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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Looks great allright- what have you used for the scenery banks base here?
  2. Great video to see, but sad to see the end of the Mark 3's...
  3. They look superb!
  4. Looks excellent- very realistic!
  5. Really looking forward to the DVT !
  6. They look really good, excellent work!
  7. Look forward to seeing that- l've never seen a model of the IR Mark lV DVT!
  8. Definitely a 'runner', interested in 'lrish only' and within that, late 1990's / early 2000's before the dreaded modern Railcars took hold. Currently redeveloping layout to properly run my collection of (all with boxes) locos (201, 071, 181 & 141 class) and including MM Cravens & Lima MM Mark 3's. All are weathered, have broadly same shade of orange and have to be authentically numbered, window stickers etc. (Very sad l know!!) Like the Freight wagons from lRM from that '90/2000's era. Obsession (and that is the word) is the lrish Mark 3's and always looking for more Standards but ALWAYS searching for the elusive EGV, (proper) Restaurant & Citygold aswell- any help here is ALWAYS welcome! Very envious of the layouts here and the amazing talents people have!
  9. Brilliant, great shots there. Such a great era, we had everything!
  10. Very impressive, attention to detail is amazing.
  11. Irish, 1980 / 90's & Heuston Station sounds excellent to me- just what l like! Look forward to seeing it.
  12. Looks absolutely fantastic. Which sound chip is this in the 156? Sounds excellent.
  13. Cheers Noel, will do. Thanks for that. I have alerts set up to try and track them down everywhere! Sound!
  14. I'd just like to get my hands on a 141 / 181 (lÈ- white stripe) loco!!
  15. It looks amazing!
  16. Looks great! What track type / make have you laid? Second last pic (16:55) they look very good in that.
  17. Rob

    Vote for IRM!

    Did it! Fingers xed....
  18. Brilliant, looks fantastic as always!
  19. Hi. I'm extending / updating my OO Gauge layout- one area l have NO knowledge on is the very basic electrics around the 4 X colour light signals (from CR Signals) l want to install- manually operated to keep it simple. I have all the required wiring, switches, adaptors etc but am looking for the help & services of someone to actually hook it up. (I have tried numerous videos / sites for tips etc but not willing to risk the electrics, no matter how 'simple' l keep being told it is!!) I'm know it's a straightforward job for someone who knows the basics but rather than look for a standard electrician on line, would prefer to hopefully work with someone HERE given the specific nature of it being a model railway. I live in Dublin 8 & would be great to hear from someone to help at some stage over the next few weeks, presume just a few hours is all it would take for some one that knows, or else if anyone can recommend someone they know, l'd really appreciate it. Feel free to 'DM' reply if you can and really hope someone can help here....!!! Always envious of those layouts set up and looking so well myself!! Cheers!
  20. Great news- look forward to these! Good work, lads!
  21. Hi. As a complete electrics novice, l hope someone can help! I'm looking to set up from scratch, a set of 8 Colour Light Signals on my layout (4 × Three Aspect Colour Lights & 4 × Ground Position). All supplied by CR Signals- seem to closest resemble lrish Rail ones. I have a Hornby Select DCC but am happy to manually switch the lights as required at this point. Trouble is l am a complete novice on the electrics side & can't seem to actually identify what exactly l will need to start up. I guess: 4 Changeover SPDT switches for each of the Ground Position. 4 Three Position Rotary switches. (If so any suggestions, on each?) I read if l was working one signal, l would need a 5 - 12v DC supply- if l am running 8 signals, do l need 8 of these? Ideally is there one overall controller that could handle these 8 signals but if not, if l was running them individually, what is best? Hope l get some help here and bear in mind, l am a novice on the electrics so would love to know what l actually physically need to have! Thanks in advance. Rob. PS l did try to locate similar answers here before posting but couldn't find the specifics.
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