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A collection of Irish Models

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Posted (edited)

Hopefully this is the first post of many, David. Never forget the moment I stumbled on your layout at Beaconsfield show and saw Railcar B, which was a vehicle of myth and legend in my childhood home. It was just staggering to see the photo albums I’d pored over as a child brought to glorious 3D life and colour as large and small tanks went about their business. 

Edited by Galteemore
  • Thanks 1
17 hours ago, David Holman said:

 Let me begin by saying there is nothing new here for anyone following my ramblings,

Personally I derive great pleasure from following your 'ramblings' David so please keep rambling!

Inspirational as always.

  • Agree 2
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the comments folks! Wasn't going to add anything so soon, but find myself waiting for information about an Ofsted inspection at one of the schools where I am a governor - something I don't enjoy - the waiting or Ofsted... You don't get to be a headteacher without at least a small control freak inside you and mine comes to the fore at times like these. Thank goodness I've retired from all that.

  Anyway, Galteemore mentioned Sligo diesels, so here are a couple of them.

 Railbus 2b came first and owes its existence to the three quid Alphagraphix card kit. This makes for a very effective drawing to start a scratchbuild & actually I think this is an easier course, given all the complex shapes involved. It's a proper mixed media jobbie with a nickel silver chassis, plastic body and balsa roof. Somehow, I've managed to capture the character of the prototype & it is definitely one of my favourite models. Despite being only two wheel drive, it runs well too, though keeping the pickups on the trailer as light as possible, while still ensuring good current collection was a case of careful balance.

 A key feature are the Howden-Meredith Patent wheels. On the prototype, these are flanged steel rims outside the standard pneumatic tyres. For the model, I sliced thin outer sections from the wheels of a Corgi Lipton's Tea Van and stuck them to standard Slater's wagon wheels. The front axle pivots slightly and this is another pair of wheels that are on the cusp of not rotating if the fine PB wire pickups are not adjusted properly.

 The bodywork was slowly built up from plastic sheet and strip - the fiddly bit being the area around the cab. A compromise on Northport Quay is that there is no room for a turntable, so the railbus will have to reverse out to one deemed to be off scene, through the tunnel, as I very much want it to feature in the 1950s scene.



 Railcar B was a very different kettle of fish and it is a real shame that the iconic prototype may never run again. A giant Donegal railcar for 5'3, it was very advanced for its time, with sliding doors and able to be driven from either end. Another one exists and indeed still runs in Australia.

 There were numerous challenges in building the model. Starting with the chassis, I found some suitable diameter driving wheels, but they were on 1/8th inch axles, without square ends for quartering. I rang Slaters to see if they could help and was immediately put through to chief engineer David White. "That shouldn't be a problem", he said, "how many do you want?" Two, I replied. 'Ah", he said "I thought you might mean 100"!

 All down to the cost and setting up of machine tooling, you see. So, that wasn't going to happen and instead I went on the P4 Society website to learn how to quarter wheels like this and all has been well. The four coupled chassis is compensated and with pick up from all eight wheels, the model runs really well, though on Arigna Town it had a tendency to derail in one direction until I discovered the track was 1mm out of gauge at that point!

 The bodywork required a lot of effort to get all those complex curves right and was a reminder of how much effort must go into creating the moulds for die cast model cars - even small discrepancies  stand out a mile. The roof required careful shaping too, while for the interior I made a couple of simple masters for the seats and then resin cast them. Although just being an 'out and back' on both NPQ and Belmullet, Railcar B has plenty of character & certainly looks the part with its outside rods twirling.

 Still no word from school on Ofsted - they should be fine, but the Dark Side still carry a threat to every teacher's well being. Every inspection is on the relentless side of thorough so I'd really like to know what they are looking for when governors get a grilling, sometime tomorrow or Wednesday.



