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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Great video- interesting to see 'behind the scenes' of it all
  2. Well done Murph- It must be like riding a bike! Very good work.
  3. Hope the new gaff has a decent space for the trains !!
  4. Sounds good! What makes up the 'real Irish collection' in the attic?
  5. I like your era ! Nice video- keep them coming.
  6. Hi. Anybody explain the different type of signage used at lrish level crossings, around the flashing lights sign? Would have thought they would be standard but seems to vary- some have Red/White warning edges, some are plain etc. Are one type older than another? I can't see any consistency but maybe someone in the know can advise so l model correctly! Rob.
  7. Best of luck! Look forward to seeing photos of the developments
  8. Great idea Gareth. So much of this stuff is double dutch to a lot of people, so any service provided like this is great to see. Cheers.
  9. Maybe not the thread for this point and maybe it's elsewhere on the site (l can't locate) but if there was some up to date listing of those that still provide weathering services that are available, it would be a great option for those that would want it. Some of the weathering services listed are no longer taking new commissions l understand. Maybe could help those providing the sevice meet those who want it!!
  10. Looks great, really impressive. Before my time/era, but must say the signal looks really good- great photos Patrick.
  11. Yes, that's true. When raised as a question previously, one reason was that factory weathering tends not to look as effective / realistic as individual weathering that is carried out. Those lucky enough to know how to weather tend to prefer to do it themselves was a reason given. I would agree that l would always prefer a weathered look but wouldn't dare tackle it myself- l leave it to others to do on mine!
  12. Very interesting read! Unusual in the main pic to have the Restaurant directly behind the loco. Must have been for the publicity shot as it was never like that in actual service that l saw.
  13. Looks good! Brings back memories of 'that first run' in a layout!
  14. Trying to locate some decent modern 'People' figures (OO Gauge) for a layout, including preferably a good mix of seated figures, preferably 'lrish' (ie no Bowler Hats and Pin Striped Suits!!) I sometimes feel it's hard to get the 'People' part right. Having no figures has the layout looking too empty, but having figures 'frozen' in action can have some risks too though? Figures in 'stationary' positions (forgive the pun!) often look the best, l think, such as being seated, or leaning on something so it was kinda that l was thinking of but any help is welcomed! Thanks. Rob.
  15. Jesus- l have a few of them plus boxes from years ago in the attic. Would agree and be of the view they're not worth that though!
  16. Superb- always love these clips
  17. Hi. I am looking for any photos of lrish Platform Signage from the mid 2000's era- the good old Orange and Black versions, example below. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers. Rob.
  18. Great pic, never saw that while they were in normal service. When/where was that? Photo looks very modern and clear.
  19. Mark III (IÈ) for me, but include the Restaurant with the elusive correct lrish window formation!!!
  20. I can only hope this is somehow Mark III related...
  21. You going to model something based around Limerick? Lots of questions about Limerick
  22. They would be seen there when they travel to the wagon works in Limerick for overhaul, upkeep etc
  23. Rob


    Yeah, Railtec generally excellent at sending orders- usually arrives within a few days.
  24. Any ideas of where to source 'modern' & 'normal' 1:76 scale vehicles (cars) for a layout? Majority of anything available is vintage (60's) or exclusive (Aston Martin's etc). Seems impossible to get anything post 2000's you'd find in lreland like a Passat or a Focus!!
  25. Get a few photos now !!
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