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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. When I visited the site initially, I thought it was an offshoot site of the RPSI, not the updated RPSI itself. Now realising this is the case, the rebranding can at best be described as...unwise. Nevermind that the content is gone for the moment, the RPSI brand has been completely subsumed by focussing on the museum. Is this deliberate policy? Who designed it? Who signed off on the front page? Regarding the lack of content, why was this a rush job? How long did they have to set it up, if funding was such an issue?
  2. I've completed a set of TAR BITUMEN. large and small versions and the four numbers with the "not to be loose shunted" detail as well . Drop me a line for the order.
  3. Wow, good looking museum. I like the selection.
  4. Drop me a line lads, I have these available.....
  5. Check out Tom Ferris Irish Railways in Colour Book One. Page 93. It doesn't look to be gold, but yellow with black lining as it matches the yellow solebars, handrails and apron striping.
  6. Hi all, With this Oxford BT van being available, I've updated the P&T pack so that you can make this... I've also added in tiny diamonds so you can do the Renault 4 and upgraded the older P-T gold logo with shadowing and a VW logo so you can make the 60's P&T green van. For the 95% of us who weren't here for that one:
  7. I know that line well. Good call sir. Good call.
  8. DAMN man!! Those look seriously fine. Never thought anything so durty would look so desirable. (quiet you down the back).
  9. If these were chocolate they'd be Lindt 70% pure cocoa with orange and almond bits in it! Mmmmmm.
  10. Sweeeeeeet job Jason, they look very well!
  11. Why do I feel so nostalgic for an era that preceeds me by a good 15 years?? Gas.
  12. That water tank and shed doors is sooooo money. Well done.
  13. Sharp intake of breath there, very nice.
  14. "This loco for instance, the French A Class (!) - look at the detail, and look at the price on the next page. https://www.reynaulds.com/news/111.aspx" I'd expect my fancy to be very well tickled for $400 to be frank. I've no issue with Hornby, I think they've upped their game. Giving out about their starter set quality is too reductive an argument for my liking. I think teh bigger issue is the changing tastes of young fellahs who are more into Far Cry, Call of Duty and Halo Reach than getting the goo from a 1/72 kit or 1/76 model. Looking at their retooled A4s and class 33s and the price they are? No complaints.
  15. Just another day at St Munchin's by my reckoning.....
  16. Bachmans are pretty good.
  17. Very nice Kirley, very nice.
  18. Dowtcha boy! That should be your formal strapline. Can't wait for these puppies.
  19. Sigh! My first set
  20. Oh my gentle Chezus. That man is a genius. A genuine work of art, everything is so damn right on it.
  21. Oh that is delightful. very 70s
  22. Wow, flashback. Those milk containers were quite common even in the late 70s'. With the huge creamery in Mallow near the station (Rowntree Macintosh / Dairygold etc.) they were a constant presence on the road.
  23. Irish Shell Oil Wagon http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/carriages/602.html I'll have transfers for this one up over the weekend for those who want them!! Lovely lovely job done by the Whitehead boys. I'd have loved a chance to needlegun that puppy
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