Edited by David Holman
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Passenger stock

 Still with the Sligo Leitrim, I've made three passenger coaches, plus the parcels van. Two of the coaches are the Hurst Nelson bogie vehicles built in the 1920s to replace stock lost during the troubles. At just over 44 feet long, with clerestory roofs, they were very much out of date from new. However, these vehicles were full of character and survived to the end in 1957. Number 9 was the brake 1st/3rd coach, often used on the 7.20pm mixed from Enniskillen, the only steam hauled passenger train in latter days. Number 10 is a composite, similar to No11, but the latter had a thin strip along the roof which tells us it had electric lighting. This was missing on number 10 and it was known as the 'day coach' for obvious reasons. Other unusual features of SLNCR coaches include the doors being hung on the right [the opposite to normal and the smoking and non-smoking compartments were split longitudinally by a sliding door.

 Alphagraphix card kits formed the starting point, though both coaches are scratch built in plastic sheet and strip, with cut down Slater's bogies. The square windows and panelling made first much simpler construction than rounded type! No 9's paint finish represents the fact that it had a bit of a makeover late in life, while No10 is presented looking very tired.



 The other coach is a six wheel saloon/brake 3rd, rebuilt later in life to this condition. The same construction methods were used, though the chassis is an etched kit from AlphaG which gives an effective representation of a Cleminson chassis.



 The parcels van is a simple four wheel affair, built the same way, but using cast white metal fittings for the W irons, springs and so on. The photos of the underside of this vehicle show how standard Slater's wagon wheels have room to be moved out on their axles to 5'3 gauge. The correct back to back is apparently 33.98mm, but 34mm does for me...



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1 hour ago, David Holman said:

Passenger stock

 Still with the Sligo Leitrim, I've made three passenger coaches, plus the parcels van. Two of the coaches are the Hurst Nelson bogie vehicles built in the 1920s to replace stock lost during the troubles. At just over 44 feet long, with clerestory roofs, they were very much out of date from new. However, these vehicles were full of character and survived to the end in 1957. Number 9 was the brake 1st/3rd coach, often used on the 7.20pm mixed from Enniskillen, the only steam hauled passenger train in latter days. Number 10 is a composite, similar to No11, but the latter had a thin strip along the roof which tells us it had electric lighting. This was missing on number 10 and it was known as the 'day coach' for obvious reasons. Other unusual features of SLNCR coaches include the doors being hung on the right [the opposite to normal and the smoking and non-smoking compartments were split longitudinally by a sliding door.

 Alphagraphix card kits formed the starting point, though both coaches are scratch built in plastic sheet and strip, with cut down Slater's bogies. The square windows and panelling made first much simpler construction than rounded type! No 9's paint finish represents the fact that it had a bit of a makeover late in life, while No10 is presented looking very tired.



 The other coach is a six wheel saloon/brake 3rd, rebuilt later in life to this condition. The same construction methods were used, though the chassis is an etched kit from AlphaG which gives an effective representation of a Cleminson chassis.



 The parcels van is a simple four wheel affair, built the same way, but using cast white metal fittings for the W irons, springs and so on. The photos of the underside of this vehicle show how standard Slater's wagon wheels have room to be moved out on their axles to 5'3 gauge. The correct back to back is apparently 33.98mm, but 34mm does for me...



I love the weathering on these and the peeling paintwork. Is this "built in" by Alphagraphix, or did you do it?


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All scratchbuilt, JB. The paint job techniques come from The Art of Weathering, by Martyn Welch. Basically you put the bottom colour on first - in this case bare wood, a mixture of Humbrol grey (64) and natural wood (110). When dry, you paint on Humbrol Maskol where you want the patches to show through, then when this has dried, brush or spray on the top colour. Finally, when this has fully dried, you pull away the Maskol with tweezers. This leaves the bare wood underneath and flaking paint round the edges.

Works a treat and have used the same process on steel mineral wagons, over a base  cost of rust.

