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Everything posted by irishmail

  1. All locos except Athearn SD40 Southern Pacific still available. Open to reasonable offers.
  2. And don't forget the third loco for 'Standby' purposes...
  3. Now there's a thing. Though never appeared in that livery , I think it would sit well on one. Ok Fran or Boskonay, if you want to send a RTC 50 down to Mayo....
  4. SD40 SP and freight cars now sold.
  5. They do look good, but how many RTC livery coaches do I need? I already have some MK1's, a CCT van and an RTC class 24.
  6. Athearn SD40 Southern Pacific and freight cars provisionally sold.
  7. Just to point out, the SW1500 is plain DCC , not sound.
  8. Yes, all stock still available at the moment.
  9. Selling my Canadian/ North American H0 scale stock. Athearn SW1500 Canadian National DCC hard wired €55.00 €45 Athearn GP35 CP Rail DCC ready €50.00 €45 Athearn GP35 CP DCC ready €50.00 €45 Roundhouse GP50 Norfolk/Southern DCC ready €50.00 €45 Athearn SD40 Santa Fee DCC ready €50.00 €45 Athearn SD40 Southern Pacific DCC ready €50.00 *SOLD* Atlas Dash 8-39B BC Rail DCC fitted €100.00 €85 Atlas Dash 8-39B N/S DCC Sound €140.00 €120 Atlas GP-40 Wisconsin Ctl. DCC fitted €80.00 €70 Bachmann Alco RS3 CP Rail DCC Sound €100.00 €85 Bachmann F7A N/S DCC Sound €100.00 €85 DCC fitted locos reset to address 03 There may be some minor cosmetic details missing from the locos. Registered post approx. €15.00 per loco or can arrange collection in Ballyhaunis area.
  10. Seems to be Dapol affected as well now. https://www.dapol.co.uk/blogs/news/fake-dapol-products?fbclid=IwAR0d_oKLWULyLcTpPW2UfqfqVEDTINUF9z7izk3KYYPZpPN7gZPXO0oSdVI_aem_AWnpiQhHwfOji5v8meKeaJI5Xy8Lf-MzoLuFuEbrOmqEqXYZWpHrnxXIxHZr4bN_gwA1YoyQb6CRWdsHyyuy5BnL
  11. Yes to TT120, but N noooo, sold my N gauge years ago, found it too fiddly, but TT :120 im ok with.. Now Gauge 1,mmmm
  12. Now Accurascale/IRM have branched out into TT:120 how about shrinking the MK2's down. https://www.accurascale.com/en-eu/products/tt120-accurascale-research-team-three-figure-pack?syclid=co7d4pch33ns739pj2n0&utm_campaign=emailmarketing_148410532025&utm_medium=email&utm_source=shopify_email
  13. Disappointed about lack of announcement this morning. Would have at least expected a class 50 in Black & Tan livery.
  14. Are we going to have another production run of the Irish Deltic as the original sold out on the day of the announcement?
  15. Modellbahn Union have some listed, https://www.modellbahnunion.com/e-vendo.php?shop=modellbahn-union-en&a=news&filter=k3274g4152p6542
  16. Most coaches can be mixed and matched, the main thing to remember is the very early MK11's (not MK2a onwards) were vacuum braked only i think?? Also MK1's were mostly vacuum braked some I think being dual braked. MK3's there are two versions, the loco hauled and the HST main difference the HST MK3s had 3 phase electrical systems and no buffers. On your layout if in doubt just apply rule 1 Some good information in these PDF books. https://archive.rcts.org.uk/product-category/coaching-stock-books/
  17. irishmail


    Also, if you can, a copy of your track plan would help.
  18. Good that the database is still going to be available. It would be great if they introduced a Trunk service like Hatton's used to have and have the various shipping options without having to worry about the customs and VAT hassle.
  19. Another one on the |Facebook Model |Rail Buying and selling group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/ModelRailBuyingAndSelling/permalink/6684721468296028/?sale_post_id=6684721468296028 I know manufacturers and model shops don't want stock hanging around too long, but the way they do the limited production runs these days don't really help matters.
  20. Does anyone actually use twitter?
  21. Thanks Dave, I currently have 7 Hornby and 8 Lima 50's. Will have to kindly ask Fran if he will send me an accurascale sample or do you have to be one of those youtubers with mega likes and viewers lol...
  22. My current collection of 50's mix of Hornby and Lima. Would be nice to have an accurascale/IRM model one day.
  23. What was the fee for the VAT/Customs handling charge if you don't mind me asking? Anpost I think charge €3.50.
  24. W&H models, that's going back a bit! Went to the shop in New Cavendish street a few times in the late 1980's before they closed down. was a great shop for central London.
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