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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. New bloke for me yesterday, neither of the two that I've had for the last few years.
  2. I had a delivery on the Big Island yesterday, via Evri, which I think is a new name for Hermes, to try and lose the past reputation? Although, I personally never really had a problem with them.
  3. Mmm, have you actually seen the tickets? Has she definitely got a return for you..?
  4. Good tools are money in the bank, if you are to use them in the future.
  5. That sign reminds of driving a van back from Prague on my own, after a friend had moved there. A day of driving a RHD van on the wrong side of the road, with no rear windows, plus all the associated dealings in Czech, German and French, had my head still spinning when I came down for breakfast the next morning in Dunkirk, before heading for the tunnel. Getting access to the breakfast required me to state my room number. It was 229. I told the poor woman that it was "dva, zwei, neuf" - and she didn't bat an eyelid.
  6. Get some new ones - what you actually need* is a 'single cut bastard file', but probably best not to run into B&Q shouting that. * Dependent on the scale of the final product, of course.
  7. Mmm, thinking a bit more about this, you would/should get a better final shape by using a 'good casting' from the above method as a mould to cast the final products from.
  8. If things get really desperate, you might try forming "louvre sheets" via a suitable single-cut file used as a former. Either by bashing a malleable metal sheet into the teeth or, possibly, by casting a resin in place, after waxing the file, and hoping to peel it off in sufficiently large pieces to be used when cut down?
  9. https://www.google.com/maps/@53.3931958,-2.5900232,3a,75y,223.02h,98.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1si5JEKs-aYDyCg_nR0QSMVQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  10. After a while, all these exotic beach holiday destinations just blur into one... The clock in Skeg is a good way from the station, and offline from it, too.
  11. A lot of these things are evolutionary, like that because of where they started from. It may be that the funnel placement is less important than the ease of stoking the fire and the smoke just has to come out where it does. All sorts of vehicles evolved in ways that we wouldn't have done if we'd known where we were going at the start. Like the numbers on calculators and phones being arranged differently, because they used to be separate things... Even down to words like 'dashboard' - it's not really fundamentally there to stop you being hit by stones that are flicked up off the road any more.
  12. Well, that's (Para) Handy...
  13. I had a look at a few pictures and it seems to have been a fairly common feature, for some reason.
  14. The models had to be bigger back then, the chips were the size of a mattress.
  15. It was the excitement + a bit of extra leeway...
  16. Last time I flew to Prague from Birmingham, around 2010, admittedly, it was £12 for the return trip. It was £11:70 for the Stafford-Birmingham International return trip.
  17. There are many examples of this sort of diversion. https://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/arid-20378679.html A Plane Replacement Service..?
  18. Stafford, with 70,000 people and a mainline railway station, did have a bus station of sorts at the railway station car park, this was removed in the early 70s, for extra parking, and replaced with a small bus stop across the road - and many other bus stops scattered around the town, where some services started or stopped, if you knew what went where, but there was no system and it changed all the time. Around 2010, I was approached by two Arabic-looking lads, trying to find where to get a bus to the hospital, for interviews for jobs. I could see that they had already asked a few people and got no answer. They clearly suspected that people were being deliberately unhelpful, but I explained that there was no 'system', it was just up to you to know the current 'secret' about where any bus might go from. When I explained that Stafford really didn't have a bus station, one of them said to me "We're from Mosul. We've been bombed for twenty years and we still have a bus station!". I took them a couple of hundred yards to a bus shelter and asked an old dear there where they should go - she told me and we set off another quarter of a mile to an obscure stop, which turned out to be right. I hope they got the jobs.
  19. When he was the 'up an coming new lad', he visited Ireland - although it was specifically to see a child who could levitate scones by intense thought-power.
  20. On the Big Island, there are huge anomalies in the prices of tickets and it's often cheaper to book a single journey as a number of stages. A friend of mine has turned this into an art-form. This is his greatest triumph - Stafford to Portsmouth return, with 36 pieces of cardboard to achieve the lowest total fare. Only one change of train, and the same booked seat on each of the two trains. 'They' do spend a bit of time trying to undo the way round the higher prices - it used to be cheaper to buy a ticket to the next station past Gatwick Airport stop, and just get off there instead, one stop early. So many people did this that they made it an offence to do so...
  21. It would have been about the same price, I think...
  22. His ticket was just Stafford to Milton Keynes, no boat involved. This was when Stafford - Ballybrophy was still £45, back in the 90's, his ticket was a few quid above that.
  23. I was once booking my ticket and a chap at the next window was booking a ticket to Milton Keynes and he was charged more, despite Holyhead alone being further than MK was from Stafford.
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