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Sligo Leitrim Wagons

 Looking back through my journals [I record in ball point too...], my Irish adventure began at the end of 2011, with the purchase of an Alphagraphix/Tyrconnel J26 kit, more of which later. Baseboards for Arigna Town were built by the end of March 2012, with track laid and wired by the end of April. I built the J26 and Hazlewood that year, along with one coach and no less than 19 wagons. The railbus, 6 wagons and 10 buildings were made in 2013, with 3 locos [Railcar B, Fermanagh and St Mologa] and a further 15 wagons in 2014. There's early retirement for you!

  Anyway, to finish off the SLNCR collection [so far], let's start with the brake vans. There are four of these, beginning with the splendid 'road vans' - arguably the shortest mixed trains ever, given they had room for goods, the guard and a drover or two. The latter would hardly have been comfortable, but it points to these vehicles being used on the Sligo's cattle trains. As usual, AlphaG card kits formed the drawings, with plastic card and strip for the bodywork and white metal castings for the chassis. Lettering is the standard acrylic ink applied with a dipping pen.


 The other two follow the same process, though I've added vacuum brakes to the double veranda one, while No5 is the ugly ducking!


 Four open wagons come next, all pretty conventional, though in this case I was relying on the excellent photos and text in Neil Sprinks books on the Sligo.



  I batch built five cattle vans from the AlphaG card kit starter. Two are shown here, though I fear they are wrong as they look too small. Realised this too late, so run them anyway. The cattle inside are also hand built, using a plastic skeleton with very basic, straight legs, covered in DAS clay and filed to shape. A lot cheaper than buying white metal castings! Some are Irish Moyles [brown & white] while the back ones are Dexters.


  For the other vans, I made my own resin castings to simplify batch building. After making a master of a side and end of each type, I then made a mould and once this had set, found I could cast them in resin at the rate of one every half an hour or so. Simple, but effective, with the chassis built in the usual way. Two are 'semis' with a canvas centre section to the roof.

 It's amazing to look back on what I built over those three years. Indeed after starting the project in January 2012, the layout made its debut at the Chatham Show in June 2014 and went on to rack up a total of 39 exhibitions until retired in early 2019. Just goes to show that work is the curse of the modelling classes, though these days I often wonder where I found the time to go out and earn a living!



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Not as hard as you'd think - especially the straight legged versions for the wagons. Went on to make a small herd of full legged models (it's written up somewhere on here), though my most recent one is Maggie Coulter's Goat which is either on my Clogher Valley or work bench threads.

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Posted (edited)

Midland Great Western Railway

 The Sligo Leitrim offered a slightly limited range of stuff for me to model, but there are many MGW temptations in the Alphagraphix/Tyrconnel catalogue.

 First up was the the E/J26. This is a super kit for anyone interested in getting into 7mm scale. The chassis is a single etch, which just folds up and you can easily have something running in a couple of hours. The kit is designed for 32mm gauge, but by reversing the top hat bearings, you easily get the correct back to back for broad gauge. All in all, this little loco took just over 40 hours to make, including painting & weathering and is a very good runner.


 Next came the G2 2-4-0, a more complex kit, but nevertheless following the usual AlphaG principles. I added extra detail to this one, especially around the smokebox, while it also required a bit of TLC following a serious crash when it fell off the baseboard and hit the floor about a metre below! Damage was fortunately only cosmetic. Another good runner, it benefits from tender pick ups, as well as on the loco. Haulage is a bit marginal though, with three six wheel coaches being about the limit - but then that is all the room I have, so its not a problem.


 My third MGW loco, also an AlphaG kit is the J18/9. Very similar to the G2 and probably an 0-6-0 version in some ways, there are a lot of common parts, so guess it was a worthwhile enterprise. Not [to my eyes] as pretty as the G2, I still harbour doubts about whether the boiler diameter should be larger, while the Green Bible tells us there were a fair few variations within this class. However, it runs well enough and usually gets rostered for my fish train.


