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Robert Shrives

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Everything posted by Robert Shrives

  1. Hi To update PRONI have now responded and officer has made request to the paper miners in the opencast mine that is PRONI but it may take weeks for anything productive to appear. Seems it is not possible to get access regardless of COV 19 to the opencast mine of paper and the officer has to make a request to another department to get another staff member to actually look. - I imagine somebody in a brown smock coat from the 1970s.. Robert
  2. Have to say my cab end horn trumpet has done the same thing - packaging interface issue! Great pics and reminds me I must build up my SSM level crossing kit ! Robert
  3. Well see my comments above ! I did toy with idea of a power bogie in a pushpull driver coach but this did not get over the pizza wheels . Some white grease might help with gear noise rather than oil and I guess fitting a sound chip and speaker ! I have had some lima locos that when well run in are very good so if these models been in store and you use code 100 track then perhaps a really good running in session required. I suggest if you use code 75 or the fine BH track now available you have some good kit for a depot scene. Amazing it was 2018 I had put finger to keyboard - time flies - has anybody got any spare .. Robert
  4. But as I have found on other projects that once a model is produced a zillion photographs suddenly appear to disprove and sometimes support the work done. The class 22 books for instance produced after Dapol developed the model and even requested assistance these books gave new insights, and allowed much frothing and bashing ... manufacturers are thus very wary of guesstimates. Quite a few underframe pics as a result of accidents so really we are lucky there are no photos of these tanks upside down. Robert
  5. DJD https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/eurlammonia/h1fbb377f#he70e226d https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/eurlammonia/h1fbb377f#he70e226c gives a link to two pics the UK version. Yonks ago LIma did a tanker but was , I guess, an HO model - but given how big the tank is it might be ok. http://newweb.ngaugesociety.com/wp-content/uploads/Journal-6-16-Bashing-Chemical-Wagons.pdf Is a link to Grahames excellent bashing and the wagon gets a conversion from a Farish TEA wagon which Bachmann do in 00 eg. https://www.oliviastrains.com/trains/mt/bachmann-wagons/bachmann-tank-wagons/bachmann-38-110-tea. That a quick search , hope it helps. Robert I should add , cheekily of course ! That having got 6 into gloss white and hoping to use MIR transfers after some green on solebars on some MIR resin tanks - you need a Murphy 201 to pull as very heavy. I would expect the good gents in the IRM palace to be sorting the packaging designs this week ! .... Robert
  6. Mine arrived in the Badlands of Brum today and in box suitable for 6 with a single piece of paper wrapped around the black box inside. I did on seeing box wonder if it was a "lottery" win !! Posting box off for recycling and happy with contents in every way , agree with George re care in removing dense foam shell and handrails but looks good on test track. Robert
  7. Well my 134 in Grey arrived today and as echoed by many I say thanks to Mr. Murphy for all work and tribulations in getting loco to market. A lovely model and a great runner and sensible packaging. Looking forward to the Tippexed 121 arrivals Robert
  8. Hi Thanks to all who have been in contact . Ian at MIR also helped thanks Robert
  9. Sadly not it is a 47 foot one normally 30219, And is painted black rather than Bauxite. A full set of transfers from SSM as above are a treat ! Robert
  10. Patrick, I hope you have now found peace ! Loading bank looks the part . I have seen one or two layouts which were suggestive of a just past rainfall with puddles and wet roofed buildings. But you can enjoy the passing phase as it dries out . As everybody adds great layout that inspires . Robert
  11. Summarises the IRM issue with the GSV weed spray coach- essential to the model scene but un economic for the business model. Unless the Angel investor with no interest in returns happy to give over E100K we can wish all we like for rtr but a kit or a kit commission is where you will need to visit- even a 3D print will not be that much different on the rails for a price.. Robert
  12. Patrick - That is it perfection as you desire , it looks just like my depot at Minffordd on the Ffestiniog Railway and a bit less like an airport runway ! Perhaps a small pad on the Beet loading bank to hint at where progress in going will suffice. The angle of many phots of beet banks hint but give no details of surface and weeds - I imagine ( await to be told better) that weeds ran amok but a winter of tractors and trailers ground a clear way for a few months - so perhaps a bigger collection at the bufferstop end trailing to nearly clear at road access point . Of course some very plant unfriendly weed killer might have been used a bigger sites. If I may suggest a tree or similar to help nature cover up how the sky is fixed above the lorry trailer - or it might be a ufo... who knows but I guess we have all had an errant screw head ! Always great work and thanks for showing. Rome not built in a day and always changeable so is Glen More but I think you are as good to go with the yard. . I do not think anybody has said but the colours in the ballast and the clean sleeper tops feel just right for the era compared to the mechanised mess we have today. Robert
  13. https://mousa-models.co.uk/product/bck6224s-4-cie-mk-1-steam-heat-boiler-van-sides/ found this linked from new website - only one left and of course not the one wanted for spray van sorry to say. Robert
  14. Thread a bit text rich so two pics on Templedean and Poldene - this at the Dapol factory openday last year doing some on the fly repairs
