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Everything posted by connollystn

  1. You'd be better off trying to get your hands on the 201(new) as many of them would be quite low milleage for their age. Think that Inchicore works is littered with 'moth balled' samples plus there's lots of spare parts.
  2. That's brilliant value sure, the sound chip is that alone [£100]. Will be interesting to see what they go for in the end. Wonder what scale he's going for?
  3. Hi Guys, another boring video of new items 2023 [Spring] for the British railway modeler. Didn't think it could be less inspiring than the Hornby one but, somehow, Bachmann managed to do it. Ideal bedtime viewing..... Bachmann Europe | British Railway Announcements | SPRING 2023 [CC] - YouTube
  4. I like the old Daimler-Benz commercial vehicles, they have plenty of character. The one in the photograph above much be fairly ancient.
  5. Can anyone see the irony in calling this thread 'Bargain Watch'?
  6. @Darius43 - Thanks very much for responding to my query. I used to hear that continental European model railways were more expensive than Hornby et al but, that was with good reason. Never understood why Marklin stuck with the AC system - does it have an advantage over DC? Had a Marklin Hamo E19 locomotive at one time, sort of regret getting rid of it but, always try not to accumulate items if I'm not going to run them.
  7. @Darius43 - Thanks for uploading those pictures. Would say that there weren't too many guys your age [at that time] in Britain who had as good of a model railway layout. Was in my 20s when I discovered there was something out there other than Hornby, Lima and the likes. Do you recall how the Marklin models compared to their British counterparts?
  8. @Adrian - Fantastic stuff, your layout is very impressive and realistic looking, I am extremely jealous. The videos are good also - love the sound of the EMDs, my SDL39 (by ScaleTrains) sounds similar and think it may have the same prime mover.
  9. Have to say that the A class looks great in all of the liveries, however, I'm a big fan of the silvers as it highlights all of the great details and love the way it gleams when the sun shines - just like today. Would love to see someone do a really good weathering job on one of the silver liveried A classes.
  10. @Horsetan(six posts ago) - As you suggested that the third picture might be on the Dublin-Cork route the first place which came to mind is Mallow.
  11. Hi Nibs has done a feature length review of the Accurascale class 92, however, at my age time is precious so won't be looking at this one.
  12. @murphaph - Those 8111s look great. It's fantastic what the right amount of weathering can do for models.
  13. Ah sure that's grand! Thought you had gone back deep into the bowels of the thread about the IRM A Class to seek out the information you were looking for. Anyway, it sort of reminds me of the time when I used to manage staff, would ask them a question and end up answering it myself. Who's great? Gerry is!
  14. @leslie10646 - I've been to that Model Railway shop at Munich railway station - it's called 'Gleis 11' because it's on Platform 11. It's been over ten years since I've been but, on mature recollection, it's very good. Have visited loads of model railway shops in Germany, it's the only reason I go there on my holidays. @Georgeconna - What is the name of the model railway store you bought your narrow gauge locomotive in? Very tempted to head over to Germany this year as haven't been for a while. There's a place call 'All American Trains' in Dusseldorf I wouldn't mind visiting. Getting more into the North American model railroad stuff since ScaleTrains produced a model of the SDL39.
  15. @Irishswissernie - A trick of the camera, the coaches 31m & 26m look like they have chimneys.
  16. Are you just after answering your own question?
  17. Hi all. No sure if you've seen the video the for launch of the Hornby range of models for this year [2023]. Never have I been so underwhelmed by such announcements - the presenters themselves seemed to be just as disinterested as I. It could be me but there's a bit of a look of defeatism about this video - I feel that Hornby are making themselves less relevant in the modelling world. Didn't bother posting a link to the video - go watch one of Sam's instead.
  18. Hi Guys, have mentioned Doctor Hobby before and here's his review of the Accurascale Class 92. I find his review videos very interesting and entertaining.
  19. Thanks @Irishswissernie for posting that link to your W&T photo album. Lots of interesting stuff to look at.
  20. This guy didn't do a review but just a running sessions, you can read what he thinks of the new model (below). Well, 4 days before Christmas in Western Australia, there is a happy chap called Ian, because his class 92 locos from Accurascale have arrived before the Australian postal system abandons all hope by shutting down in town pretty much until the new year So what do we have? We have exclusive from Accurascale Railfreight Distribution liveried 92022 and also standard issue from all Accurascale retailers 92003 which worked the very final BR service. RFD being the last part of BR being privatised and the next service was under the new ownership of EW&S as it was still known at the time So what do we think of this all singing all dancing model, well it is awesome. This video isn’t a review, but just a test to ensure everything is working as it should.
  21. @Irishswissernie - Best views I've seen of Tramore railway station. Do you have anymore?
  22. Go for the etched brass ones as I've always felt that the original wipers were way too prominent.
  23. Pity these will be in kit form. When it comes to model building I've two left hands.* *For those of you who are left handed I've two right hands
  24. @murphaph - Very impressive job on those 111/8111s. Have to say that NIR livery and the Iarnród Éireann silver and black livery are my favourites - really suit that locomotive. Was glad that IÉ 086 hung 'round Connolly in that livery for ages. Probably was the last to be refurbished and painted in the current rail freight scheme.
  25. My first model railway set was by Jouef which contained a BR class 29 with freight wagons made up of French stock. My second was the Lima CIE Supertrain set. Was disappointed when I realised that it wasn't an Irish prototype but, rather, the BR class 33 badly dressed up as a bit of a cross between and A and C class locomotive. It would have come last if it was competing in Ru Paul's drag race.
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