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My new loft layout

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Hi & many thanks, I feel I should explain my reason for the question regarding the tunnels, I'm confined to a wheelchair & in my ( hopeful ) planning I have to at all times try & remember I may not e able to reach / fix any loco / wagon which may have become derailed, you may have seen an earlier text from me refering to a " bridge " which would be my access to a ( my ) layout, which of course will not be in an attack,

Paul :-bd

  wiggy said:
Not sure if you can.

Not sure what's involved in converting to 21mm.

The pickups on the Dapol are on the inside of the bogie frame.


Thanks for that Wiggy. Where there's a will there's a way.



  BosKonay said:
That the Dapol little hoover - does it work?


They actually pick up a surprising amount of dirt for the size of them, can be dangerous if they suck up a loose piece of ballast, it can go flying anywhere :).

The switch on the top of them can be a bit troublesome, mine started smoking one day so I just replaced it and hard-wired a decoder into it and it works fine.


Layout's looking excellent too Wiggy:tumbsup:


Hi wiggy, for a minute I was expecting Clint Eastwood to pop up on screen, tell me when you were laying the track, did you use any particular method to set the radious, like Hornby 3rd / 4th. radious, to ensure the loco's etc, don't collide on the bends, :-bd



  Dave said:
Wiggy, does the cutters cut the track neatly and square? I have been using a dremel, but it can be time consuming.


I have found that, when using a Dremel to cut the track, it's best to have the tool over the track that you want to use, rather than over the bit that you're cutting off. The cutting disc is usually smaller than the diameter of the tool body, resulting in a slight, off-vertical, angle to the cut. If the joining piece also has this slope, the other way, then there is an inevitable gap at the top of the rail, even though the bottom edges of the rails are butted up hard.

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