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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. How do you know all these things?, thanks John your imputes are always a lesson in the learning.
  2. Thanks Fran, I managed to get talking to the new owner who outlined major problems he has had since talking over the Company. I'll hold placing any order until things are sorted out.
  3. Does anyone know about the current status of Craftsman Models, I've been trying to contact them for the past 2 weeks and now I can't get access to their Site?
  4. The 12 Ballast Wagons really set off your 2 Plough Vans. You did a great job on them Eamonn.
  5. Thanks John, picking up some good tips.
  6. It's a great feeling starting a new layout especially having an previous one and now you know all the things not to do. Having good track is worth the extra investment to get smooth running.
  7. Great detail, all you need is some litter and it would look like a photograph.
  8. A few shades of Grey there Noel, busy busy Junction as always.
  9. Looking forward to seeing it after painting but your before shots shows the detail you have added to this very impressive conversion.
  10. Superb, just superb!
  11. Delightful pictures as usual Andy capturing Gt Victoria Street in full action in the good old days. More pictures please.
  12. SSM ANHYDROUS AMMONIA TANKERS Just completed building 6 Ammonia Tanker Kits and this is their first run with their Barrier Wagons. Class 001, No 012 is providing the locomotive power, I'm glad that she has double motor bogies as the weight can be taxing on certain parts of the layout but if she has a good run at it she comes through.
  13. Let there be light
  14. Is there signs Stephen that work on your layout is starting back in earnest this year, here's hoping?
  15. Thanks for the pictures Tom, they do tell the story.
  16. Ask and you shall receive! Many thanks Josefstadt, your in-depth knowledge comes to the rescue again.
  17. I presume by regulation every item of Rolling Stock must carry a unique number. I have searched my limited collection of Anhydrous Ammonia Tanker pictures to identify where the Number Series 32001 – 32020 are carried on these Wagons to no avail. Can anyone help please?
  18. Delightful progress Fran, looking forward to the next stage.
  19. Great detail Mike, a superb job
  20. Glenderg did these away back http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1165-Station-Signage?highlight=irish+signs Also didn't FrankS offer to email anyone interested his collection of signs?
  21. Great to see how your layout is developing, looking forward to seeing more pictures soon.
  22. Nice work on the carriages DJ, very crisp finish.
  23. Hope this is of some use to you
  24. I’ve nearly finished building 6 of these kits and throughout the build I was constantly surprised at the ingenuity that went into the design of the kit. It was a simple kit to build mainly because of the thought process that went into the way things came together. In my first kit I built the valve housing box according to the instructions. It was a bit fiddly but you ended up with a cover that could be lifted up. Life been too short I just soldered the box closed for the other five. Solder was my main method of assembling the kit but I used superglue for the small ‘fiddly’ bits. Well done to the Wizard from Ennis, Des take a bow, it’s a good one!
  25. Great realistic finish Nelson, you can be proud of your work.
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