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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Just 20ft Tankers on the liner this evening in North Wall- no 20 / 40 / 45 ft containers which is rare. Never saw 'Murphy Transport Ltd' tanker before either- too far away to take photo but they were like the one below, alongwith the usual 'DANA' and 'GCA'. Maybe a new one for C Rail??
  2. Since the moving of the IWT Liner down to Ocean Pier from North Wall to nighttime, there seems to be a lot less containers on it when it is parked up after arriving from Ballina. Maybe just coincidence with a quieter time or is there some reason?
  3. Great videos- definitely a great era just slightly too early for me. Push forward just one decade and you have the greatest era in lrish Railways!!!!! (Am sure l will be in minority though )
  4. It's often parked up there on it's own allright. Don't like the livery but like the loco though! Great pic
  5. All that planning paid off with the end result!! Looks great!
  6. I wanted to keep the weathering very subtle as rolling stock around Heuston by the mid 2000's seemed to be kept a lot cleaner than in the past. Mark 3's at Heuston particularly always seemed to be reasonably clean & even the Cravens (while showing their age) were clean-ish generally, so l tried to replicate that here. I have no skills myself at weathering- wouldn't risk it but l got these done a good few years ago. Strict instructions were not to go mad on the weathering given the 2005 - 2008 era l am trying to model!
  7. Very impressive- take a bow!
  8. Cheers for all the comments, lads! Really appreciate it !
  9. Brilliant!! The viaduct is really excellent- very impressive overall !
  10. After arriving from Ballina earlier, 085 heads up the liner waiting at Heuston North freight yard before going to Ocean Pier.
  11. @MOGUL had the bad news....
  12. 082 at the East Wall yard / Alexandra Road trip this Friday evening at 18:30, before the move to nightime container moves from next week which is a pity. Good views tonight- plenty of Bruhn Spedition tankers as usual and an 071 class is always great.
  13. Missed that Jason- cheers
  14. Looking for DCC Sound Chip for the IÈ 201 class to fit MM model. Could be missing something obvious since l last bought one but can't locate one....
  15. Great to see the containers back again down Alexandra Road this Friday evening. 220 leading a full length today with the Bruhn Spedition tankers in great numbers.
  16. Presume this Ballina / Waterford service hasn't started as yet even though it was scheduled for the end of June? Wouldn't have thought the issues at Dublin Port and the IWT liner would have affected this. Just that l am getting withdrawal symptoms not seeing container trains....
  17. Rob

    Jason's Workbench

    Really nailed it- spot on! Fantastic work.
  18. Very nice and atmospheric
  19. Very quick progress- great to see!! Looks great.
  20. Really straight, clean lines. Very, very sharp.
  21. Brilliant looking- detailed and so realistic!
  22. Brilliant- that last photo is excellently realistic- love the signpost!
  23. Locomotive 146 idling with a short set of Cravens (1544, 1521, 1529) and BR Gen. Van (3192) in the sidings at Heuston North.
  24. Great pic- from a great era!!
  25. Some photos of layout named after a combination of my local, Heuston Station (for the passenger stock) & North Wall (for the freight). Era is loosely based around 2005 - 2008 when you could still see Cravens, Mark 3's, 141 & 181 in operation, along side 071 and 201 class locos. I took the photos after l removed the stock to clean the rails- rare to have nothing on it! I don't have the expertise of most on here on the modelling front. l owe a huge amount to so many guys here who helped along the way. It was kinda the dream even getting to this point and there is a long way to go but here's where l am today.
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