 Will stick with my 1950s period for now, though I do have some early 1900s stuff too, but will cover this later.


Edited by David Holman
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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, David Holman said:


 The Sligo Leitrim offered a slightly limited range of stuff for me to model 


My seconds will wait upon you in the course of the morning, Mr Holman. Swords or pistols? 

 In all seriousness, delightful to see these. Roger C has provided a wonderful resource in these kits and the fold up chassis is very clever indeed. His half etched rivets make for a lovely smokebox. As you’ve shown, a bit of detailing makes the locos even more effective and attractive.

Having built 3 of his loco kits now myself, they go together very well, although the 5’3” builder does need to keep a watchful eye on splasher clearances etc. 

Edited by Galteemore
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Oops! Thought I might have been provocative...

 For my late 50s period, 0-6-4Ts and railcars were all that was left. Had the ex GNRI 4-4-0 and 0-6-0s lasted longer, would have been very tempted!

  • Funny 1

A WL&WR interlude

 Recent interest in Richard Chown's work made me dig out my Waterford, Limerick & Western models. The company was very much Richard's main interest in Ireland & when he started Castle Rackrent, back in the 1970s, there was very little for him to go on. However, he certainly found ways and 0-6-0 Shannon was one of his earliest models.  I got it via a sealed bid after he died and it was duly delivered, by hand in a slightly clandestine liaison under the John Betjemin statue at St Pancras! This was chosen as his executor, Ian, was on his way from Scotland to Italy & preferred to travel by train. I also picked up the two Dublin & Meath brake vans at the same time.

 When I got Shannon home, it was clear the model had barely been cleaned since built nearly 50 years ago, but despite a wobbly centre driver and [very] worn wheels all round, still ran well, with its Portescap motor. A sympathetic tidy up followed, mainly using T-cut, though eventually I decided to replace all the wheels and remove the Pacific Fast Mail sound system in the tender. However, all in all the model continues to look as splendid as when Richard finished it all those years ago and still runs well too. Too late - have just notice the pipe running along the boiler has come adrift!




 Eventually, Shannon needed a train to pull, so I set about building a sort of 'mail goods', as per Castle Rackrent. There still isn't a great deal of material on the WL&W, but Ernie Shepherd's book contains enough photos for me to do a 6w full brake, 4w coach and a brake van, to which I've also added my backdated [SLNCR] horse box and a carriage truck, as per photos of Castle Rackrent itself. All are built from plastic sheet and strip, with white metal castings, though the 6wFB is on an Alphagraphix etched chassis.





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On 17/2/2023 at 4:56 PM, David Holman said:

A couple more WLW pictures: Shannon, with the boiler pipework back in place, plus Richard's Dublin & Meath brake vans.



On the topic of the D&MR brake vans, anybody know where he got the drawings for them, or additional drawings of other stock?

On 5/2/2023 at 5:50 PM, David Holman said:

Midland Great Western Railway

 The Sligo Leitrim offered a slightly limited range of stuff for me to model, but there are many MGW temptations in the Alphagraphix/Tyrconnel catalogue.

 First up was the the E/J26. This is a super kit for anyone interested in getting into 7mm scale. The chassis is a single etch, which just folds up and you can easily have something running in a couple of hours. The kit is designed for 32mm gauge, but by reversing the top hat bearings, you easily get the correct back to back for broad gauge. All in all, this little loco took just over 40 hours to make, including painting & weathering and is a very good runner.


 Next came the G2 2-4-0, a more complex kit, but nevertheless following the usual AlphaG principles. I added extra detail to this one, especially around the smokebox, while it also required a bit of TLC following a serious crash when it fell off the baseboard and hit the floor about a metre below! Damage was fortunately only cosmetic. Another good runner, it benefits from tender pick ups, as well as on the loco. Haulage is a bit marginal though, with three six wheel coaches being about the limit - but then that is all the room I have, so its not a problem.


