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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. I know what you mean about the Kit, you have to cut it for a C Class. Looking forward to seeing your chassis Noel.
  2. Looking forward to seeing them Raymond.
  3. May I add my thanks for such a great resource -invaluable to any modeller.
  4. Delightful model David
  5. Another hard days work clearing the layout in the attic. and look what's left over
  6. I have missed all your informative and often humorous comments. Hoping your enforced stay is a short one.
  7. That is beautiful work Mike, you must be very proud of what you have achieved.
  8. No,I'm never putting up with those roof trusses again.
  9. At last made a start on dismantling the old layout in the Roof Space. I started it in 2009 but moved to the Shed Layout in 2012. I kept the loft layout to test run stock on DC but really that was only an excuse. So I decided if I lifted the track then I would have no reason to keep it. It took me months to build but an hour and a half to lift the track. Looks a bit like the Derry Road. I've still to disconnect the points motors. Looks like some stock got marooned. This is to remind myself I have to declutter.
  10. Just superb, how's the Tank build going?
  11. It's 1959 and CIE are still struggling to re livery the Rolling Stock they received after the split up of the GNR. At this time it was not unusual to see mixed livery trains such as this BUT 700 Series Railcar set.
  12. Water into Wine?
  13. I believe the Sulzers built by Gareth are the finest scratch built locomotive I have ever seen. These brass and plasticard models are superb and very regrettable I don't have one.
  14. High level modelling.
  15. The 900 Series Railcars in action on my Layout thread.
  16. BUT 900 Series Railcars in action. The 700 Series also make a brief appearance.
  17. Great to see it finished Richard, looks good.
  18. It really does make a difference.
  19. Now that's a challenge. I'm sure you are pleased with the Bull Ant, it's an excellent motor. How did you do the bogie frames? Looking forward to seeing No.5 finished.
  20. Since 2015 I have been using Dropbox to upload most of my photographs for my Workbench and Layout threads. Earlier in the year Dropbox announced it was no longer supporting the upload of photographs for Public viewing. Since then I have used this Sites own method of uploading photographs direct from my PC but I did not realise that all my Dropbox uploads would disappear from the Site. Please accept my apologies for anyone looking up old posting and not finding any photographs. There is just to many to upload them all again.
  21. Probably Railtec or MIR, Portadown
  22. BUT Railcars 900 Series. End of the build at last.
  23. I would one of each of the two different wheelbases.
  24. Or dirty = can't see the lining.
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