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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Great news- look forward to them
  2. Hi Bob. Just had a look in the attic there- it's John's Model Railways and Barnabas Junction on You Tube- see photo. The signage and hi-viz strips l added later. Always pays never to throw anything out!!! Hope it helps!
  3. Cheers Bob- thanks! The platform roofs were a kit many years ago on Ebay in pre-Brexit times- l got it as a temporary set up to try and replicate the new platforms in Heuston but ended up leaving them there once they were installed
  4. Looks very impressive- like a shop!
  5. Rob

    Jason's Workbench

    Wow! Best l've seen yet- take a bow @JasonB
  6. Good progress being made- exciting to see it develop so keep it coming!!
  7. A promo vid for Port of Waterford and the XPO Logistics freight rail service, but good shots of the train being loaded at the port.
  8. Soooo true! @MOGUL information about containers is so great to hear- brilliant!
  9. Excellent work- really impressive
  10. Thanks- very interesting and knowledgeable as always. They were around in 2012 for sure- spot on
  11. That is why we need you @Arran to make them, to get the container 100% right!!!! They are regularly on the liner trains here- have been for a decade at least, (probably longer) and transport bulk food commodities as far as l know. Look forward to the next OO offerings! (Picture below from 'quality-freight.com').
  12. Surely @Arran, the BLS 20ft is an absolute must at this stage..... !!!
  13. Cheers- l have to own up and say a friend did up some printouts of the roadway to the exact width and length with bus and road markings and l fitted them on the baseboard then. I added the various street furniture, shrubbery, signage and footpaths after but l was very happy with the result!!
  14. No, there were two different Qashquai's passing at the time the picture was taken! Different Regs!
  15. Locomotive 187 with a short set of Cravens (1544, 1529, 1521) and BR Gen. Van (3192) having recently left Heuston North for the short trip to lnchicore.
  16. Keep unboxing... !!
  17. I like the sound of that! Bring it on
  18. Seems the basis of a good, clear idea there and while there might be tweaks along the way, l'd say go for it and continue enjoying the execution of the plan to enjoy it all!
  19. Always nice to see retro liveried 071 at close quarters around North Wall this Monday afternoon. Mix of modern IÉ logo on old livery.
  20. Cheers- credit to Irrailways Weathering Services from @Dempsey here for that! Well spotted! Fallen flag container remaining in use!
  21. 085 leads the liner through the outskirts of Dublin after leaving Heuston North a short while earlier.
  22. Love the signs! They were one of the parts l liked doing the most on mine
  23. Looks great, Noel
  24. Looks great progress- well done!!
  25. Rob

    Weathering bench

    Only saw this now- Wow! Really top class, so realistic and not overdone- spot on! No less than you'd expect though
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