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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. Wish there was someone working in IRM who was like me (really bad at keeping secrets).
  2. Almost here - Check out the Hornby Magazine YouTube channel [HM180], they are reviewing some of the Accurascale Class 55s which should be available shortly.
  3. @Mayner, I wholly agree with the above. I got back into railway modelling in the late 1990s and it was quite difficult to know where to go in terms of what to model. There was nothing Irish, the British stuff fell short in many areas so I went continental European (DB AG). When Murphy Models launched the 141/181 a bought some but I just couldn't connect with them so I stuck with purchasing continental European stock. When IRM produced the A class I was quite reluctant to buy any as I had a lot of Fleischmann stock, however, I couldn't resist. The A class was the locomotive of my childhood so once I got my hands on one of those beauties I couldn't let go. That will be the same for the Murphy Models 201s - there will be lots of people here who are familiar with them and once they're back on the shelves it will draw a few more people into the hobby.
  4. What I really want is some coaching stock for my silver [A30] and black [A55] locomotives to haul. I'm quite surprised that there are still some A30s available. I know that some people say that it's not in 'their' era but I'd certainly recommend just buying it - if for display purposes only as it really gleams on a nice sun shiney day like, today.
  5. My SXT70032 x2 arrived yesterday. They are my first DCC + sound locomotives but I only have a conventional DC layout so not reaping the benefits of having them chipped, however, I decided it was time to join the twenty first century so will upgrade my controller/transformer to DCC. The four ScaleTrains SDL39 locomotives will be the only North Armerican locomotives I'll be purchasing - just have to decide which freight wagons to go with them. Will have to trim my Fleischmann stock [DB AG] but that's a lot easier to say than do. I'll post pictures of the SXT70032 when the weather conditions are suitable - it was fairly dull today and, really, there's nothing like a nice bit of sunshine to highlight the details on models.
  6. Covid hasn’t gone away, you know!
  7. Seeing as I couldn’t get tickets to this event…
  8. The is bound to be a new announcement from I.R.M. at this event, I can feel it in my water!
  9. The photograph of the trams at Sutton awaiting scrappage is certainly a very sad sight.
  10. In general, the quality of American HO model railroad stock has improved immensely. Bachmann seems to have a poor reputation over in the U.S.A. where their models aren't highly regarded , however, I'm sure the Charger will change opinions. The Bachmann model of the AmTrak SC-44 looks very impressive and has been given rave reviews. I'd like to get into modelling more America stock but the models are prohibitively expensive. For example, the Bachmann SC-44 in the link above costs €430 ($453) over here in Europe. I'm very happy with my ScaleTrains SDL39, just have to get some wagons to go with them. Anyway, I'm sure Kato will produce another batch of the Metra coaches as there will be a lot of demand following the release of the Rapido locomotive you have.
  11. The unmistakable Pullman bi-level driving trailer with the iconic Metra paint scheme on the cab. Are Kato the only manufacturer who produce those passenger cars? I see that Bombardier are going to be building bi-level coaches for Metra, I'm surprised that company [Metra] isn't buying new locomotives.
  12. I recall the above Blarney Railway Station featuring in an episode of 'Great Railway Journeys' with Michael Portillo.
  13. @mmie - Was looking at Rapido Trains Inc. video on YouTube with all the variants of the F59PH and they look very impressive. I bought a few Scale Trains SDL39s and the detail and quality of American models is certainly up there with the best of them. The SDL39 as it was mainly designed to operate on short lines so ideal for a small layout, similarly, the F59PH is ideal for a small layout as it can be operated with few bi-level coaches. Love the Metra colour scheme on your Rapido model - have you got stock to operate with them?
  14. @Galteemore - Thanks for that. Very interesting article. Surprised that a town with, what would have been a centre of population, was by-passed by the railway companies. To me, the railway alignment to Cork never made sense - seems to me like the builders took the scenic route. Yet again, another reason why this is the best thread on this forum - learn something new everyday.
  15. @irishswissernie - Very unimpressive Cashel railway station building, considering how historical that town it's not what you'd expect to see. Looks like building a railway line to Cashel was very much an after thought.
  16. Is that all you have? @WRENNEIRE PS. Which versions have you got? - just aski g for a friend.
  17. Hi All, pictures below taken in natural daylight using an iPhone. Hope the photographs give a good indication how good this locomotive is.
  18. Hi Guys, for those of you still sitting on the fence as regards the A30 feel free to drool at the picture below……
  19. @WRENEIRE - That sounds very tempting. Seems like it could be very tempting to travel the 1 and a half hour it takes to get there on the 145. What As are available?
  20. Thanks @GSR 800 - Yeah, the Galway side of Mullingar Station is in an awful state of repair. Don't know about Hill of Down but residents in Killucan have been petitioning Iarnród Éireann for years to have their station re-opened. Anyway, I'll be using the Dublin-Sligo rain in the coming weeks so I'll post updated regarding any developments I see at Enfield.
  21. Was on the train yesterday and at Enfield I notice that they are doing something with the up Dublin platform. The platform is split level and hasn't been in use for decades and there is a lot of over-growth that side of the station. Does anyone know if this is just a cosmetic exercise (cleaning up that side of the station) or if it's intended to have an additional platform in operation?
  22. OK guys, I've caved in and purchased two more SDL39s [SXT70032]. Like a lot of new releases, you can't sit on the fence for too long, otherwise, they'll be gone and don't want to be suffering from non-buyers' regret as I am with some of the I.R.M. As.
  23. Is there a market for HO scale models of Irish road going vehicles? Have seen a number of examples down through the years.
  24. You'll find, no matter which livery, that this issue isn't unique to modellers of Irish railway prototypes.
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