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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. https://touch.adverts.ie/models/models-railways/26078965?fbclid=IwAR0ew1kqjjDu_Lz_dKaDwE7an8atFZVGlTr5L4JeMRwLfQ7eBDH_1mqCB2s yikes
  2. Live scenes at limerick trying to get 201 going again
  3. To be fair . I have been modelling properly since about February 2020. In which time I’ve been on a strictly “RTR” policy working off silver fox, MM, IRM and products I converted from Hornby. hopefully a nice finished Bandon tank kit will get convince me to buy more kits…..as there are plenty of things in kit form I’d like to have for myself. Our day will come
  4. She looks like she’s after a days work pulling beet out of cork up to rathpeacon and on to mallow!
  5. I think every single person on this forum is guilty of that! The JM design 20T brake just makes me optimistic. for a RTR Irish wagon that is quite detailed from a small manufacturer. You’d expect it to cost a lot more then it does
  6. I would assume it might be a good idea to hold off on selling these until even the IRM A’s become to expensive or scarce to buy?
  7. The potential is there. I believe that pre 1970s rolling stock both freight and coaches will become possible as the tech improves. There is a serious lack of coaches from that era as the only suppliers of the Pre Craven coaching stock is IFM and SSM at the moment. It would be nice to have some sort of GSR coaches, similar to that of the ones Popeye expertly converted out of the ratio kits LMS 48ft coaches as for locos, it’s a tougher sell as pure 3D printing from scratch means the loco would weight nothing, alternatively a donor chassis could be found. But many locos on this island have unique wheel arrangements to those of some of the British counterparts I will be trying the No.90 print as it at least has a suitable donor chassis already available Mine was almost sent back to New Zealand! I forgot It it was in the post and hence, did not pay the customs letter as I thought àn post was trying to charge me for something that had already arrived. Only €12.99 customs for me
  8. I have use railtec EDN snails and lining already for 4 coaches, im chuffed with them. However I can’t find the stencil flying snails on there website. I’d want to have them for a future project. up the walls at the moment with Bandon tank chassis to finish, Number 90 3D print on the way, another coach to paint, a layout to start….I might get a H-Van and put it into green for craic…..when I get the chance!
  9. The green H vans seem very well kept in both pictures I’ve seen them in. Any particular reason they were so well kept? Does anyone know of Railtec sell the stencil Flying snail transfers separately?
  10. I received my Brakevan today and I’m well chuffed with it. It’s worth buying just to see what 3D printing is capable of pulling off! Very protective style packaging plenty of space for 21mm axels behind my rather crude bulleid wagons the amount of cab detail is superb. Although I am going to have to get used to the removable roof! Again you’d hardly know it’s 3D printed I’m not sure if these are for sale anymore. but I’d recommend it anyways. These are a superb wagon
  11. A thread like this was needed, especially those who intend to scratch-build/3D print/kit bash a type of coach to fit the Irish narrative, which with almost exponential growth of the 1950/60s era of Irish modelling as of late is essential for any modellers wonder what ran in the area they have chosen to model
  12. Ooooooh I’ve never seen them before. I want a green one
  13. Will one of the DCC functions for the crossely decoder be the sound of the engine breaking down….
  14. The famous bagdad-Ballyhaunis tour
  15. Is it an easy kit to build?
  16. LMS 48ft Coach ratio kits they do look the buisness
  17. I consulted Popeye’s workbench and indeed he does have them listed I also found these yolks which could serve as inspiration?
  18. A new roof is an interesting suggestion. I wonder how easily that can be done though it might be another job for the 3D Printer although again, would have to be a good printer because cheap ones don’t do curves all to well
  19. Indeed those railtec transfers are a great job 5 (or more) coaches for 25 ish euro if you Include transport fees ect. same said for my Adams radial tank, would not have been possible if it weren’t for the extra bits of the Bandon tank transfer sheet from SSM and yes. I believe SSM does seem GSR chest trasfers
  20. They should really describe on the letter they send you itself what your paying for. I got a customs letter in the post about a week ago for what I thaught was for Oxford wagons I already had received (hence I ignored it)…..i looked over it just now, and realised that it was for a JM designs Brake can I had pre-ordered in almost 2021! And had forgotten about it….the only reason I copped it was the tracking ID ended in “NZ” (New Zealand) All the letter offers you in terms of info of the item is the value of the item…..which wasn’t enough for me to realise what it was. It’s more then possible since once you input the information into the website, it says “MODEL TRAIN PARTS” or something along those lines and the origin “JM DESIGN TRAINS” or something. is it that hard to print this onto the customs letter
  21. Great job in these coaches, the 1st coach has a near identical livery to the ones in my Rosslare coach transformation (probobly same paint and transfers) Very soon, from a small pack of transfers and paint, you could have a huge variety of coaches in a variety of liveries
  22. can’t wait for this livery variant of the 201 gets released in model form
  23. They did that around the time they started changing the logos to the new “origami” IR logo as some may call it , the undercarriage would turn this colour anyway due to grime and dirt, probably just a practical move and makes the loco look much better
  24. MGWR J26. One of the most versitile locos in Ireland. And one I intend to eventually make in 00 gauge
  25. The baldwins were right awkward yolks, outside cylinders and bells. The CBSC we’re going yank long before before CIE!! Here is one at the ballinhassig aerial ropeway siding shunting bricks, even the baldwins outlived the ropeway
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