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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. When I visited Clonmel a signal attached to the Goods Shed caught my eye and I thought it would be great to model it. Well my wish came true and one arrived today. All phrase to the builder who did an excellent job in capturing it in such excellent detail and I apologise for the poor quality pictures which does not give a true representation.
  2. Looking good Eamonn
  3. The colour is known as Eau de Nil/'Catherwood Blue' and similar to that used on some of UTA Road Fleet. It was as short lived livery.
  4. Thanks for the update Arran, very impressive.
  5. 1st Bangor 25th Anniversary Show was held yesterday and today. Some photographs of the Exhibits which was held across 4 Halls. Z scale in a suitcase Swiss Village N scale Our own Nelson with his fathers Co Durham layout Ballyrichmond - MRSI So much to see with lots of non railway working features And so to Bleach Green which was my favourite. MPD's of different shapes and hues The original 70 class 6 Car Set with two power cars. MED coming on the Larne line Another MPD, No 46 with a Driving trailer. A good crowd on Friday night, hope today went as well
  6. Kirley Junction this morning with an NIR 6 Car Class 80 Set (contrasting liveries). Also IR Passenger and Freight Traffic.
  7. Kirley

    Tin van

    That Van sure is a great piece of work
  8. Must be due another video soon or has all gone quiet at Ballykay?
  9. While hard to find the odd MIR wagon kit pops up from time to time. I picked up a started Fertilizer Wagon and a CIE 4 Wheel Flat Wagon in which there was bits missing. Both were white metal kits. Last night I finally got round to making a start on them and got them to primer stage today. Missing bits replaced with plasticard. Found some extra bits from another kit. A finishing coat, couplings and decals to finish.
  10. Just stumbled across this video on YouTube of Tom Brady's layout and as you would expect has a vast range of rolling stock. Some nice touches on the layout.
  11. Looking forward to seeing the layout revamp and the Jeep conversion - busy days ahead at Portlaoise!
  12. Finally, finally completed my Class 80 build. Just waiting on decals arriving, then applying them, varnishing before finally adding Glenderg's windows to complete. It's a great feeling to have finished, well almost but of course now it's on the next project.
  13. Your glazing panels are a great idea and it's good to see how it should be done. Keep the innovations coming.
  14. I see you have an Oil Tank wagon built, and a Low-loader and & building to follow. Looking forward to seeing things progress - "It's too late to stop now!"
  15. I completed an Intermediate Car to add to the Maroon/Blue Class 80's set and added Glenderg's windows to it and the MIR Class 80. Nice to see a two Car set running.
  16. Excellent in every aspect
  17. Happy Birthday Anthony, keep on trucking
  18. Progress is slow and things still to do seems endless. One of the effects of changing the window layout from the original Mk II design is that seating and door entrances are different. Removing tables, cutting the seating and manufacturing new door entrances, toilet compartments has taken a good few hours. I also had to build a Drivers compartment for the Driving Trailer As I'm using a Bachmann's Class 150 chassis for the Power Car there will be no room to model it's interior.
  19. The Helix must take up a 6 x 3 area now but is obviously worth it for the longer runs you are giving the 'Trains'. Picking up on your new supporting steel work as well, you have been busy.
  20. Thanks Guys, As they are BR Mark II's the 12mm would appear to be the ones to go for.
  21. Colm Flanagan looks at some additional locos in Murphy Models Class 071 range in Model Railways Live, see link: https://www.model-railways-live.co.uk/Articles/404/Murphy_Models_Class_071_detailing_and_consists/
  22. I want to replace the plastic wheels on some Hornby coaches. They measure approx. 13mm in diameter but replacement metal wheels seems to be in 10.5mm, 12mm and 14mm sizes. Is this a case of Hornby using undersize wheels and I should replace with 14mm ones?
  23. Love the little touches
  24. Welcome on board Colin, you should start your own Workbench so that others can see your work. Did you hand paint the crest by the way, it looks great.
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