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Everything posted by Dave

  1. They normally undercut the retailers, hopefully they are starting to change their ways.
  2. I have some of the Knightwing 20' and 40' containers available. They are kits but are easy to assemble. €9 for the 20' and €12.50 for the 40' sold in packs of 2
  3. Maybe Wrenneire might have them, I'm sure he'll be along shortly.
  4. Dave


    That's fantastic, looking forward to seeing the finished article.
  5. Well that's different!
  6. Sounds like a great trip. I would love to go next year. It would be good to get a group together for next year.
  7. Here's some pics that I took of The World's End. A stunning layout, beautifully detailed. I didn't get much time to look around and this is one I really wanted to see, the pictures really didn't do it justice.
  8. That's a beautiful kit there John. Lovely detail
  9. Stunning!
  10. Good day yesterday. I'm going up early this morning and I'll get some pics. Looking forward to seeing the world's end layout.
  11. Fantastic Noel! Love the hard-standing area, it looks great as does the tower light. Lovely atmosphere.
  12. Lovely shot Noel, is that code 55 track?
  13. Unfortunately I will be at the Bangor exhibition, but Eoin will have a selection of scenery for sale on my behalf.
  14. That's stunning, absolutely top class work. Well done
  15. Hi Paddy, I like using screws over PCB board, once the screws are screwed in and soldered to the track they can't work there way back out as they rail stops them from turning. With PCB board they are glued and can break free if the glue becomes brittle. Yes brass screws are best and grind the heads a bit and also grind under the rail then apply flux before soldering.
  16. My method is very strong and nearly invisible when done right. On this layout you can't see it when your a couple of feet away from the joint.
  17. A trick to making it easier is to use a block of MDF and just after airbrushing rub the cut end of the MDF along the rails and it lifts all the paint off and leaves the tops of the rails clean.
  18. Nice work Eamonn. Really like the van, maybe a good weathering to tone it down?
  19. That's a cracking job, great attention to detail that's paying off in spades.
  20. Looks great Eoin, nice neat job.
  21. Looks great Bos, the retaining walls are fantastic:tumbsup:
  22. Great video Kieran, love the rolling stock.
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