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Everything posted by fishplate7

  1. I headed down as well from Dublin. Was my first time attending. Well, well worth the visit! Lots of excellent layouts, both static and operational covering the rail, marine, military and haulage industries. Lots of space to view the layouts and some great chats along the way. Definitely well worth the visit! I, too, will be back next year.
  2. Looks fantastic guys! Roll on delivery day!
  3. Huge congratulations to Pat, Fran, Stephen and yourself Rich, on putting so much time and effort into running this wonderful website. I regularly read and look from the sidelines in awe at the layouts, the models and the general advice given out freely by and to members, and I am constantly amazed by the enthusiasm and knowledge out there amongst the contributors. I have my collection stored and soon hope to have the 'manshed' ready to begin my 'opus'! When I do this site will be my reference. Thank you everyone and here's to the next 5 years! Eamonn
  4. Great photos Broithe! I work in Tullamore and from my office I can regularly hear the thump of the GM's during the day! Food for the soul!! Here's an old shot from the Lawrence Collection I think.
  5. This link has been up before but you never get tired of watching it! For those interested in the art of mechanical snatching this is the best bit of video I have seen on it to date. Follow the link below and start at 2.24. It features a youthful Patsy Bolger, signalman in Enfield handing up the staff/pouch to the driver/snatcherman of a down 121 class. The next sequence, which shows mechanical snatching in operation is shot in Maynooth. Imagine what Health and Safety would say about all this today!! There's a lot more interesting stuff on this video too! Hope you enjoy it! http://www.euscreen.eu/play.jsp?id=EUS_524B0F1DFF9D4311A5271797E7849D5E
  6. Looks excellent Leslie - I will gladly take some and join GSR 800 on the bankruptcy bench!
  7. Patrick. I totally agree with josefstadt and all of the other posts here. I grew up in the era you are modelling, 1970's black and tan A class locos, loose couple goods, single line mechanical staff exchange, etc., I spent all my spare time on a single line section of the MGWR, working the frame, changing the road, locking bars, pulling off signals etc. all under the watchful eye of wonderful signalmen who made my dream come true! Your layout transports me back to those days!. It is an absolute joy to look at it and to see how you have developed it over the years. Its 'minimalist' nature is its strength and joy! You have perfectly captured this era, and as josefstadt says 'you are indeed a great craftsman'! It has atmosphere by the bucketloads! Some day soon I hope to start work on my own model of similar era in the not too distant future. I have a long, long way to go to scale the heights you have already reached, but I will try! Please, please keep posting Patrick! Many thanks indeed. Eamonn
  8. Congratulations to everyone involved with this venture. Looks fantastic! Will have to take the turnstile off the wallet this weekend in Blackrock and order myself some. Eamonn
  9. Absolutely fantastic work Tony! Eamonn
  10. I did not think it would be remotely possible to model anything Irish in N gauge but you have blown that 110% clean out of the water! Its the realism which is so, so impressive, not to mention the rolling stock and buildings scratchbuilding skills. Cannot praise it highly enough! Congratulations Paul on an outstanding job and I look forward to seeing this at some of the forthcoming shows! Eamonn
  11. Great pictures jhb171achill, whatever way they are posted. Many thanks for sharing and keep them coming! Eamonn
  12. Patrick. You have created a truly magical layout where the locos and rolling stock take centre stage! Its my favourite era by far. Hats off to you sir, keep up the excellent work and most importantly keep on posting those photos and videos!
  13. Congratulations to Mark and all the crew. Richly deserved!
  14. Wonderful footage! Thanks for posting!
  15. For me it would have to be: 121 class A class in that order, and to the same quality and standard as Paddy Murphy's 141/181's and 071's.
  16. It was part of the Bram Stoker festival, which took place over the weekend and continues today. The trip through the Phoenix Park tunnel was advertised on the radio. Here's the link: http://www.bramstokerfestival.com/events/
  17. Excellent footage and thanks for posting. I am not really a fan of the 201's but I must admit it looks and sounds great in your clip!
  18. Yep...excellent shots!
  19. This is one from my 'video vault' taken on a Summer's evening in August 1995. Hope this works and turn up the volume!
  20. Excellent video! The nighttime activity is really well captured! Thanks for sharing!
  21. Dave. Absolutely fantastic. You have really created an excellent atmosphere! How long did all that take to construct on site? Eamonn
  22. Excellent shots - thanks for posting!
  23. Excellent photos Purple - there's a wealth of detail in these. Thanks for posting!
  24. As U2 would say and sing, its "even better than the real thing"! Stunning, Anthony!
  25. Excellent footage gm171! What's with the yellow overspray on the bufferbeam of 078?
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