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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Looks neat, is it HO scale?
  2. Great pictures Noel, always innovating.
  3. The Goods Shed is based on the one at Clonmel with a few adaptions to suit my layout.
  4. Thanks Noel, there are two Hornby Class 55 power bogies under her.
  5. A video of some Goods and Passenger Working on Kirley Junction.
  6. Good progress Tony
  7. Thanks Mike for posting, I have heard that this kit is not the one to start with but you seem to be managing it OK. I see there is resin part in the build, are you using Hornblocks? At this rate you will have it ready for the June Show.
  8. Great close-up pictures, thanks for the link.
  9. Afternoon 'Goods' arriving in Clonmel.
  10. Plastic Wheels. For - they are possibly quieter and they are less likely to short out at Points. Against - they are dirt distributors (have a look to see grey grunge they pick up).
  11. From memory I used Revell 310 LUFTHANSA YELLOW SILK MATT for the autoballasters
  12. The only reference I can find to a K24 describes it as length 62' over the buffers, Side Corridor, 64 seats, High Elliptical Roof, Vestibule, No. 220, built 1948, withdrawn 1972 by CIE. This is from GNRI Classification of Coaching Stock 1944 with post 1944 Supplement. There is a note in the Supplement "K.24(220) - 48 Thirds, seats 64 with arm rest up" not sure what that means.
  13. It was the last tin of GNRI Railcar blue from Phoenix Paint, there would need to be the demand before Chris would mix this colour again unfortunately.
  14. Modelling on a different level.
  15. Excellent video Nelson, sorry I missed you out on my list of Site members at the Show.
  16. Thanks Guys for your kind words of encouragement, it's appreciated. John, I have to confess I cheated. I cropped a picture of the engine and scaled it down to fit. then I printed it off on photographic paper, stuck it onto a piece of plasticard cut to shape and fitted it underneath. It did not escape your eagle eye.
  17. Visited the Glasgow Show yesterday along with a Group from North Down. Met up with some Site Members including The Derry Road, Hunslet, TTC 0169. Lots of good Trade Stands. Three of my favorite layouts; Porth St John (Bristol) Great attention to detail Liverpool Lime Street (Jim Holden) The scale of it took your breath away. Mostyn (Barrowmore Group) A 34 road fiddle yard.
  18. At long last I'm getting near the end of the 700 Series build. There is still a good bit of work to do to finish them before finally attaching the roofs and the water pipes but that's after I test the engines.
  19. Excellent work Tony, Wills sheets are not the easiest to work with but I found any gaps can be filled with DAS clay and when dry can be scribed to match the adjoining stone work before painting.
  20. That's a good question Richie but it's one I find hard to answer. I have a box of both white and clear plastic which I have added to over the years from many suppliers. Unfortunately there is no identification marks on them but my best guess is Arcane who I have being dealing with for the past 4 years mainly as they usually provide a next day post free (UK) delivery. There's their Web Site; http://arcanesceneryandmodels.co.uk/?s=clear+plastic&post_type=product I should have added the sheets have a protective film on both side, one clear and the other frosted. To prevent the plastic warping I use a low heat on the 'borrowed' hairdryer but I forget to leave it back so she always discovers it's use.
  21. I’m currently building Railcars that have curved windscreens. I had a couple of unsuccessful goes at building these before I hit on this method. I cut the clear plastic longer that I needed and clamped it to the inside of a sweet tin. Then heat was applied using a hairdryer and it resulted in forming the correct shape. I had left the protective film on the windscreen and it is wrongly showing up in the photo as if the plastic had melted. The end result.
  22. It's amazing how something like correct size buffers can really make a model, I've been using both Dart Castings or Lanarkshire Models & Supplies http://www.lanarkshiremodels.com/ for some time now. Great job Eamonn!
  23. Mike you raise a very interesting question, one which I have been trying to get an answer to. As a general rule it appears corridor coaches had vents for each compartment, open coaches could either be centrally located or in pairs. Photos are the only way I found to enabling you to make an inspired guess. Toilets usually had their own vents some times different to the compartment vents. Here's my go at a K15
  24. CIE Class E1 No 279 Modified from a Hornby Southern M7. Worth a punt? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/122340857466?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
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