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Rush and Lusk

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Everything posted by Rush and Lusk

  1. Thank you Broithe, KMCE, BosKonay, Billlycan, Murrayec Thank you DJ Dangerous
  2. Hi Irishmail, Thank you for the positive comments George Hi irishthump, Thank you for the very encouraging comments. George Hello Noel, Greatly appreciate the positive comment George
  3. Hello, I reconnected with this great hobby about 12 months ago, my only previous experience was glorified train sets in my early teens, (a long time ago !). I have thoroughly enjoyed the past year in the hobby and learnt so much from outstanding resources such as this illustrious forum, reading and of course the world of YouTube. I have only been to one model railway show, the Wexford Model Railway Club Open Day, last October where I learned so much and was greeted with warmth and enthusiasm - I hope to get there again in a couple of Weeks’ time for the 2022 Exhibition. To practice and apply a whole range of new skills for the very first time (track and scenic planning, construction, track laying and ballasting, painting, trees, bushes & grass etc.) I decided to attempt a small diorama on an unused IKEA shelf ( 42x50cm 17x20”) I had over from another project. The intent was to have a raised railway line passing through a hilly/mountain landscape including a disused former mining/quarry branch line, with accompanying scenic to enhance the viewer’s experience. Overall, I’ve learned a tremendous amount from this experience - satisfied with some aspects, others I will approach quite differently next time. Finally, I am taking the liberty of sharing this on the forum, amongst some incredibly accomplished modellers, but this is a broad church, and my first attempt effort may prove useful to some early phase modeller - go easy ! Rush & Lusk (George)
  4. Tremendous colour and texture finish on the rocks/cliff face David.
  5. Hello Noel, Thank you so much for the comprehensive reply to my questions - most informative and helpful. I fully take on board your advice and suggestions. Happy modelling. Regards, George
  6. Excellent tutorial Noel. A few quick questions, (from a rookie) - (1) Is Javis fine granite your preferred ballast ? - I think I spotted a Woodland Scenics bottle in the background, who obvious produce a wide range of ballast material. (2) If not planning to heavily weather the ballast, would you recommend an alternative ballast variety ? (3) Is the cork track bed really that bad for noise transmission ? - it appears to be widely used amongst modellers. Thank you, George
  7. Fantastic video - great glimpses of so much from 1963 - the wonderfully formal dress code of men, the now quaint car models on the street, relatively undeveloped towns & countryside etc. Thanks Patrick
  8. Thanks for that nice update BosKonay !
  9. Hello, This may be of interest. The February 2022 edition of Railway Modeller Magazine contains a special reprint of the very first edition of RM, dated October-November 1949. Of particular note is an article by "Mr. and Mrs. Cyril L. Fry", tilted "The Irish International Railway and Tramway System". The article, and indeed the entire publication, provides a fascinating insight in to the society and language of 1949. Regards,
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  10. Thank you "ttc0169" and "Galteemore" - very helpful.
  11. Spotted a lovely P&T van on the platform - that takes me back - I have a strong family connection to the Post Office. Did you produce the van yourself ?
  12. Love the storytelling through your brilliant models - particularly taken with the poignant Morris Minor farewell for Boston scene, I'm sure it resonates with many of us. By the way, A42 looks great in your environment.
  13. Fabulous model making skills Darius - congratulations
  14. Wonderful setting, action and atmosphere Noel - plenty of aspirational encouragement for us all, especially "rookies" like me. Well done, George
  15. Sounds like a great publication - I also just bought a copy from the RPSI.
  16. Hi Derek, I bought a number of the very same MM coaches from Marks Models over recent months. Upon test running on a provisional, (2nd radius), development layout, some were fine, but a couple were derailing and catching on points. The culprit was the sprung couplers failing to return to the straight position. The guys from Marks kindly replaced the defective units, although I got the impression that this may not be an uncommon issue. George
  17. Ernie, Please my intrusion and inappropriate timing - my question is trivial in comparison to your medical condition and recovery. Ignore completely, and come back to it in a few weeks when you are well, embracing the lengthening days and a better year for us all. Thank you, George
  18. Fabulous Garage Noel - brings back nice memories of various Dublin buses. Seasons greetings to you. George
  19. Hi Irishswissernie, Photography is also one of my varied interests. Can I ask what process you use for converting a slide image to a digital format ? - Your post of November 15, - 138 at Clonmel in 1960 is of excellent quality. Thanks, George
  20. !'m learning so much from you Adrian - excellent work.
  21. As I took an "evening excursion" around the IRM network, I came across this fabulous video (or perhaps we might more properly say "Film" reflecting it's time) - fantastic images and recollections - congratulations to all and thanks for posting.
  22. Wonderful atmospheric winter scene Patrick (PS - I also love the A46, from your earlier posts, and I managed to get one myself from the recent IRM brief "second release").
  23. Hi NIRCLASS80, I have thoroughly enjoyed your various video and picture postings as part of my rookie learning process - lovely layout and train movements. Does this imply an end to this particular layout ? - if so, what next ?
  24. Fascinating forecasting DJ Dangerous - all potentially attractive to me - now to ponder my 2022 railway modelling budget
  25. Hi Enda, Thanks so much for this very helpful information - it certainly enhances my appreciation of what you have achieved and offers several ideas for me to consider. Happy modelling and thanks again. Regards, George
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