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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. Archer rivet decals ? Richie. Rich,
  2. RedRich


    That's a great effort Kev, I bet your pleased with the results so far. There's only so much that people can teach you, the rest is trial and error and that's how you develope your own technique. Rich,
  3. RedRich


    That is some of the most sensible and accurate advice you could have given Fran. You learn something new every day and there are 365 days in a year so we are all still learning no matter how long we have been active modellers. Rich, Rich,
  4. That's the first time I've seen the viaduct modelled Richie. The prototype is a magnificent piece of engineering and building. The model is faithful to the prototype and should please Eamonn when he sees it as it is a line he is very fond of. When you see a model of a particular structure that you see quite often it makes you see the prototype in a different light. It's given me a huge amount of satisfaction, and thank you for sharing it with us. Rich,
  5. Scahalane that is a fantastic example of Architectural modelling. Yourself and Richie have made me re assess my opinion on card and printed modelling. I love the support trusses under the cement terminal canopy. It probably can't be seen from most viewing distances but it is there. I love this sort of modelling as it demands more forward planning and lot's of work to get right before you even begin the build. Top marks for an amazing model, and thanks for sharing your skills with us. Rich,
  6. Brilliant writing lads it's priceless. This is some of the best historical info I have read. Jack Kennedy in Waterford is library of knowledge from his years as a railway man and his memories are so vivid and colorful. What you guys have said is every bit as important. Please keep it coming. Rich,
  7. Smashing model Fitz, N gauge models from Atlas and Kato are at the top end of US models and an N gauge layout should enable you to run more prototypical length trains. The best of luck and lot's of enjoyment on the build. Rich,
  8. If you have the head for heights and you are disciplined and well trained that doesn't appear as daunting. You would have to be seriously physically and mentally strong. My great gran uncle emigrated to New York 90 years ago and he used to fix the RSJ's on the skyscrapers (no cranes then) when they were being built. He used to have his sandwich's sitting on the steel and used to walk across the steel beams without any protection 40 or 50 stories up. Either he was as hard as nails or as mad as a hatter. Rich,
  9. Alan's point is very relevant here. Another very important fact is that when flushed the contents of the toilet would land on the coach bogies of the coaches, especially the MK11, MK111's. Although not a particularly pleasant topic it shouldn't be discounted. Several shades of brown should do the trick . I would never have known only a guide on an IRRS tour of Inchicore mentioned it to a chap who was about to put his hand on one of the bogies on a MK11 aircon during the visit. That is seriously informative reading in those posts J, your knowledge and enthusiasm for sharing it are really important and hugely appreciated. Rich,
  10. A great effort on the weathering Noel the loco looks well worked and that is the finish you want. Weathering can be a bit like soldering to some people and can seem daunting, but once you get your head around it you get confidence, and with that confidence you can achieve great results. The model is now uniquely yours and no one else has one like it. Rich,
  11. No thanks needed J, you are among an elite group of historians on our railways history and I love your posts. Rich,
  12. Your skill is a gift Richie, and your willingness to share your work with the group is hugely appreciated. You are also as modest as ever. It's a huge inspiration you deserve all the praise and gratitude. Rich,
  13. Welcome aboard, it's very nice to have you here. That's some positive news about the collection. Rich,
  14. That was highly enjoyable and hugely informative. This is historical fact, it's a generation that I am too young to remember but I am hungry for knowledge of this and earlier periods. J you have been an encyclopedia of accurate historical information and we are very lucky to have you here. I look forward to more, it doesn't matter which period, it is all relevant. Superb topic. Rich,
  15. RedRich

    Barls Workbench

    That's looking damn good Barl. Silver can be a tricky color to get right but you have done a marvelous job. Color separation between the silver and green looks really crisp. The warning panel yellow on the cabs and black outline looks good. I can't wait to see more. Rich,
  16. A great testament to Richie's workmanship. It's great to see some track laid Vincent, you're miles ahead of the posse. Rich,
  17. Congratulations to the winner, what a start to the new year. Much respect to Dave for offering one of his fantastic baseboards as a prize, the winner is getting a great piece of kit. Rich,
  18. Lovely photos, it's really soul destroying when you think of the situation the collection is in now. Rich,
  19. You did it in style then Pat. Rich,
  20. Richie Tim Shackleton is a highly regarded weathering and painting expert along with people like Ian Rathbone and Martyn Welch and they have all written about the subject. You touch on an important fact regarding the needles. The high end airbrushes use precision engineering in the manufacture of their airbrushes. The cheaper brushes under analysis are not engineered to the same standard, therefore the needles are often pitted and have an orange peel effect on the surface. I'm not going to add anything to your op as you have covered everything that matters. I will say that when using varnishes use the paint manufacturers varnish and don't mix paint and varnish from different manufacturers as this can cause a yellowing effect in years to come. People don't release dvd's or articles in the written media without years of experience or experimentation and these guys know their stuff. Learning how to mix colors to produce a particular color are also very important. I can't wait for part two and happy new year to you also Richie. Rich,
  21. Happy Birthday Pat. I hope the new year brings you good health, good fortune and lot's of happiness. Rich,
  22. Super modelling, I can't wait to see more. Rich,
  23. Happy Birthday Fran it's age before beauty now man. Rich,
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