  15. Well here goes for 10 penny worth ! I have many favourite layouts but the rule is can it stand a viewing with nothing running . I enjoy looking out for animals and examples of the normal . However I have found over the years I have collected retired layouts - a sort of old peoples home. In N I have Moorcock junction, Templedean , Poldene , a circular layout based on Starcross area of the GW mainline in Devon( and have built and sold on Gould st that was an office layout until Covid 19 struck and it had to go to make room for staff spreading out.) . In 3mm I have 2 triang TT layouts one was shown at the Train collectors Exhibition in Sandy in the early 2000s. Rob Brown`s Chipping Compton sits on a living roof shelf and boxed up is the wonderful TT layout Minsterley by the late Peter Gentle. The small triang layout and Starcross are the only two not shown at some time . All this silly "big game hunting" is due to a desire to avoid layouts being broken up but all seen at shows and have been "Wow" moments for scenery, concept or simply enjoyable to watch trains go by in the countrysdie. In 4mm all I have is a shed plank I bought from a lad in Stourbridge junction and bought home on the train and a short bus ride ! If money was no object and many other impossibles lined up like ducks I would love to have Patrick as my neighbour ! and be allowed to operate Glen More.... Perhaps one day I will build an Irish layout but for now I enjoy the building of mine and reading about all the other much better than mine. Perhaps in 2021 we will all get a chance to enjoy a show somewhere and as remarked by a friend yesterday over Socially distanced tea and buns - enjoy the interaction with many friends on the circuit and fellow hobbists paying on the door. One final exhibition tale - TINGS , The International N gauge Show at the Fosse in Leamington , perhaps 15 years ago now it was the first show and being an N gauger since 1973 I was keen to see a show that headlined the best and got specialist traders under one roof. So having offered my Warley expertise I was in the hall early on the Friday, centre staff were marking the hall - it quickly became apparent that sizes and hall fixtures were not working out, so I ploughed in and after half hour Chris the hall owner came over and a friendship started after it became clear that his plan was what I had "rubbished" but was also fixing. Until 2020 fell over I had been involved if 6 shows a year for Chris around the country as a fixer and humpa lumpa cum floor steward or front of house host. All because I model trains almost too small to see . Chris even has a 12mm Narrow gauge layout of repute - Aireworth in his loft - a classic layout serialised in the Railway modeller in the early 1970s. Back to gluing bogie side frames for GSV kits - oh and the lunchtime washing up.. Robert
  16. Just ordered some B5 bogies from Southern pride and as gone back to finish outstanding on my GSV plie (2) and of course I had some in the bottom of another box ! Did the Bredin van wotk much with the bogie wagons - lots of vid footage with the 4 wheel mounted tanks so a good use of the Provincal wagons kits or a 3D print version perhaps. Robert
  17. Looking good ! Hard standing looks to be effective. In UK for a short while in Scotland we had log loading "over the fence" but due to a loader tipping over in the quagmire one night loading points now need to have concrete pads - so the cost of this put the rail operation into a non profit zone and now it all goes by road - no hard standing of course! Thanks for updates good to see mojo on 10. Robert
  18. Hi PH Designs do a set as does Bill Bedford/ Mousa models for the GSV so a case of adaption. I asked about price from PHD as currently out of stock but artwork ok for more. I have Bills for one suitable for 3173 - ex BCK but not sure if he does one for 3178- ex BSK. As a possible short cut via a Bachmann BSK I came across these in Ebay land . www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Window-Fillers-for-Bachmann-OO-scale-Mk1-Coach-conversions these are 3D print blanks - I added a fine smear of filler and sanded back before fitting should be able to cut 5 and 10 thou plasticard for roof fill in panel and new window for location of the grill and following the recipe for cut and shunt on the forum. Robert
  19. Hi RAL rail yellow is RAL 1003 but RAL 1004 to RAL 1006 all shades close BR rail yellow has a BS code 381c - 356 - called signal yellow. Robert
  20. hopefully not ON it then !! per Wrenneire`s comment..
  21. In UK same applies or used to as current power base has been changing legislation to protect owners and reduce their workload to provide a safe environment while making it harder to get into the legal system to mount claims, this might dissuade the odd fraudster - but much is reported settled out of court, yet prevents legitimate claims from some work groups, even with union assistance. Despite over 100 years of compulsory education adult illiteracy is still an issue and with the welcome rise in English second language residents who work hard to send monies home to even poorer family - many countries aspire to the NHS dream but until then the poor have to help themselves in an increasingly expensive word of haves and have nots. Thus signage and corporate care responsibility continue to have a place. I might joke at the amount of signage about but any warning that saves life and limb has to be worth it. A well known British industry leader safety mantra is worth a thought " home safe, everybody, every day. " Stay safe ! Robert
  22. All good things comes to those who wait long enough for Tippex !! long live Tippex..... but good news is always good news, thanks Robert
  23. Well to say amused by all this - the idea of picking model out by slip of polythene or in case of dapol models remove model and surrounding foam from box and then release model into the wild is really all you need and once done is a skill. Another skill is the off button and using it, I find... Still despite froth on packaging looking forward to the 121 and the class 80 to follow.
  24. Hi I have just been in contact with Mike of Judith Edge kits about the DH class as it falls into his market expertise of Industrials and while he has noted he has not got them in his range he is now aware of the locos and interest there in. Mike does note he has lots on the go and a long customer wish list, but hopefully it will get looked at. Robert
  25. Well first pic looks good with a bogie and No5 couplers mounted on two and two others part modified, and a roof having a first effort of scraping away unwanted ribs so far so good but lower body has a telling crack. The second photo shows after middle section first cut the two nearest show signs of a repaint, these two shattered on next cuts to remove doors , perhaps a reaction to the thickly applied paint. Luckily I cut out more than need bogie spacers and able to get two more coaches from evilbay yesterday. Hopefully this will not fall apart.. I had bashed ahead with making 4 the same - but this wrong as well as the BFK might well warrant less cutting... so defo a case of more haste less speed.
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