Patrick. I totally agree with josefstadt and all of the other posts here. I grew up in the era you are modelling, 1970's black and tan A class locos, loose couple goods, single line mechanical staff exchange, etc., I spent all my spare time on a single line section of the MGWR, working the frame, changing the road, locking bars, pulling off signals etc. all under the watchful eye of wonderful signalmen who made my dream come true! Your layout transports me back to those days!. It is an absolute joy to look at it and to see how you have developed it over the years. Its 'minimalist' nature is its strength and joy! You have perfectly captured this era, and as josefstadt says 'you are indeed a great craftsman'! It has atmosphere by the bucketloads! Some day soon I hope to start work on my own model of similar era in the not too distant future. I have a long, long way to go to scale the heights you have already reached, but I will try! Please, please keep posting Patrick! Many thanks indeed. Eamonn