 My third MGW loco, also an AlphaG kit is the J18/9. Very similar to the G2 and probably an 0-6-0 version in some ways, there are a lot of common parts, so guess it was a worthwhile enterprise. Not [to my eyes] as pretty as the G2, I still harbour doubts about whether the boiler diameter should be larger, while the Green Bible tells us there were a fair few variations within this class. However, it runs well enough and usually gets rostered for my fish train.


 Will stick with my 1950s period for now, though I do have some early 1900s stuff too, but will cover this later.


These have GOT to be the best pics of any model locomotive I've ever seen. Superb models, please build hundreds more!

  • Like 3

This hodge lodge of stock covers the rest of the stuff I've built for my 1950s period in Arigna Town/Belmullet/Northport Quay.

 First up is a couple of exMGWR six wheel coaches. One is an Alphagraphix etch brass kit, the other is a scratch built plastic body on an AlphaG chassis. They run with the G2 2-4-0 an a couple of fitted vans. I'll leave you to guess which is which.



  I built several Great Northern vans, using the AlphaG card kits as templates to make a side and an end that I then made moulds to resin cast multiple copies, which were assembled with cyano. Whitemetal castings were used for the chassis & two were finished as vacuum fitted [in bauxite], with the rest as weathered grey.


 The next two are ex MGWR - one of the 'glasshouse' brake vans [scratchbuilt in plastic sheet and strip], plus the Alphagraphix etched kit of a 'hearse' van, later converted for fish traffic.


 I batch built five open wagons [two different types] as freelance private owner types for the Arigna mines. Fairly conventional, but heavily weathered following techniques by Martin Welch in his book on the subject.




 Rather more conventional are two more recent additions. The RCH tank wagon is one of the very few British outline wagons that made it across the water. The model is the Slater's kit and certainly not the easiest model to build, being a mixture of plastic, etched brass and lost wax castings. It follows the prototype pretty closely and includes a lot of detail. 

 The other wagon is a standard H van, made from plastic strip and sheet on an AlphaG etched chassis.


 Now a couple of real oddities - repurposed WL&WR six wheel coaches running as turf wagons. When I first read about these, I was convinced it must be a wind up, but no, they brought turf from the west to Dublin during various shortages & I soon decided I had to make some. The sides are resin castings I made from my own masters & mouldings. They ride on the AlphaG six wheel coach chassis, while the loads of turf are made from chopped up matchsticks.



 The last of my 1950s wagons are three CIE opens with tarpaulin covers. The advantage here is that the interior details don't need modelling, while the tarpaulins are made from masking tape as outlined by Martin Welch again. Conventional plastic bodies with white metal fittings for the chassis.


 Finally, we have my most modern [!] loco, a G class Deutz four wheel diesel shunter. The model was built using Worsley Works etches. These are very basic and actually cover the later versions, so a few adaptations were needed, particularly around the cab, while you need to source castings for things like axle boxes, springs, buffers etc.  No instructions either, but a great aid to scratch building. The model is four wheel drive via Delrin chain.



 If you are still with me, this covers all my 1950s stock, so future posts will aim to look at the 1900s period I also now model.

  • Like 8

Another fine set of rolling stock David. I love the turf wagons and the matchstick turf is very convincing. Your resin castings are beautifully crisp. Resin casting certainly saves a lot of time compared to scratch building every wagon but it's messy stuff to work with isn't it! The G Class diesel is spot on.

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, Tullygrainey said:

Another fine set of rolling stock David. I love the turf wagons and the matchstick turf is very convincing. Your resin castings are beautifully crisp. Resin casting certainly saves a lot of time compared to scratch building every wagon but it's messy stuff to work with isn't it! The G Class diesel is spot on.

I don't find it too bad to be honest, Alan - though the stuff that makes the moulds is as hard to get rid of as silicon sealant. Maybe there is a clue there?

