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Everything posted by minister_for_hardship

  1. That was architectural thinking worldwide, tear down the old and construct something 'new' and 'bold'. Look at what replaced NYC's classically inspired Penn Station...you used to be able to detrain and enter NYC like a king, after they tore it down, you scrambled out of a concrete 'thing' more like a rat coming out of a sewer.
  2. Probably was, but what was lacking then was disposable income (when people were packing emigrant boats) and a general interest in industrial heritage in the population (true both back then and now)
  3. There was a time up to the 80's and maybe early 90's that pottering around railway property or crossing the lines to take photos during railtours was par for the course. Can't have that on a modern railway. Period.
  4. It was said that the local fire brigade kept a few tons of Arigna coal handy in case a fire broke out in the area... in other words, it wasn't very good.
  5. Apart from outposts like China where labour was cheap as chips and coal was bursting out of the ground or India and places in Latin America where labour was also cheap and an impoverished economy where railways had to 'mend and make do' even there steam was living on borrowed time and ultimately going the way of the dodo.
  6. It had teething troubles, probably could have been made more successful in a 'Mark 2' redesign, but CIE had tired of tinkering with it and besides diesel was the way of the future. Once Bulleid left, the project was destined to be shelved anyway.
  7. You could have done a lot worse in the naming stakes...
  8. Going through the Saga by Rail: Ireland (Boyd) was interesting to note that food and clothes were far more available in the ROI post war than in the uk. He even noted C&LR section level crossing keeper girls were attired in the 'New Look', so maybe Ireland in Dev's era wasn't such a dull, grey place after all...unemployment and emigration notwithstanding.
  9. Always wondered why CIE had no problem with this parody of itself, making no attempt to 'fictionalise' or even cover up the then current logos on coaches and loco etc.
  10. Static model, going nowhere. Just like 800.
  11. Speaking of phones, still have my 1st generation iPhone...
  12. Those aren't watches, these are watches....
  13. The info is out there in printed form now, only no-one's bothered about putting it in.
  14. Politics trumped common sense.
  15. Wouldn't it be possible, if a once off, that goods could be loaded into a Brown Van in say, Belfast for consignment to somewhere on CIE's network? Would such goods stay in the Van all the way through and the Van returned when empty?
  16. Hmm, sounds like cascaded hand-me-downs to keep the Cinderella South Eastern going. The DSE got a fair bashing during the unpleasantness of '22-'23 losing locos and stock in the process, no doubt there were arrears in maintenance as well. Many rolling stock items could be described as near clapped out antiques when the GSR took over.
  17. Far far fewer DSE items of rolling stock and I suspect some may not have been in tip-top condition and got withdrawn in GSR days.
  18. Leave them off. If they get something done, fair play. And a message for the negative Nancys out there...
  19. Wasn't that staged in connection with 150th of the coming of the railway to Waterford with memorabilia etc? Think the layout at that was a different one.
  20. Of course if one of the gurriers got blown to atoms, there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth. A shure God love him, dey have no facilitees for de kids...
  21. There would be a good bit of standardisation in the GS&WR, so components were freely interchangeable between certain locos. But how did they manage swapping boilers with clearly 'unrelated' locos, or were there standards there too? Think St Molaga got the boiler off one of the DSER former railmotors...or was it Argadeen that got it?
  22. Thought it nice at the start as a stand alone livery, but wondering how an asymetric livery is going to match up to rolling stock. Hate those stupid Euro bar-code/phone numbers.
  23. Det Con Rod Harbron said: "A busy station is no place for horses". You don't say.....
  24. Familiarity breeds contempt.
  25. All the comfort of a high nelly without the cushioning effect of pneumatic tyres.
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