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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. Not sure if any of you guys have as boring a life as I, which is the reason I happen upon some questionable websites but, there's one run by Doctor Hobby. It's worth a view to see his take on locomotives. He's based in the United States of America but he has a varied taste in trains so he reviews models from around the World. Give it a go and let me know what you think. The one good thing I can say about him is that it doesn't take him hours to unbox a locomotive.
  2. Delighted to see that this prototype is appearing in model form. Far more interesting than the locomotive which superseded it. Will it be a once only ever production run?
  3. Very true, this forum could end up becoming 'American Railroad Modeller'
  4. @Garfield - Thanks for that. Thought the previous website was dead and buried? Anyway, I'll access this forum through the Irish Railway Models website as I just have to scroll down and select 'Community'.
  5. @Georgeconna - Thanks for doing that, can't bring myself to click onto his website anymore, life's too precious to be putting up with that. Mind, it does give me some hope. If he can have a missus then there's some hope for me!
  6. Since yesterday, every time I log into this forum I am directed through a site called 'tapatalk'. Now I log on via the Irish Railway Models then select 'Community'. Why has this change come about?
  7. I see that Sam has posted a video on YouTube about 'Mean Comments'. Didn't think he read posts on this website. As suggested by someone on here, I didn't click on his Channel.
  8. Author Broithe Posted just now Bruce? And his Range, as well? You're getting them mixed up with Hornsby. Bruce is a one-hit wonder, I'd say that at his concerts he sings the same song over and over again for about two hours. That's just the way it is......
  9. @leslie10646- Looks like you had a great time at Warley, I'd say with it being quieter than usual you got plenty of time to admire all of the layouts and stalls.
  10. Hornby was overrated also.
  11. Yes, have been looking at the Scale Trains line of GE locomotives. The ES44AC models in BNSF are nice, the NS heritage paint schemes are very tasty looking also.
  12. Lovely model of the SD 70. Have started getting into Railroad models, very impressed with my SDL39. Wouldn't mind getting a few SD40s, there's just something really American about the protruding platforms at the front and the rear of the locomotive.
  13. Yeah, depressing times........
  14. @Wrenneire - Would you seriously want any of that stuff?
  15. Thanks @The Derry Road, was wondering if anyone was going to post pictures/videos from Warley. I'm aware that Saturday wasn't busy but didn't know about the railway strike, sure, that'll be going on until after the Tories are out of power. Couldn't believe how much the entrance fee was, £18 is a lot of money, go mór mhór, during a cost-of-living crisis. Mind, I paid €8 into the MRSI exhibition and all I got to do was drink loads of tea and eat currant scones. Anyway, I'm sure that those of you who did attend Warley felt it was worth it as it's the bees' knees of model railway shows on these islands.
  16. 'We surprise nobody with a nifty class 50' - you sort of surprised me so I must be 'nobody'. Was thinking that Accurascale's next foray into the British 00 model railway market would have been with the class 70. Anyway, don't recall if there's been a new version of this prototype [class 50] produced for many years so it will be a welcome addition to anyone's British diesel locomotive fleet. Always felt that the 50s were better looking than the 47s, something to do with the head-codes being placed on the roof so unusual in that sense. I'm sure there'll be great demand for it. Just hoping someone else doesn't spoil the party by announcing a model of their version of the same prototype.
  17. Thanks for making me feel really bad about myself, now. Lesson learnt, won't post anything else on here relating to him.
  18. @Darius43, looks like you have so many models that you could have your own exhibition show. Keep those pictures coming.
  19. Hi Guys, I happened upon this as I was scouring the internet and discovered this [below] Beginning to think that a new low has been reached. Is this entertaining for the railway modeller, really! Click - Watch - Weep
  20. That's a brilliant idea, great way to promote the hobby. I'm sort of a non-committal type of man hence why I'm not married, however, will attend this open day as it might change my mind about joining a club.
  21. Wonder if this is going to be the only time Hatton's will dip their' toe into the Irish market?
  22. Really looking forward to the finished article.
  23. Great to hear. They'll be ideal for my currently unemployed A30 and A55. Anyone who didn't buy one of the silver As will be kicking themselves now that there's going to be something suitable for them to haul.
  24. Did the silver As ever haul six wheels coaches?
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