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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. Are you still looking for a MM112? Stephena
  2. Many thanks. Stephen
  3. StevieB

    Cravens Coach

    There is an article in the August 1964 Railway Magazine, entitled New Irish coaches are VERSATILE. Right at the beginning mention is made of their possible use as trailer coaches in diesel railcar sets by incorporating features in their construction to make them compatible with the railcars. As we all know, this never came about. Stephen
  4. Having just used For Sale or Wanted for the first under the new look, it occurs to me that a preview facility would be helpful. This poses two questions. Is there one already that I haven't found, or would it be a step too far for the forum in terms of software ? Stephen
  5. The arrival of the IRM ballast wagons has rendered my small collection of Dapol Grampus wagons redundant. I have the following for sale. Five fully detailed wagons complete with load, £60 the lot incl p&p to UK and Ireland. Four undetailed wagons, £30 the lot incl p&p. All nine of them do £80 incl p&p. Stephen
  6. A couple of likely lads. stephen
  7. No, just said there was a problem. Stephen
  8. The steps I followed in selecting a photo to attach to a PM were: Click to choose files. Went to photo library. Selected the required photo. Clicked done. Message came up - there was a problem uploading the file. Stephen
  9. I'm getting a message about a problem uploading photos to a PM. I don't think it's me because you have made it so simple following the upgrade. Stephen
  10. I'm working on the BCK version using old Hornby CKD coaches. Anyone old enough to remember them? I take the view that it's easier to cut through individual carriage walls, rather than a complete body. Stephen
  11. I've been able to compare the two views because my iPhone has had it for some time now. I have to say I find the old view more user friendly, certainly for one of mature years. Stephen
  12. Mine is complete and a good read to boot. Stephen
  13. According the latest IRRS Journal, IE is seeking to 're-power' the 201 class and refurbish the 2700 class. With regard to the 201's, this is the second exercise by IE to achieve considerable improvements to the locos. The refurbishment of the 2700 class comes after attempts to sell off the class came to nothing. Stephen
  14. Electrification of the Maynooth and Kildare lines were always part of the overall DART expansion programme. There was no mention of DART underground, which was the way that the services were to be joined up. Does that imply electrification of the recently re-opened Heuston to Connolly line, DART overground! Stephen
  15. MM077 and MM078 now £130 including p&p to UK and Ireland. Stephen
  16. Those look very good - any chance they will be available commercially? Stephen
  17. To all those who offered help in my hour of need I say a big thank you. The answer was to change from an iMac to an iPad - simple! Stephen
  18. I'm assuming you're going to add a section to the bodywork and the shorten the verandah by the same amount. Stephen
  19. MM080 now sold. MM077 with large IE logo MM078 with small IE logo. Stephen
  20. Yes Dave, those are the ones. I'll have another go to get it right later today. Many thanks. Stephen
  21. All I can say is that I thought I was adding photos. I'll have to have another go. Stephen
  22. Yes I know and I'm trying to get to the bottom of it. I thought that I had followed Boskonay's excellent tutorial on adding photos but it seems not. Modern technology is wonderful until it gets the better of you. PM me if you to know any more in the meantime. Stephen
  23. I have three Murphy Models 071's for sale. [ATTACH=CONFIG]28793[/ATTACH] MM080 in the IR livery. [ATTACH=CONFIG]28794[/ATTACH] MM077 in the first IE livery. [ATTACH=CONFIG]28795[/ATTACH] MM078 in the first IE livery. All are unused apart from running on my test track. £140 each including P&P to the UK and Ireland. Stephen
  24. That's just what I wanted - thanks. Steohen
  25. I'm obviously missing a trick re uploading photos. I've done it successfully in the past but what I need a refresher's guide. Many thanks. Stephen
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