (England) felt the backs of the wheels with white gloves before they released a loco for express passenger duties.
  5. Will the correct rude A class names be written on the inside of the cab?
  6. What size of a skip for all of it?
  7. Theres a certain irony in that the NYMR banned German reenactors at their wartime events.
  8. Nein F. Shame there aren't any countries that had loads of German locos and stock...
  9. Here they're having trouble harvesting here because people are objecting to cutting down all the nice trees, but also moaning they can't get timber products at their local merchant!
  10. I'm also wondering why countries with no obvious partiality to railways like the uk or large uk expat populations, have steam rail tours or rail museums we can only dream of? I've seen cracking museums or have been on steam excursions in Italy, Czech Rep, Slovenia and Poland. I know Spain, the Scandi countries, Switzerland, France, Holland etc etc have these also.
  11. It's easier to assemble, repair and house a set of old tractors, those things are physically manageable by one person for the most part and practically bomb proof, compared to marshalling a team of people to perform thankless and pay less heavy manual labour on a preserved railway.
  12. I think there may be a background perception in the general public that our railways aren't really "Irish"; are imposed upon us by outsiders and Anglo-Irish who would have made up the bulk of directors and shareholders, Irish persons of lesser rank being compelled to build and work them and far less fondly, remembered as a means of transporting our emigrant population to the transatlantic and cross channel ports. Maybe it may explain why our National Museum to all intents and purposes practically ignores their presence, and industrial heritage, preferring stories about prehistory, Vikings, Normans before skipping deftly onto what's called now the Revolutionary period. Additionally perhaps the dislike of many here shown towards old things in general as a reminder of inefficiency, bad times and maybe our erstwhile masters as well, especially wrt the built environment.
  13. I believe the Leeds Industrial Museum, not far from its birthplace, had an interest in acquiring 5T, it would have been better off going there.Better off anywhere but here. The Jeanie Johnston was another Tralee fiasco, a scandal that is, of course someone else's fault, is now slowly rotting on the quays in the capital. Famously one 'colourful' Kerry public representative, I'll leave up to you guys to guess which one, suggested burning it. In the case of 5T it's worth keeping in mind these are the sorts of people you would have to deal with! Only interested in the making of money, things that go moo or the pucking of a football around a GAA pitch.
  14. Theres a tight chicane underneath the motorway. 5T is massively oversized and expensive for the needs of the Suir Valley. I'm sure if there was ever a suggestion that 5T were to leave Tralee there'd be a host of objections from people who cared about it all of a sudden.
  15. I'm afraid that's the way it is. Simply put there's neither interest nor motivation to do anything.
  16. Reading between the lines, not going to happen.
  17. No I dont believe it is.
  18. The inevitable greenway to be opened on what was the DNGR is to be called the Great Eastern Greenway as an obvious rip off of the so-called Great Western Greenway, thus both obliterating reference to the DNGR and sowing confusion. "The Great Eastern Railway used run here, yeah?"
  19. There was some nice LSR footage but yes, I found myself reaching for my phone during the boring bits or when a random with a trad instrument rocked up. It should be called Endas Greenways or whatever that translates to as theres precious little railway content.
  20. Yes. Many times.
  21. By some miracle, all the archive footage for the West Clare episode was indeed West Clare. Not metre gauge Indian Pacifics.
  22. Glorified security guards. I don't think they had powers of arrest like proper transport police.
  23. Did Cultra paint anything in the right colours?!
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