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Everything posted by irishthump

  1. Congrats on the new HQ! Only up the road from me as well....
  2. Yeah I would think that OO track being underscale would allow a little more room for the bogies to swing anyway.
  3. And I think he should. The negativity towards him on other social media is getting tiresome and I wouldn't blame him one bit.
  4. Just looking at the drawings and the position of the steps at each end, I wonder will this model have trouble on really tight radius curves and points?
  5. I stand corrected! So is "power at rail" synonymous with tractive effort?
  6. Have a look at the Wikipedia page for the BR Class 66. It has detailed stats for tractive effort and since it is a similar model to the 201 it might give you a good indication.
  7. Lads, hats off you all for this piece of design! How you managed to squeeze all these features inside the body and still leave ample room for a good sized speaker is nothing short of miraculous. I know from my Silverfox Kit that it's a nightmare try and fit prototypical lighting inside the A Class and that's before you even try to cram in a PCB, sound decoder and speaker!
  8. I think the operational quirks are what made it interesting for enthusiasts and modellers....
  9. Usually buy all my Kadees from DCKits. They're no cheaper than other retailers but they're fast and always seem to have sufficient stock.
  10. Paddy Murphy for president! Wonderful news! Thankfully I'll only be needing a couple of these so my wallet wont take too much of a hammering... Will MM be producing a sound decoder for the 121? Noel, I'd say the coupling will have the same mounting as the 141/071's. You can see the valance insert in the cad drawings. A body mounted tension lock coupler would be unreliable on all but the broadest curves.
  11. That's exactly what I was suggesting! I find body mounted couplers on long stock are far more reliable over curves and points than bogie-mounted. Once they have enough room to swing, of course.
  12. Noel, am I right in thinking that the section the coupler fits into is actually part of the coach underframe and not part of the coupler? In that case, if I were you I'd be tempted to go the whole hog and cut that section from the bogie then attach it to the underside of the coach. Should then be easy enough to fettle an opening to fit a draft box into. An undershot, long shank Kadee (no. 147) would fit perfectly. It looks like it would sit far enough back to give close coupling and the long shank should give it plenty of room to swing on curves.
  13. Wow. Couple of years ago I picked up a B&T 141 (165) on Ebay for 40Euro. Granted it was unboxed and missing the detail pack but I still snapped it up...
  14. Have to agree. Preordered my own Deltic with sound yesterday!
  15. Should have been the gold! Seriously though, well done lads. Terrific result!
  16. Would have to agree, Fran. Supply them pristine and let the modeller do as they please.
  17. Ah right. Yeah that's a standard function that's built in to the Loksound decoder. Turns off momentum.
  18. What does the F16 light engine mode actually do?
  19. Yeah it will work for either depending on which engine sound is loaded onto the chip. Any idea if he's using ESU to supply the decoder like he did with the 071/201's?
  20. For anyone interested in that sort of thing.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CIE-C-class-LIMA-BR-class-33-HO-scale-locomotive/153341097717?hash=item23b3d776f5:g:o78AAOSwUP5cPk94
  21. Done! Best of luck!
  22. Just bear in mind you'll lose the cab lights and probably headlights at one end. From what I've read the TTS decoders only have 3 functions. Yeah you could use the TTS speaker once it fits in the shell. The factory installed one isn't great anyway.
  23. Sounds like it may be the speaker alright. Can you try the decoder in another loco to make sure it isn’t faulty?
  24. It would just be a matter of soldering the tts chip to the speaker. But the tts decoders are 8 pin so you’d need an adapter to fit it into the 21 pin socket. And then you would still lose some of the lighting functions.
  25. Are you getting any sounds at all?
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