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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Excellent builds John, thanks for sharing.
  2. I'm fascinated to learn how you made your models and envy the ability to look at a kit or RTR model and see the potentiate to convert to Irish Stock. Add to that the history of the wagons, it's all learning for me. Also John Mayner's post of his wagons is excellent.
  3. Thanks for the 'behind the scenes' shots, I, like you, enjoy these scenes nearly as much as the layout view itself.
  4. Not the easiest thing to get completely accurate and is so obvious if its not. This is my current method but I’m sure that are other better ones out there. I measure out the pattern and draw it on MS Publisher. That way the curves are completely accurate. I magnify the drawing up to 400% to get everything right. Then it a matter of selecting the drawing (using the select objects button) and paste into Word and print it off. I apply a length of Tamiya Masking Tape to my cutting mat and then place the pattern on top of it cutting through the paper and masking tape underneath. It’s straight forward applying the tape if the surface is flat but invariably there will be lights in the way. If that’s the case I place the tape over the light marking out it’s circumference and using a small drill to get the center. Then I put the tape back on the cutting mat and drill a larger hole and make a number of small cuts across the hole. It’s worthwhile using a new cutting blade. Then place the tape back over the area gently easing it over the headlight and cutting off any waste. Don’t forget the mirror image of your pattern to mask for the second colour. Hope this makes sense.
  5. Just asking myself the same question Dave
  6. Kirley Junction will be in Bangor but not at the Exhibition, it's permanently fixed in my layout shed. As Leslie has commented it's Halford's grey primer and a bit of weathering. I see Leslie has promised (yet again)to show some pictures of his layout stock, fingers crossed this time!
  7. They are a straight forward build Tony, the tedious bit is removing all the superfluous resin between the planks.
  8. It's a long time since any MPD's appeared on this Site, I know they are not to everybody's taste but I like them. A stop at the Junction Station - NIR livery. In earlier UTA livery. The last locally built Railcars which were followed by the Class 70, Class 80, Class 450 & the CAF's.
  9. Thanks Glover, all you have to do is copy and paste the address https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/holycorner/sets/72157629831107647/
  10. Did not realise there were 3 version of these vans, thanks for posting.
  11. Like your mix of brass & plasticard and I'm watching with interest how you get the 6 wheeler to run. Keep the pictures coming please.
  12. A video of a Bulleid Van in this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4U5MWhTpnM
  13. On top of the game again Noel
  14. Kirley

    UTA Bus

    Just remembered I have a Jim Poots PS1 kit awaiting to be made up, so I took some photos, front, back, sides and top. Hope they are of some use.
  15. Thanks for posting, great pictures and accompanying comments.
  16. Below are 2 links to the RPSI Web Site, a Site well worth a visit NCC Brown Van http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/carriages/697.html Irish Shell Oil Wagon http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/carriages/602.html Lots of exciting things going on at Whitehead.
  17. Kirley

    UTA Bus

    On Facebook there is an Irish Model Buses Collectors & Modellers group and I’m sure someone on there could answer your questions. https://www.facebook.com/groups/irishmodelbuses/?ref=bookmarks You probably are aware that George Healey does transfers for UTA buses including destination boards numbers, registration numbers etc. See http://www.sunrisetransfers.com/ I did a conversion way back but this is the only picture I can find at the moment.
  18. Why not make your own platforms, MDF plus a jigsaw and you can cut it to the shape you want. If the finish on Omagh North platforms were paved you can scribe the surface. This is what I did on my layout.
  19. Just shows what can be done before Leslie (Provincial Wagons) came on the scene and made it easy for all of us.
  20. Delighted at last to see your layout Glover, you have hinted at it's existence for a few years and now to see it does not disappoint in any way. It's just delightful and I envy your ability to model one period of Railway Time. More pictures to come ...please.
  21. Some UTA Steam Freight action.
  22. The prospect of seeing some new photographs from that era is mouthwatering.
  23. Had a look at the Blair Atholl layout, it's just fantastic.
  24. Sorry JHB I meant to say it is a picture of the 2nd Class Saloon. I just received some information to suggest there were two glass partitions separating the First Class from the vestibule where the doors were and again to separate the vestibule from the Second Class. Awaken any memories?
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