 Have always been impressed by how well the castings pick up fine detail, right down to scuffing plastic sheet with a fibreglass pencil to simulate wood grain. I also like the fact that a resin casting will set in under an hour, so the process can be quicker than 3D printing. However, have only done flat sides and ends, rather than complete wagon bodies.

 Glad you like the G, I only have photos to go on, but am sure it was a lot simpler than your recent diesel!

  • Like 4

First, David, simply terrific stuff. You're carrying on RC's enthusiasm for the unusual - keep it up!

You can understand Richard C's enthusiasm for the WL&WR - Robinson was a locomotive artist.

When Bachmann do a model of his Great Central Atlantic it may prove impossible to resist.

WATERFORD & LIMERICK RAILWAY - 13 DERRY CASTLE - 2-4-2T - built 1891 by Vulcan Foundry, Works No.1315 - 1901 to GS&WR as No.266 - withdrawn in 1914, sold to Cork & Macroom Direct Railway as No.6 - 1925 to GSR as No.491 - 1934 withdrawn.

The WLWR 4-4-2T appear to be a bogie version of the two 2-4-2T Derry Castle & Lough Derg same size cylinders and boiler and in my mind better proportioned than the 4-4-2T

Dave Walker built a model of one of the old Fairburn 2-4-0s which would be hard to beat in terms on any terms, he also built a WLWR Robinson 4-4-0, I wonder what happened to his models?

WATERFORD & LIMERICK RAILWAY - 11 - 2-4-0 - built 1853 by W Fairbairn & Co. - 1901 to GS&WR as No.264 (not applied) - 1904 withdrawn.


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  • 3 weeks later...

 Yesterday, I managed to complete fitting AJ couplings to my 1950s stock, so in going through my 1900s stuff, took a few photos to begin this phase of my models. It all started with Shannon, of course though truth be known, I was originally looking at adding a couple of diesels [C and 121] to extend into the 1960s, when news of Richard Chown's demise saw me putting in sealed bids for some of his stuff and Shannon was the main result.

 Scratchbuilt by Richard in the mid 1970s, it was over 40 years old when I acquired it and looked like it hadn't been cleaned since he built it! The wheels were badly worn too, but nothing could detract from the quality of this scratch built model, which is very much a prized possession. A bit of TLC, mainly with T-cut, soon had Shannon looking better, but I had nothing to run with it and so embarked on a programme of building some Waterford, Limerick and Western stock to make up a 'Mail Goods', a train which was a feature on Castle Rackrent.



 Apart from Ernie Shepherd's book on the WLW and a few photos in Desmond Coakham's carriages book, there isn't a lot of material available., but I haven't got room for long trains, so it turned out there was just enough for my needs.

 I began with a six wheel full brake. This has a plasticard body on an Alphagraphix chassis. The tricky bit was drawing and cutting out all the panelling from a sheet of 20thou.


 I already had a WLW horse box, though it was masquerading as the Sligo Leitrim model in very faded green. Hence a quick repaint was all that was required to return it to original condition. A 4w carriage truck soon joined it, complete with a horse drawn delivery cart [Langley Kit], not unlike one seen in photos of Castle Rackrent.



  A small passenger coach came next, scratch built in my usual way, to provide basic accommodation for any hardy souls willing to endure the inevitable slow progress of a train stopping to shunt and load goods at most wayside stations. The product of a photo in Ernie's book, I can't claim any great accuracy, other than it seems to look the part.


 Finally, I needed a brake van & struggled for quite a while to find something. I could have used one of the Dublin & Meath vans from Richard's estate, but though the right colour, the D&M became part of the MGW and I wanted something authentically WLW. A return to Ernie's book finally turned up a photo of a Waterford & Central Ireland Railway train, where behind an 0-4-2T was a panelled brake van. The model below is the result, so is very much a representation rather than anything accurate. As before, it is a plasticard body with white metal fittings for the chassis.

  A photo of the whole train completes the picture, though on Northport Quay the horse box runs in a different one.



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