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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. You certainly like a challenge Eoin, hope all the parts are there.
  2. They are from MIR Raymond, I've been holding them waiting for Oxford to bring out the Ford Van.
  3. It's an Oxford Ford Box Van, with the colour band added and decals from MIR. Did the same with the containers.
  4. Merlinir Logistics
  5. Ford Box Van in NIR's short lived freight delivery service Merlinir in the 90's with two 40'Containers.
  6. Just had a quick look at your Site. Is there a 'Contact Us' page I missed. Also is there an alternative to posting purchases, for example can items be picked at Shows?
  7. A new and exciting venture, good luck on this new enterprise.
  8. Like your buses Eamonn, are they Jim Poots or Shapeways kits?
  9. Congratulations on this initiative, this has been suggested for many years but now at last it is happening. Great to have a meeting point for Site members. Well done.
  10. Busy busy workbench Eamonn but I suppose you wouldn't have it any other way.
  11. Great work, the footbridge looks very intricate and the pillars set off Weshty's gates perfectly.
  12. Great to see how this rebuild is developing and you have lost none of that 'Belfast feel' about it.
  13. See here http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/725-Kingscourt-to-Platin-Gypsum-Sept-1993
  14. Nice job on the Kingscourt Station, you are well into your buildings now.
  15. Kirley


    Marks Models did MIR paints for the Tankers and Barrier Wagons, WF7 for the Barrier Wagons and WF8 for the Tankers.
  16. Kirley


    I just used Hornby couplings, bent over the coupling support at the 'hole', removing the coupling from the pocket and inserted through the hole and used epoxy resin to glue it in place. Hopefully the pictures make more sense. I painted the bogies, wagon and body separate. Hope this is of some use. Your effort looks very good, good luck on finishing it.
  17. Bullied Open Wagons Today saw the first run out of these wagons on Kirley Junction. In the build I used Weshty's tip about using scrap brass instead of the paper staples supplied in the kit for the brake gear protectors. I used Locomotive K1a No.388 to provide the power. As you can see in the video below the wagons look too clean at least for my liking so some weathering is planned.
  18. There is always GNR(I) tickets on sale on ebay, you should try there.
  19. Looking for a drawing of a CIE Laminate Brake Standard Open. Failing that any link to detailed photographs would be of great help.
  20. Thanks David for the link
  21. I used some Bachmann Tankers with homemade decals.
  22. Fantastic work, looking forward to seeing the video.
  23. It must be fantastic to have a garden railway, looks great John.
  24. Great steady progress with the benefit of working on an actual location - can't be beaten.
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