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Everything posted by ttc0169

  1. Was tempted at Warley....they might be at the Glasgow exhibition in a months time...…
  2. Fantastic model.
  3. I was fortunate to have been a train guard that worked the real Esso oil train to and from Claremorris nearly 20 years ago at this stage, It always was a leisurely pace of no more than 35mph when laden and 40mph when empty and thanks to Heljan I now can recreate the liner in model form as the tanks are identical to the real wagons which were scrapped in 2006. I hope to purchase some more in the future to recreate the block train with barrier wagons at either end....
  4. EM50 Track recording vehicle No'700 makes an appearance on its monthly tour of Tara junction, After 073 had worked the liner mail train it shunted the TPOs and the GSV to a siding , It is seen here arriving into the Lakeview freight yard with the bogie container wagons where they will be unloaded for onwards distribution.
  5. Congratulations lads-well deserved..
  6. 25 years ago tonight 21/01/1994 and into the early hours of the following day-the final mail trains operated in Ireland, The Galway liner mail departed from Connolly station behind locomotive 073 at 21:30 and arrived into Galway shortly before 02:00,ending over one hundred years of mail by rail, Here we see the liner mail arriving into Tara junction station where the P&T vans await its arrival, The formation of the train is as follows; Locomotive 073 ,TPOs 2974.2975,GSV 3189TLA and three bogie 62'9'' air braked wagons-30501,30510 and 30540.
  7. Gents-any update on the release of the buffer stops?
  8. Thanks Jason, That's where I got the inspiration to repaint the model-and there is another photo of 019 in the Irish railways traction & travel book on page 65-(1994) edition. Is there anything that doesn't turn up on Tara Junction -Anything is possible......
  9. Gents-you forgot about 019 in its experimental livery.....I'm sure it will be a best seller......
  10. Could it be the Beet factory sidings outside Mallow on the Kerry road?
  11. Prior to the introduction of the 201 class locomotives to Ireland in 1994/1995,an 001 class locomotive-(019)-was repainted into an experimental livery to see what the proposed livery would look like on the 201s, The livery was subsequently adopted and was applied to all 32 locomotives before they were delivered to Ireland , although a different logo was chosen in the style of the plug and socket type. Here we have a selection of photos from Tara junction paint spray facility of 019 being hauled out for the first time by locomotive 181 for a daylight viewing by the CME and fleet controller, Locomotives 160+192 arrive at the MPD for fuelling while C class 226 and 071 class 075 await their next turn of duty.
  12. The new permanent way sidings have begun to get busy with the arrival of the laden bogie spoil wagons this evening, Here we see 0117076-(which has been allocated to per way duties) propel the wagons to the unloading area under a floodlit scene where the dump trucks and JCB excavator await.
  13. As requested jhb -fertiliser wagon 35079 is a slightly weathered CIE version,while 35088 was recently outshopped from Limerick wagon works sporting an IR logo having received an overhaul to its bogies and a repaint.
  14. Hi jhb and thank you-the ferts are kits from the MIR range, they are nearly ten years old at this stage-I will post up a photo when I get a chance.
  15. ttc0169

    Vote for IRM!

    Voted-Best of luck lads.
  16. I have been working on a diorama in the form of an ore loading facility and permanent way storage sidings underneath the main Tara junction layout over the last few months, Having powered up the section over the weekend the first train to use the facility was a HOBS train hauled by 0117076 followed by Tamper 751. It is the intention to operate the excellent Tara mines bogie wagons to the loading point and simulate the shunting and loading process as can be seen in the Markle DVD-From Tara to Clara. Here are a few photos of last weekends operations... It is still a work in progress...
  17. It was back to business at Ashburton grove after the rush over the Christmas/New year break, With the construction of an oil storage tank facility at the factory sidings , the freight business has increased , there is now a daily oil train to and from the depot which is keeping the 08 shunter busy, The passenger side is busy with an increase in size for the two car DMU to five with the addition of the three piece class 101, Here are a few photos from todays operations.
  18. I spoke with Paddy Murphy at the Warley exhibition and he was confident that a 121 class locomotive would be available to purchase this Easter 2019.
  19. Wishing all Irish railway modellers a Happy new year from the Chief operating officer of Tara junction. Here are a selection of photos from the Christmas and New year period which seen an intensive passenger timetable on the lead up to Christmas eve and some New years eve freight liner operations. The passenger operation seen over 40 passenger carrying vehicles with a total seating capacity of 2,806 excluding EGV and GSVs, The use of the 10 piece MK2 a/b set was a welcome addition alongside a MK3 3 piece push/pull hauled/pushed by 234. On the freight side there were six trains operated carrying Guinness ,oil, containers, fertiliser ,cement both in bulk and pallet form and ore from Tara mines
  20. They do have their advantages...….
  21. Cheers Rich thank you,many happy returns to yourself
  22. Happy Christmas to all fellow Irish bus modellers....
  23. Happy Christmas to all fellow Irish railway modellers from the Chief operating officer of Tara junction.
  24. Expected to restart in mid January.
  25. Retro 073 is seen being refuelled at the MPD by the refueller with the shed foreman supervising proceedings.
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