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Everything posted by DART8118

  1. What kind of photos was he taking?
  2. DART8118

    Customs & VAT

    Irishmail, If you live anywhere close to the DUBLIN MAIL CENTRE, DUBLIN 12, a visit first thing this morning to collect you item might be a good plan.
  3. I'd enjoy that and I'd also enjoy a talk or video that did a walkthrough of the production process.
  4. Nice space, easy access and good height. Enjoy it.
  5. Nice one. Would you know what tender goes with that and how suitable is it for converting to DCC?
  6. The finished models look super. Great modelling. The 23 was the bus for getting to work in the early 60s. On 8 March 1966 the Pillar was blown up and it took me 3 hours to get to work. Spent all morning sitting in a 23 trying to get through Parnell Street and didn't arrive in work until 12 noon. When I explained to my boss, he said, 'Well it will probably take you the same to get home again', and told me I could head off after I'd had my lunch. So, I spent another few hours sitting in Parnell Street. What scale are the models?
  7. Photograph every sq. inch.
  8. Just wondering if there is a formal specification for the font size and style for these warning signs on platforms. Apologies if this has been covered before and if so perhaps someone could point me towards the thread. TIA 8118
  9. Alan, I did have a look at the CVs that needed changing for speed matching but the factory defaults are the same for both locos and as their speed difference was so small I left things at the defaults. I also thought that a little running while in a consist formation would also help the running in process. Setting CVs is nothing to be intimidated by and will soon become part of your DCC toolkit. Does the Hornby Elite come with a manual? That should explain how to set CVs in the first place and it should also explain how to set a consist. I'm sure there must be some YouTube videos that also show you how.
  10. Another great video posting from Barrow Street. So realistic. For speed matching did you use the factory settings in CV2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 or did you set them to your own preferences? 8118
  11. Brassnut, I'm not very good at troubleshooting but I think there are still some things that, if you clarify them, folks on here will have very good advice for you. So, Did this derailment just suddenly happen or has it been building up for some time? Is it happening on just one point or does it happen on others as well? Is derailment happening when the point is set for straight running or when it is set for turnout? Is derailment happening on a point in a section of straight track or in a section of curved track? Joe Keegan asked for photographs. Any chance of some close up shots? Wrenneire asked what is derailing, so, is it locos, or coaches, or wagons? Is it just one item or do many items derail? Do the items derail when going forward and/or when going in reverse? 8118
  12. Many thanks everyone for the replies. All very helpful and informative and appreciated. I have an NCE Powercab since 2014 and have only used about 20% of its functionality. I have reduced the volume on one loco to about 40% level by adjusting CVs. If I now put that loco into a consist and later remove it from the consist would there be issues with the settings on its sound CVs? I know I lost recall settings when I reset the sound volume CVs (might have been cab CV) so just wondering if the same might happen when exiting a consist. Thanks again in advance 8118
  13. Thanks Noel. Very helpful and will look at the links. Just waiting for 121s to give this a go.
  14. What does a beginner need to know about mixing a 4-function decoder in one loco and a full sound decoder in the second loco, for mixing different decoders from different manufacturers, and for mixing locos from different manufacturers? TIA. 8118
  15. Great trainsound. Just like the real thing.
  16. Yes, that's what I did, added 1 to the value already in the CV and you can use long addresses. Wiser to do the reset on a programming track away from the main layout.
  17. Nice rail fleet, nice road fleet and a nice style with the video.
  18. Thanks Noel. I managed to get the blanking plug out just using my fingers and gently lifting/alternating one side to the other as you mention. Got the new chip fitted and then another saga began. A long day but almost there. Thinking of sitting up as shotgun all night to make sure none of the night crew gremlins do anything tonight. For all that the 121 is a super model and a super runner. some of my other locos don't stat to move until the speed get to notch 6 or 7. The 121 starts moving at notch speed 1.
  19. Thanks for that Fran. Good to hear that the manufacturer in China is accommodating you. Mr Dargan would approve. Maybe Q1 & Q2 2021 will bring a nice new surprise.
  20. Things are not quite what they seemed last night. F1 and F2 turn off/on all the lights - headlight and marker lights - not just the marker lights. But that's not a big deal and I could live with that. Then this morning when I powered up to have another look, the loco number had been changed (by some mysterious night shift) from the factory default no 3 to loco number 121. Don't understand how that could happen when everything was powered off and unplugged. So, I selected forward for loco 121 and nothing happened on any of the speed function keys. Tried some lights and nothing. Same when I selected reverse. So, selected loco 3 and had a wonderful display of the 'bat out of hell' loco. It took off like mad. All speed function keys have the same result. I seem to remember reading somewhere that there is a bit on one of the CVs and if it is set ON then locos must have long addresses. Maybe something has been set as a default and that is the cause. So, I'll give the loco a long address and see how that goes even though I haven't edited any CVs. The retailer who supplied the chip also recommended checking that the chip is fully home on the pins and I'll check that too. If that doesn't work I try the reset CV8=8. If that doesn't work I kinda like the idea of having my own 121 Maglev.
  21. Just checked and F1 & F2 have settled and are working now. So, all four function keys working with the NCE PowerCab.
  22. Had a similar situation when first put on track and using the F0 function key. Then I used the Headlight function key on the controller first. That turned on the lights and seemed to sort things. It is now settled and either the Headlight key and F0 will work fine, on/off. I have an NCE PowerCab and I still have nothing on F1 or F2. Also when first put on the track I found that the loco had to be moving in order for the headlights to come on but that has settled too and all lights now work before take off (parked). As you say, a super model and well worth the wait.
  23. No. For this one it's the MM0006 to get up and running with DCC. Planning sound in the next one when it arrives.
  24. All good now and running silky smooth. Lots of discoveries to be looked forward to. Thanks for that.
  25. The blanking plug in my RPSI loco seems to be a tight fit. Anyone got any words of advice about lifting it so that I can fit a DCC chip? TIA, 8118
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