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Everything posted by irishmail

  1. Would this one be any good? https://www.hattons.co.uk/886529/lima_l305301_po86_mk_2b_fk_first_corridor_w13493_in_br_blue_grey_pre_owned_good_box/stockdetail
  2. A great idea, Would be nice if more countries could do something similar to encourage use of public transport.
  3. I can recommend Hobby mad. I have had several orders with them and very good service. Very good range of Vallejo paints and competitive prices too. No connection with them apart from satisfied customer. Regards, John
  4. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Should of updated last week. I paid the VAT and Anpost fee and amazingly the item arrived the next day. When the package arrived all seemed to be ok with it, I did not notice anything different to previous orders, so seems to have possibly been Anpost mess-up when item was scanned, (when I put in the tracking/custom's info from Anpost it said sender unknow) anyway, I contacted Hatton's and emailed them the Anpost receipt and correspondence and they gave me a full refund of the VAT & charges.
  5. Why should rule 1 not apply to club layouts?
  6. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    I did contact Hattons, they have changed their policy a bit, they say they will refund the VAT but not the handling charge! This is a copy of the email that that I sent to the CEO at Hattons yesterday, along with his reply. I know the admin fee is 'only' €3.50 but that is not the point, is it a ploy from Anpost to see how much more money they can try and get out of people? "Hi Richard, I have today received a notification from Anpost (Irish postal service) requesting customs/VAT charges on my recent order. Apart from a few issues last summer all of my recent orders from Hattons have been received without any issue. Earlier I spoke to one of your customer service representatives, (Christov) via live chat , however he told me that I would only be refunded the VAT and not the admin fee. I do not see why I should lose out. Could you if at all possible look into this for me. Information on the card from Anpost is:_ Customs Value : €xxxx Customs Reference : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tracking ID Number : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Customs charges; Import Duty €0.00 Excise Duty €0.00 VAT : €xxxxx Admin Fee €3.50 Total to pay €xxxx When I contacted Anpost customer service all they told me was that the item was from outside the EU and had to be paid despite me saying that Hatton's were registered for Irish VAT. I would appreciate any help or advice that you can give in regards to this issue. Regards, John" "Hi John Thanks for your order and email. Our policy is that shipping and duty is paid for by the customer. I agree that admin fees are not welcome, and we honestly do our best to make a "level playing field" to stop any customers feeling this way. I am working on ways for us to process these more seamlessly, so in the future there are no (or reduced) fees like this I hope this is a useful explanation? Richard"
  7. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Anpost are back to their antics once again. Today in the post had a card telling me I have to pay customs charges on my recent order from Hatton's. Does not say what it is for until you put in the customs/tracking info on the Anpost website. After last summers shenanigan's with Anpost things appeared to be fine until now. As usual Anpost customer service were helpful as usual, Not!!!
  8. Nice work there, plenty of detail in a small space.
  9. I currently have an 071, No. 080 listed in classifieds. https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/classifieds/item/9-murphy-models-071-class-loco/
  10. I will have to amend the pricing on my listings that I have put on here in the classifieds earlier lol...
  11. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Yes that's why I was asking if anyone had any problems recently.
  12. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Has anyone had any orders or delivery's from Hatton's this year? If so did you encounter any problems or delays? Ordered an item on 5th January, posted 6th January, Royal Mail 3-5 day delivery, as yet 20th January nothing. Pity Hatton's don't use DPD to ship to Ireland. Ordered an item from Screwfix.ie on Monday, it being shipped from England and will be delivered today. If DPD can deliver why can't Anpost?
  13. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Don't know if An Post have sorted their issues with incoming parcels yet, I ordered an item from Hatton's on Tuesday 26th Oct and it was delivered today Friday 29th with out any issues. Hopefully a sign of things to come??
  14. What's the matter with people these days! https://westernpeople.ie/2021/10/18/anti-social-behaviour-causes-two-hour-delay-on-mayo-train/?fbclid=IwAR2KPtxBUlWdn8HxhGF6j6MJvTVxtF3IIeo-MO6qW5_ukOiHf_WBseO3C7M
  15. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    You mean Boris & Chaos....
  16. Up the Rovers!
  17. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Just been looking at the Anpost FB page and came across this posting from a few days ago. "Sent a birthday card to my Niece in August from the UK, literally just found it in my postbox, customs/An Post went to the bother of returning it to me here because I don’t have a declaration form attached to it, stating that it’s a “greetings card” & it’s value. It’s just a l.o.l suprise birthday card nothing else! World is gone mad! Saying as it was in the country already they may as well have just delivered it! Cost more money for them sending it back to England."
  18. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Latest on the parcel for SHMBO, it was eventually returned to the supplier, we asked them to resend it, they amended codes that An post asked them for, it is now in Dublin and we just got text and email again for VAT which we have already paid!! So will be onto customer services tomorrow if we can get through to talk to a human (That if Anpost have any ) .
  19. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Interesting article in the Irish sun that was mentioned on the Anpost facebook page. Going to be a great Christmas if sending and receiving parcels with An post. https://www.thesun.ie/news/7717274/uk-ebay-traders-business-ireland-post/
  20. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    You could just not make this up! What a bunch of cowboys in Dublin 12 sorting office. They obviously do not know their left hand from their right hand. Just had two emails/text messages to pay customs charge. thought it strange as not got anything on order apart from two items previously mentioned that are supposed to be sent back. Out of curiosity I put the details in Anpost web site and the items are going to be returned to Hattons, which I would like to see how they are going to do that as I have the items here which were delivered with no issues at all back in August. This Customs Charge has expired on 29 Aug 2021 The time period for paying the Customs Charge for the below item has lapsed and the item has been returned to HATTONS MODEL RAILWAYS. There is no longer a charge due for this item. Customs reference number: 21IEDUB500274QFHR3 Description: BLUE CIRCLE PCA WAGON - PRE-OW
  21. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    I no longer trust An Post. Latest saga on the packet from my brother - in law. This is what it now says on the Royal Mail tracking. I have never refused to accept it as Anpost never made an effort to deliver. "Sorry, we were unable to deliver this item at 11-10-2021 as the recipient refused to accept it. It will now be returned to the sender."
  22. Slightly off topic I know, but so far we have not had any issues with Hermes/Fastway for deliveries from UK to Ireland unlike the RM/Anpost fiasco.
  23. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    That just about sums up Anpost!
  24. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Apparently if An Post can not read it, in other word their scanners do no work, it will be sent back. We have just had an email from a supplier that one of our orders has been returned to them. No communication from An Post what so ever in relation to this. The following is a quote from the web chat I had with one on their service agents. If its like ours it will be in Dublin 12 for at least two weeks before they decide to send it back. "This item has been processed to be returned to the sender. The customs declaration which was provided electronically was insufficient. As we cannot amend or rectify any electronic customs data, the item must be returned as a result. Please refer to the sender to arrange for the item to be re-issued with the correct customs information (as per the changes introduced on 1st July) once it arrives back in the country of origin. Please find more info here http://anpost.com/Customs. I am sorry I cannot offer you a more favourable reply today."
  25. Looking forward to seeing the MK 2's in the flesh next year, especially the blue/grey & NSE livery ones
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