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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Get rid of the slower sellers first I suppose.
  2. Very nice, The kit will l have about 10 parts in it by the looks of it
  3. LOL, Imagine that, Rolex Watches, 2 BMW's, 43 Baby GMS Confiscated and a few Mk.2 Gennys in the headlines! I would not bid on that Lima stuff in a month on Sundays. Each to their own though.
  4. Jesus 5152 is gone again! Arrrgh!
  5. Very Very Nice, that was a Pretty fast build too .
  6. I do love the jigs you make for to make your jobs easier Eoin
  7. Downer then with Ed Sheerin, Some Great Music TV on BBC this weekend.
  8. Remember a few years back a Few lads, some on here did a preservation project about feasible sites, I wonder was this area included at the time and how it featured on the report?
  9. smahing bit of kit, Does it come as one or do you have to buy the drill and then then add ons?
  10. Ah Lovely Andy, Any ol pics to cheers us up on this Damp ol day Did not even notice the names!
  11. Feel ya brother!
  12. Cheers Noel, sometime your better off just doing and not looking at the flipping net!
  13. Crossed wires there JHB, Not on about the Loco, the Chap himself Powers back on post lightning storm, Holland Afrika line back on Main line duties with black 5 on Freight!
  14. Where did A4 Mallard go to in the end? He had some impressively quite large collection!
  15. Nuvver one for sale, one of the Nicer Liveries IMHO. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/233631919808
  16. Just read that now, It Certianly is a very nice layout with the Character of Courtmac shinging through along with nice Stock. Thanks for Flagging it up. The Brown stone walling Struck me as being slightly off. That colour stone is just not down here.
  17. Massive Pics there!
  18. I actually ran mine last night, First time I embarrassingly ran anything from the IRM Stable but could not resist getting these out. The 8 wagons make some long train. Being used to the little UK wagons from the 50-60's it took some getting used too! Bit Squeaky but other wise pretty class stuff!
  19. Nice parcel this am sitting on my Desk! Hooray!
  20. I must look more into this line, I can see the attraction of American outline when you see the scenes depicted.
  21. Wow, Those buildings a fab, If it was here they would of been Vandalised and probably set on fire.
  22. Big bump up there with nearly a Ton Jump in Price in one go...mmmmm. On the other end of the scale I had a 1.48 Morris Van, sold on ebay today, Worth about a £10 on the shop shelf, Sold for €1.00 and the guy canceled it over €0.50 postage. He Tells me post should be €5.50. PFO I told him. I'll leave the kid play with it.
  23. Oooh Popeye, The big 50 is coming soon so tempted with one of these. No U boats I'm Afraid. thats be done: https://www.hobbies.co.uk/model-boats/radio-control-model-boats/caldercraft-schaarhorn-model-boat-kit http://www.mountfleetmodels.co.uk/sir-lancelot.html http://www.mountfleetmodels.co.uk/admiralty-coaster-c642.html
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