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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. I believe that US modellers refer to Bachmann as botchmann in the US Fran when it comes to their diesels. Total opposite with the BR outline, thank God. The fact that the kit's come pre decorated is I am sure the best of both worlds for modellers. Rich,
  2. Great voice and some fantastic songs Eamonn. I only watched the video for cloud busting the other evening while flicking through the music channels. Donald Sutherland looked young, I must be getting old. I love the contrast of her voice with Peter Gabriel on don't give up. Dave Gilmour from Pink Floyd discovered her when she was sixteen and the rest is history. Excellent choice. Rich,
  3. That turned out nice Fran, good job. I agree it's nice to see some US models available here, hopefully they might take the plunge and stock some more products. There a lot of people here modelling and interested in US railways. Rich,
  4. Dave I fully accept and respect your opinion. We were talking about livery errors and I was hopefully confident that they would be corrected on the IE-IR locos. Thankfully LMSNCC has posted a link that proves that the models have been corrected from the pre prod images, so huge respect to MM. The photo I posted was the best example I could provide to explain clearly where things were amiss. I did commend MM for correcting the cabside numbers from the pre prod models of 071-082. Some people add extra details and some of the members here provide great services in weathering and painting to take the models to a new level and beyond what their customers would describe as model trains. It was just an observation and was not meant in any way to belittle the fantastic models that the 071's are. I just like the detail and printing side of the models to look right as it is one of the easiest parts of producing a model to get right. There are plenty of photos out there that can be used to aid production.. I personally can't wait for the IE locos to be available as they look amazing on the Hattons link posted by LMSNCC. Dave I hope that this has cleared things up, if it made it look like I was having a rant it wasn't my intention. No hard feelings. Rich,
  5. The cab side numbers were corrected on the freight liveried locos so I would be hopeful that the chevron will be on the IE-IR models. The large IE logo on the bonnet need to be a bit smaller also. The bonnet side IE logos on 071 and 082 are a bit large looking when compared to prototype pictures. They should have a black border which would have made them look closer to scale. Rich,
  6. Just to add to what Pat has mentioned, the headlight housing was painted orange on the as delivered locos. Rich,
  7. Cheers Dave, it will be nice to have the option of throwing a Galway EGV into an IE set for a bit of variety. Rich,
  8. Interesting, I know that the Restaurant and EGV were being released in the Galway livery. There were also supposed to be some Standards released in IE livery, two with black roofs and one with an orange roof. I wonder has this been changed and all releases will be in the Galway livery. Rich,
  9. Those photos are great, thanks for sharing. The railway certainly had a lot more character then. Rich,
  10. I'd say DA99/5 are the ones that would be best suited to you Stephen. SSM do a nice kit now and they can be made working. The Springside ones are of an earlier type to the LED ones that IE use now. I think with most layouts running in day time settings the ones Eamonn has recommended would be fine. They used to do a set with one red lamp and the rest were clear so be careful. Rich,
  11. That was a good find Fran and looks excellent. It was a fair few years ago when that was offered to the collectors club. It really blew the Heljan 57 models out of the water. Rich,
  12. That sounds good Des. It's always a good test to send the items to a pro like George Dent, he's a fine modeller. Rich,
  13. That's a real gem Pat, good find. Thanks for posting it. Rich,
  14. The rake looks cool behind the baby GM Eamonn. Very nice models. Rich,
  15. Well done Des, the very best of luck with it. Des just as an aside, with the flat bogie wagon in the pipeline would you consider producing the cages for those excellent kegs in the SSM range. With the demise of MIR it is a big hole in the market. Rich,
  16. Nice model Fran, it resembles the grey livery IE have used on 077. Could the handrails be removed and reshaped after a dunk in some warm water. Rich,
  17. You're doing a smashing job Tom with Tara's. No doubt they will look cool when done. Rich,
  18. RedRich

    New IÉ logo...

    Well at least they didn't cover it in wood chip and paint it magnolia Eamonn. Rich,
  19. I haven't looked in for a while John and I am delighted to see your progress. Great modelling and a great inspiration. Rich,
  20. I think the videos are a bit too late for the Golden Globes and Oscars Stephen, but it's nice to see you having fun running your stock. It's a great alternative to if you are having one of those days. Rich,
  21. RedRich

    New IÉ logo...

    Well it doesn't retract anything from your modelling ability Eamonn and that's the main thing. Rich,
  22. RedRich

    New IÉ logo...

    The original post with the video has been deleted by the OP also Karl, interesting. Rich,
  23. RedRich

    New IÉ logo...

    I said further back in the thread that I thought it looked OK Fran. It needs to be seen outside in natural light. I think it is similar to the NIR 111 class with the familiar all over body color and warning panel. The skirt seems to be the same color also. I reckon she'll look good from a platform as she is passing. Rich,
  24. Lovely shot Noel. 075 is a bit of an odd ball having never received the IE logo on the cab front. Rich,
  25. RedRich

    New IÉ logo...

    Livery aside it's a great testament to the class that they are still being overhauled for many more years of work. They must be the most successful diesel locos we have had. Rich,
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